Our Republican Party ...

Spear Road Guy's picture

I have been questioned by some and ripped by others about my "Vote Republican (except Westmoreland)" tag on my posts.

Some have quipped that I'm not a Republican because of the Westmoreland remarks. Some have said that my desire for Westmoreland to take action against the PSC plant (instead of trying to assist them as Westmoreland did) was anti-business and anti-Republican.

Others said I wasn't a conservative for not supporting Westmoreland.

For starters, US Rep. Lynn Westmoreland hasn't done a darn thing the entire time he's been in Congress, including advocating stronger ethics stanards.

In my view, my personal opinion, a bad Republican is no better than a bad Democrat. Who wants a majority if it means having to tolerate horrible elected officials?

Well for all those that stood up for Westmoreland's pro-business, pro-Republican stance on PSC, he just flip-flopped on you! Read this news story "Rep. Westmoreland changes his mind: ‘Close PSC plant’"
and weep.
Lynn stuck his finger into the air and felt the wind blowing in the other direction. See how easily Westmoreland's convictions can sway.

We need to get ourselves a more responsible Republican to represent us. In the mean time, we need to get rid of the dead wood.

Vote Republican (except Westmoreland)

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sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 8:10am.

Because it's the best time to pick out a turkey..

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 8:58am.

Now you are getting the hang of it - rock on dude(ette?)!!

They are all a bunch of power hungry egocentrists who tell you they will work for you but make us work for them!

I am no rocket scientist but when someone spends millions for a job that pays under 200k - something is wwwwwrrrrrroooonnnnngg !!!

Ask not what your country can do for you - ask why the 'public servants' are getting so damn rich!

If you are not getting at least 30mpg - you are funding the terrorists!

I before E except after C! (sometimes)!


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 8:17am.

Smiling Why didn't I think of that line. How appropriate.

Hey Sweet Pea. You seem to be in the know. Is Wayne Hannah going to be our next sheriff? Thanks in advance.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 8:24am.

If Randall retires and Wayne is well liked by all I think he has a chance. I don't know him personally so I don't know what kind of guy he is but I have heard several of you on here speak highly of him. We all know that Bruce screwed himself out of it so it's fair game.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:07am.

I heard that Bruce missed a mandatory meeting or training and has been warned that if he misses another he will be terminated. Supposedly he has not shown up for work. This rumor is from the inside and I cannot vouch for it's accuracy.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:38am.

If he can't have his big job title back he will stay out and pout.
I am glad that I listened to all of you on here about him. You were all right about the fact that he is all about himself and dont care about anyone else..

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:45am.

That I was not one of them that was going after the Sheriff's Department or Bruce. I didn't know enough about Bruce so I was holding out judgement. It is becoming pretty evident that Bruce is truly "all about himself" and that's a shame. Just shows it pays to be on the team rather than trying to be the team. As far as the Sheriff's Office goes I still back those guys 100% and am extremely grateful that we do not have a Victor Hill or some clown like him in office.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 10:02am.

I've been around him all my life and thought that he was a good decent family man with high morals. I would see him at Randalls house
for get togethers and I also saw him at the Barn a while back for Randall's re-election party. I didn't make it to the election party at long branch this time but from a close source I was told that he was very friendly and was happy about the election results. Now he has came back to bite the hand that fed him. That still blows my mind.

tortugaocho's picture
Submitted by tortugaocho on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 3:33pm.

Spear Guy I agree...The dilemma you encounter is unqualified people like Lynn Westmoreland who do not have the ability or the character to serve in The People's House. He will take any position that suits his buddies. Open the plant; close the plant--- he is just playing politics. He says don't waste Federal dollars on Katrina aid. Good. That's defensible. But how does he justify pumping tons of Federal cash into TDK ? That helps national security ? No, it helps Lynn and his buddies line their pockets. And with 535 members playing the same game ("everybody's pork project is bad but mine") its no wonder we are broke. Lynn gets a pension; he and his developer partners get a road; we federal taxpayers get the bill.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 1:20pm.

I'll not argue your positions on Lynn. What I'll mention is that if you and thousands of others, across Georgia and across the U.S. took your same position, what would be the net result....?

Perhaps good. Maybe a good kick in the pants is what we need. Going back to a Congress controlled by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid might make us realize whats at stake. Perhaps haveing one ore two liberal justics on the Supreme Court is a price you are willing to pay since we will no longer control the committees.

I mean, we sent George Bush 41 a message by voting for Perot. That didn't make a difference at all did it. Oh, and when Hillary is sworn in to office Jan 09, just thank all of those Ross Perot voters.

I feel your pain man, I really do. I hate that our Republicans went to the Cesspool called Washington and decided it wasn't a cesspool but a hot tub.

I hate that we have so many that will sell out to the special interests groups. BUT, and its a big BUT, we have other issues that we have to consider. Voting against a Republican means you are voting FOR a Democrat. This is a close election. We need everyone to be there or else maybe Barbara Streisand will be the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Oh, and I'm one of those evil trial lawyers who is mad as hell against the Republicans for their stupid tort reform arguments, but I still keep the faith. I still keep the faith.
BTW: are you dd?

Jeebarena's picture
Submitted by Jeebarena on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 12:25pm.

Dear Richard and other Conspiracy Theorists,

You sound like an intelligent man and you're willing to put you name on the line, so I plan to be as civil as possible.

You've made several assumption connected to the Westmoreland vs. McGraw race.

The first assumption is that the Democrats will win the U.S. House. There is a lot of evidence to support that conclusion, but there is no guarantee. Would it not be more Republican faithful to conclude that you will keep the U.S. House?

Secondly, you assume that a Democrat House means Nancy Pelosi will be elected speaker. Where she is certainly the most likely candidate, there's no guarantee. Also, Mike McGraw has publicly said he won't vote for her.

Thirdly, you assume that a Democratic U.S. House means Liberal Justices. It must have slipped your mind that the President appoints the Justice Candidates. Can you imagine, President Bush appointing a Liberal Justice Candidate?

Fourthly, you assume Hilary Clinton will run for President, when she hasn't announced... Then you assume she will win the nomination... Then you assume she will win the General Election. There is simply no guarantee. What about the Republican Candidate? Where's the faith?

Finally, your overall all assumption is that all of these things will come to pass, because a few Republicans in Fayette County Voted for Mike McGraw, which lead to Lynn Westmoreland leaving Congress.

I agree that this is a close race, but there's no poll to confirm that conclusion.

If you have so much Faith in the Republican Party, then why do you think all of these things will come to pass?

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 2:46pm.

I see the word "faith" used so much since the "conservatives" have been in power, that I just about forgot what it means. Apparently, now it has been cheapened to describe one's wish for a political party to win an election. This is one of the reasons why religion and politics must be kept seperate. Faith does mean a belief, or confidence in something, but a much better set of words could be used for the nasty politics of elections, such as: hope, desire, want, greed, win, or even reward. But don't say you are a person of faith and also say you have faith in politics. To "know" something for sure, also better describes faith, and you sure can't know anything for sure about politics! One's personal desire also should not be mixed up with religion.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 2:54pm.

Maybe we can keep Harold Ford, Jr from making commercials in church pews, or Al Gore from doing his Baptist preacher stihk!

Maybe Howard Dean will not say his is the party that Jesus would like because they care about the poor. I could go on, but my stomach is upset enough. Which party is for unlimited abortion?

I agree keep religion out of politics.

Jeebarena's picture
Submitted by Jeebarena on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 3:42pm.

I agree Religion and Politics should be separate.

Sonny Purdue should never preach a sermon again.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 3:08pm.

Opinions ok, no laws though!
Why do you mix religion and politics here if you agree to leave it out? Fascinating. You can't help yourself.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 3:35pm.

It's refreshing to communicate to a named person. I believe it adds to civility. I'm Kevin King, and I find your argument to vote straight ticket to preserve power in a particular party interesting and tragic at the same time. I am a registered democrat who has voted, very recently, for republicans, democrats, and a rare independent. The reason? I vote for who I believe the best person is for the job. I grew up in North Carolina in the 70's and 80's. As a black man, I was not about to vote for Jesse Helms as he pitted race against race very opennly. I could not cast a vote for separatist Strom Thurmon, his supporter Trent Lott, George "maccaca" Allen, or anyone with their underlying views toward people based on race or religion, irrespective of the person's character. Following your "party before person" philosophy, the Republican Campaign Committee encouraged Mr. Foley to seek not only reelection, but a senate seat; after knowing full well he had questionable behavior. Voting straight (R) would force you by definition to vote for Bob Ney, even as he likely is headed to prison. You would cast a vote in Pennsylvania for a man who cheated on his wife, but claims he never choked his girlfriend. You would vote for, literally, the most "do nothingest" legislator in the country, Mr. 3 Commandments. And how is your country better for this? I will not vote for people who claim Christ and espouse torturing humans who may or may not be guilty of crimes and/or terrorism. I will not vote for someone who is, supposedly, a representative of "the people," but who puts business before the people. I will not dare criticise a potential Speaker Pelosi when current Speaker Hasstert has to go before the ethics committee claiming that John Boenner and every other Republican who testified they informed him of Foley are liars. I'm not sure what principles voting (R) regardless upholds, but I must say I do not share them with you. If there is to be one opinion in the House, Senate, and Executive, there is no need for taxpayers to pay over 500 ditto heads. Just pick your one, and make them ruler-in-chief.



Submitted by Jones on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 3:34pm.

Richard said it best: "Maybe a good kick in the pants is what we need." Unfortunately, our Republicans on the Hill got too comfortable rubbing elbows with big business interests and forgot about Mr. and Mrs. Citizen.

I agree with Spear Guy, what's the difference between a corrupted Republican and a Democrat? For at least a term you boot Westmoreland and gain a conservative Democrat who is on notice that the next election does not look too bright if he screws up.

The Republican majority didn't have to work for it in the past years and they lost their edge. A little setback can go a long way toward getting our priorities back in order.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 4:28pm.

A Conserative Democrat, that is. It's hard enough to find a Conserative Republican.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 1:14pm.

It takes real guts and integrity to take the stand you are making. I say this because I know how active you are in Republican politics. No doubt you are catching flack from every which direction. As a Conservative and a former Republican I can only say that I feel your pain man.

With that said nobody should misinterpret me..... the Democrat party is NOT an option for the Lion. I choose not to lower myself to that extreme. Guess I'll continue to wonder around in the desert for 40 years or so without ever seeing the promised land.

Submitted by swmbo on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 10:25pm.

Richard just confessed to being a (shudder) trial lawyer. I thought you were monitoring these blogs for trial lawyer trolls.

Just teasin' ya! Sticking out tongue

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 7:58am.

Even a creature of the night needs a catnap once in a while. I mean a Lion sleep...oh whatever.

Go easy on Richard. He's going through a crisis as he realizes that most of the Republican hacks he supported in the past and who wear Ronald Reagan on their sleeves like Westmoreland wears Christians are a bunch of phonies. I truly feel for him like many I know who went through the same scenario long before Richard came on the scene.

SWMBO, He might be a trial lawyer but at least he's our trial lawyer. Maybe he's for tort reform. How about you. Eye-wink

Submitted by swmbo on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:46pm.

Git Real, that picture cracks me up! I hear ya' about Richard. I know it isn't easy to see something you believed in become something completely different. I'll try to be nicer to him.

As for your question about tort reform, I honestly don't know how I feel about that. It's not a make-or-break issue for me. One thing I don't believe is that doctors are going out of business because of law suits. The insurance industry is raising the cost of malpractice insurance premiums, not lawyers. No amount of tort reform will make the for-profit, insurance industry lower what they charge doctors. So, that argument does not persuade me.

Like most people, I heard about the $3mil. dollar McDonald's law suit and thought it was outrageous. At the same time, if someone caused an injury to me or my family, I would want the means to punish them or I would want them to make it right. Some things are easier to "make right" than some other things are.

If the injury is the result of a criminal act, I can ask the DA to prosecute that person, put them in jail and maybe pay some type of restitution. But if the injury is caused by a careless doctor or a trucking company whose driver has been forced to drive with too little sleep or a company that dumps toxic gasses into the air, there is no one to put in jail.

So, how does that doctor or company make it right? Their incentive is to define the injury as narrowly as possible so as to spend as little as possible to make it right. If the injury is a broken bone, they may want to limit the payment for that injury to the hospital bills and the surgery costs. If they're decent and honest, they'll include the physical therapy costs. But, what if the broken bone is to my leg and I am a professional athlete? What if the broken leg means that I will never play professionally again? On some level, there is no amount of money that will return my athletic career to me. At the same time, if I was not the cause of my own injury, why should I be left to "suck it up"?

Worse yet, if the injury is the product of someone knowingly doing something that risks my health (like selling a car that they know will explode in a rear-end collision or a doctor showing up to surgery after a 3-martini lunch or telling me that the air in my neighborhood is safe when a company knows they have released a toxic gas), should that person or company be safe in the business decision to take the limited risk of only having to pay for my actual injury and not some amount of money that actually punishes them for recklessly endangering my life, my income and my comfort? The bottom line is this: If not money, and jail is out of the question, how does one appropriately punish intentional recklessness by doctors and corporations?

It's a hard call.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 10:08pm.

Good Points.

Let's get back to Justice Hunstein for a moment. Bear in mind I'm not trying to be ugly here. We never finished our previous discussion but one thing stands out that you said. Regarding Hunsteins support and leadership in deciding in favor of providing benefits to gay partners you hit me with something like "you're dragging up something that took place 9 years ago", or something like that.

After seeing what happened in the New Jersey Supreme Court yesterday I have become worried about Judge Hunstein's judicial activism. If I understand the situation properly the NJ Supremes mandated that laws be created to provide benefits to domestic partners. This scares me that the four deciding judges that were appointed by the former New Jersey Governor who likes to pick up men at rest stops all voted to force the NJ legislature to provide these benefits.

Past history has shown that our Judge Hunstein has done the same thing albeit 9 years ago. How can I trust her to not pull the same stunt here in Georgia based on her leadership in this regard 9 years ago?

Thanks for the compliments on my cat....I mean my Lion. I brought him back because of several requests. He is a handsome devil isn't he?

G35 Dude's picture
Submitted by G35 Dude on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 1:53pm.

I hear what you're saying Lion. Maybe it's time for a viable third party ?

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 2:17pm.

It's only a viable third party if you make it viable - got to vote that way. Kind of a catch 22 huh?

John Munford's picture
Submitted by John Munford on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 2:45pm.

... You need to throw one heck of a party to get people interested.

I also **detest** the two-party system, but at least playing one against the other makes it easier to get at the truth, or at least a partial sample/representation thereof.

Too much time has been spent attempting to legislate social issues both at the federal and state level. How is my life improved by:

A) Banning gay marriage
B) Forcing women to see an image of the unborn fetus before an abortion.
C) Regulating divorce in an effort to "keep the family together" when in reality the best thing for all involved is for mom and dad and their volatile tempers to be kept apart.

How about reducing the burden on us middle-class folks? How about we start taking care of our own taxpayers? How about a proper education for at-risk young folk so they can take advantage of latent talents instead of figuring out how to rob us blind?

Is that too much to ask?

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 6:37pm.

Countries like Italy have numerous parties. Their leadership is voted on by a coalition of party members. Sometimes, strange alliances formulate that create interesting elections.

Although Americans generally choose between a "D" or an "R", there really is 5 American Political Parties, with many numerous "sub" parties.

The Republicans are really two. There are the Reagan Republicans. We think of ourselves as, and call ourselves Conservatives. Barry Goldwater was our first true leader.

The Republicans have another party, called the moderates. Often of Northeastern high brow liberals such as Lincoln Chafee and Rudy Gulianni. They will tilt in which ever direction their wind is blowing.

The Democrats are two parties as well. They have the conservative Dems which often are mores conservative than many moderate republicans. They are old dirty dog democrats that have gotten tired of the left wing of their party.

The Democrats also have the left wing wackos. That consists of the unions, gay organizers, abortionists, affirmative actionists, anti-american left.

And finally, you have the true Moderates who only vote when someone they know makes them, or when the commericials remind them to vote, or every fourth year, when its for President. They lift their finger to the wind and decide from the gut which way to go. They don't know the differences in the parties, and just vote for the one that looks the best, or has the best commericals. They are the lowest common denominator, and both sides cater to them.

So John, you are wrong, we have five major parties, (I'm not even gonna comment on the libertarians) and through the ebb and flow of who is in power etc, seperate coalitions are formed which put one side into power over another.

I'm not voting for a candidate as much as I'm voting for the conservative agenda. As long as my congressman isn't a murderer, aka Ted Kennedy, or a child molester, aka Clinton or Stubbs, then I'll support him or her. Even if I have to hold my nose, because I know, the left wing wackos will reck havoc should their "coalition" gain power.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 6:59pm.

You did say you were a lawyer, didn't you? Wow. Do you bring this type of slant to the court room or are you not a tort kind of guy?
You claim the Republican party consists of:

Reagan Republicans and Moderates
Democrats consist of Conservative dems and left wing wackos.

What poly Sci have you taken Dick?

What happened to Neo conservatives who seek the spread of democracy through great big government and huge military expenditures?
And where does the religious right fit in? You know, Roberts, Fallwell, and Dobson republicans? Why omit them? That error is beneath you, Dick.
And I must refer you to the links in the "Iraq War" Letter to the Editor today. Trey Hoffman was just arguing that democrats don't have their patriotism attacked, and low and behold I see the "anti-American left" right there in your post. HMMMMMM.....
Why are labor unions part of the "left wing wackos?" Think back to the textile workers who were being worked to death and undercompensated. Think of who brought the "un-American" concept of maternity leave and sick leave to our GREAT NATION. And think of a coal and mineral miner's perspective on labor unions, as his company cuts corners and doesn't maintain safety equipment properly.
And affirmative action is "left wing wacko?" Does that include "legacy scholarships" which gave people at the "highest level" of our govt Yale entrance? You can do better than these arguments, Dick


Kevin Hack King

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 1:36pm.

Is there anyone who doesn't agree with this:

Every human being deserves a say in the decisions that affect their lives and not be subject to the will of another. Therefore, we will work to increase public participation at every level of government and to ensure that our public representatives are fully accountable to the people who elect them. We will also work to create new types of political organizations which expand the process of participatory democracy by directly including citizens in the decision-making process.

Do you know what it is??


valleygirl's picture
Submitted by valleygirl on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 3:21pm.

of the Green Party. Apparently formed in 2000. I'm reading from thier web to learn more. Smiling

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 3:56pm.

Well done! Dudette - you are refreshingly right Smiling I am embarrassed that such great idealism is being represented by such whack jobs out there but - hey - I am a bit of a nut case myself I suppose. I have another for the 'third party' watchers: (This is where it gets tricky Eye-wink)

"All persons should have the rights and opportunity to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment. We must consciously confront in ourselves, our organizations, and society at large, barriers such as racism and class oppression, sexism and homophobia, ageism and disability, which act to deny fair treatment and equal justice under the law."

Does this tread carefully by, or perilously close to, socialism? I ask you!

Do you disagree? If so with what part?

Are you seeing similarities between Republicrats and Democans yet?

Got to go be at one with nature. have a GREAT day!


valleygirl's picture
Submitted by valleygirl on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 10:02pm.

That would be the quote from the 2nd listed group of key values.
The green party is a version of socialism. In fact if you go to wikipedia encyclopedia on line and ask for a definition of socialism it lists the Green party as an example of a socialist political party! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I was by distracted by responsibility and had to pick my daughter up from school. Then when I came back on there were so many other things to comment on.
This party is most likely not main stream enough to succeed in our country. We are capitalists after all and I doubt a party that doesn't promote capitalism will be taken seriously.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 2:56pm.

Anytime an organization while framing their goal statement uses the words "work to" do anything, it means nothing. How much work, any results ok? It is a political ploy if you don't say you like it as it is, or, we will change it to:

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 7:50pm.

The point of my comments was to generally clarify that within our party structures, exists many diverse views, such as I mentioned. I only mentioned the top five, but I would agree that there are dozens of sub groups.

The one group I failed to mention are those that vote their race or color, who still believe that they are owed something because of something that happened 150 years ago. They are the victimization party and blame all of their failures on their heritage and therefore they have a built-in excuse for not suceeding. So they blame those of us who may reflect light differently. They blame us, whose parents did not go to Yale, or Harvard, or who had to work their way through school on their own with no real help from others. They still blame others merely because their own stereotypical prejudices and lack of self esteem.

And do you know what their first defense is, after of course they call you a racist, its to distort their opponents name in such a manner as to show indifference, disrespect and a general arrogance which is common among their kind of Democratic voter.

So, if you want to take this debate down a level, then you have already succeeded. Go on back over to Clayton county where the Crime rate is skyrocketing. They Vote Democratic/Black slate right down the line. You'd feel real safe living their, since there aren't any racist Yale graduates who would have their car washed over there.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 11:52pm.

I do believe I understand your vote a bit more clearly now.
You used "Left wing wacko," "moderates," and "America haters" to, as you said, "clarify" the diverse views in the democratic party. Exactly what type of "clarity" is that RICHARD? And why are you tough conservatives so easily bruised by shorthand like, Dick, and real names? Wow. Far be it from me to try and address the white guy black guy car wash analogies. Similar to Rush Limbaugh, you are making the important points for me. Thanks for having my back.


Kevin Hack King

Submitted by swmbo on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 10:42pm.

You are right; there are people who vote their race or color. But, let's be fair about that. When Harvey Gantt (a black man) ran against Jesse Helms (a white man) in North Carolina, I recall a white man on the national evening news saying, "I've never voted for one of those before and I don't believe I'll vote for one now." There wasn't any question about the race of "those" for whom he did not intend to vote.

I understand the intent of your response but, if you're going to talk about people voting their race or color, you should be logically consistent. That happens among voters of all races and all colors -- in Clayton and, I'd wager, in Fayette County, too. It is what it is.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 8:13pm.

This "party" stuff, in my opinion, is dead. Once elected, there seems to be little difference in the outcome. As to the voters, only 50%, or so, vote anyway--much less if you count unregistered, underage, felons, and prisoners. Many of those mentioned by you fall into the above categories that I mentioned. Democracy is a farce in the USA. What we have is a populace who let those who like politics elect some dude to go to the capitol and pretend to represent everyone. Tney do not, they represent those who elected them. Instead of parties what we now have are those for and against the following: free capitalism, certain religious thoughts, taxes (how spent--not how much), isolationism or not, world influence (oil, for instance), personal gain, and power, for the sick ones.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 8:32pm.

I'm very, very sympathetic to your frustration. I've done it for years, but then I realized, I can either bitch and complain about the system or I can take some role in making it better. I work to help get good Republicans elected, and I work to defeat the vote of ignorant voters as well.

Your ambivilence is understandable, but you can either sit there in your chair and whine about how awful things are and then criticize the system, or you can get up and get involved and know that we all fall short of the glory of Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan, but we still have to keep up the fight.

Quitting is not an option. Even when it seems like we have no other choice.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 4:30pm.

But your points are not going to be popular here.

Submitted by lawaboveall on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 3:11pm.


The question is how would society, in general, be impacted by these issues. Gay marriage is a non issue because it is an oxymoron. Civil Unions between consenting adults works, and let it go at that.

You obviously have a problem with having women (and their partners) see their children before they make a decision about what to do with a life. I don't, because they should be shown the consequences of an irresponsible action if they are not prepared to bring that child into the world. Nobody said they have to keep it. Just don't throw it away like a bag of trash.

Divorce is regulated (both by law and conscience), because a civil society cannot survive without order, and that includes order in the family unit whenever achievable. You are right in that it is not always in everyone's interest for spouses to stay together. But without some process, the likelihood of capricious exercise of divorce on a whim would become a plague on our society. Again, people should have time to evaluate the consequences of their actions in the light of its impact on others.

You and I agree on tax burden on the middle class and proper education of our children. We probably differ on who is ultimately responsible for accomplishing these tasks. I do not think that the government should be the answer to all of these issues. If that were the case, forget the tax break.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 3:47pm.

Just to frame the "abortion" discussion honestly. All abortions are not generated by the "irresponsible" behavior of women and their partners. Unfortunately there exist among us thousands of sexual predators. The excellent PTCPD is aprehending their share, but many find their way to victims. Even today, young girls give birth to their brothers and sisters and cousins through incest. These are unfortunate truths. I believe the majority of Americans are not prepared to force these women to bare the children of sexual predators. Just a thought....

Hack King

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 1:43pm.

You are a smart guy - and you seem like a nice guy - help me understand - seriously - why abortion is a political issue. (Not how you feel about it - just why it is in the realm of politics).

I realize it will be your 'opinion' but I truly do not understand how it falls in to the catagory of 'politics'.

Maybe I just read the dictionary too much!


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 2:49pm.

"Smart" is in the eyes and ears of the beholder/listener. My wife would argue with you and my kids would tell you you're wrong.
Abortion is a nuclear issue that people see as black and white. I am a church goer and many people feel that because of their faith, all life is sacred and cannot be altered or taken at the hands of men. Of course, the death penalty takes lives. War takes lives. So the distinction is made between "innocent" and "non-innocent" life. One problem with this is man sits in judgement of guilt and innocence. Just as we are at times wrong on WMD, we are also wrong on guilt and innocence. MAny, many, many a man has been cleared by DNA evidence of crimes they were convicted of "beyond reasonable doubt" by fallible humans.
It is an easy wedge issue if you want to stir the emotions and convictions of those who see it as murder. You will recall that Tony Snow, White House Press Sec. even equated Nancy Reagan's views as to espousing "murder." The White House later backed away from this, but many feel this in their hearts. It is, for them, a moral issue like the "gay" issue.
I encourage you to listen to people who actually have something at stake in the fight. VP Cheney supports his daughter, who is gay, because he lives with the issue. It isn't politics. But he closes his eyes as the issue is batted around politically. People who are the victims of rape and incest actually have a stake in this argument. But it gets people to the poles. Realize that with 12 years of a republican congress and 6 years of a republican presidency, abortion law has not changed. this is no coincidence.
I'll end with a hypothetical: Say you have two 18 year old daughters in college who have fake IDs and drink regularly. If they get drunk at a frat house, wake up naked, and three weeks later miss a cycle, what do you think is going to happen? Just a hypothetical to ponder......


mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 3:47pm.

You are a very articulate and intelligent man; however, the closest you came to helping me understand "HOW" and WHY "it" is a political issue was whenever you said: "It is, for them, a moral issue like the "gay" issue." I was expecting you to follow that with a nexus that brought the epiphany (wow - what a pun)I so desire!

Is there anyone who can sincerely help me ( Yes AF-10 you can have another stab at it - no gory inference intended) to understand how we ever got to the point where "... a moral issue ..." has become a political issue??? Please recall that the TWO major parties, the Republicrats and the Democans, say the stand for less government and more personal freedoms.

Maybe just getting me past 'that' will help me to clear the other intellectual quagmire that precludes my understanding of where we lost our liberty at the expense of legislating morality.

This is hurting my head - I'll be back in a bit - I need a break Evil


sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 3:57pm.

It is political because the politicians use it as leverage to get votes! Flat up!

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 4:08pm.

"My friends,
I had not intended to discuss this controversial subject at this particular time. However, I want you to know that I do not shun controversy. On the contrary, I will take a stand on any issue at any time, regardless of how fraught with controversy it might be. You have asked me how I feel about whiskey. All right, here is how I feel about whiskey.

If when you say whiskey you mean the devil's brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster, that defiles innocence, dethrones reason, destroys the home, creates misery and poverty, yea, literally takes the bread from the mouths of little children; if you mean the evil drink that topples the Christian man and woman from the pinnacle of righteous, gracious living into the bottomless pit of degradation, and despair, and shame and helplessness, and hopelessness, then certainly I am against it.

But, if when you say whiskey you mean the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that puts a song in their hearts and laughter on their lips, and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes; if you mean Christmas cheer; if you mean the stimulating drink that puts the spring in the old gentleman's step on a frosty, crispy morning; if you mean the drink which enables a man to magnify his joy, and his happiness, and to forget, if only for a little while, life's great tragedies, and heartaches, and sorrows; if you mean that drink, the sale of which pours into our treasuries untold millions of dollars, which are used to provide tender care for our little crippled children, our blind, our deaf, our dumb, our pitiful aged and infirm; to build highways and hospitals and schools, then certainly I am for it.

This is my stand. I will not retreat from it. I will not compromise.

-Then-Representative Noah S. "Soggy" Sweat, Jr., delivered before the Mississippi House of Representatives in 1952 during a debate regarding the legalization of alcohol.

I have two questions for you deep thinkers:

1) What is the difference in politics and morality?
2) Is it possible for politics to take the place of religion?

Oh, I have a third one too - how do you start a damm blog of your own on here???

I hope you all enjoy me stirring the pot (no pun - well maybe a pun) on religion and politics - this will be the only time I do Eye-wink

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 6:30pm.

I've learned the two are not very compatible. I've also learned the hard lesson that you cannot legislate morality. You must change the person's heart.

Main CPU Unit.... Click on your own monicker. You will see how long you have been a member. Secondly click on the link above where it says "View My Recent Blogs". The next screen will have a link to "Post New Blog Entry". There it is. You can go back at any time and edit your blog or delete it.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:31pm.

You're a good man - I don't care what "ragg 2tight around the head" says about you! Man that was ugly - forgive me big dude in the sky!

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:46pm.

You don't want to see it when it get U.G.L.Y.!

His fur gets all pointed straight out and his claws scratch on the keys when he types.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:51pm.

Dude - there is some hostility on here.

I am here to change all of that! I am going to be the pot stirring sunshine factory kind of thingy dude.

Never mind - I am just here to make people smile a little and maybe think some and challenge what they think they know and believe!


bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 10:00pm.

If you got facts, post em.

Most of the folks here are willing to learn a thing or two.

The "he said, she said" stuff doesn't cut it.

Me, sometimes I'm a little hard headed but I eventually try and come around.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 8:32am.

Every blog is unique. I watched here for a few days before posting.

I also went back a read a lot of old blogs. Honestly - this blog could use a little levity - I think it's because there is mostly politics discussed on here.

Some people are just down right looking for a fight - CPU rage! Wow - that's a little scary - I enjoy starting a discussion a lot more than participating in it. I like to 'mind watch' it's like people watching from the inside Eye-wink

I will abide by the terms you have set forth and try not to annoy anyone. I am even working on my slang and my 'dude', dude.

Oh, as a hardware guy, I think of a mouse as an anolog to digital interface Eye-wink

Thanks again for the informal rules!


bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 10:05pm.

I forgot to add that it's obvious that you have some type of computer background.

You actually used the underscore rather than the dash.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 10:11pm.

I believe you guys could talk shop all night.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 10:26pm.

My sister is a mainframer.

I've learned how to put up with em.

If it's not green screen, they're lost.

To a mainframer a mouse is still something that runs along the floor.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 10:35pm.

So....which one's smarter? Networkers or Mainframers?

Hey guys...watch this. Now I'll stand back and watch the fur fly. Evil

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 11:02pm.

One is manframe code, the other is network code.

Does any of it look like english?

Now you know why I can't type.

Now, tell me where the error is.

2000 CLASS=2;
6000 %******************************************************
10000 %******************************************************
11000 AGAIN:
20000 ADA
21000 ?
26000 BYE
27000 ? % REQUIRED
28000 IF T1(VALUE) = 99 THEN
29000 BEGIN
30000 WAIT(300);
31000 GO AGAIN;
32000 END;
38200 % "","'FSS-19'/'F$$19FTP'",
38300 % "WFL/ADA/ALL/VAF",1200,
50000 END JOB
#LINE 1000 OFLO:" CLASS=2;


var thisPage = "calendar.html";
var formName = "formPicker";
var field_name = "begin_date";

monthsNames = Array( "", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" );

var tempString = location.search.substring( 1 );
if ( tempString.indexOf( "&" ) != -1 ) {
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var temp2 = temp1[ 1 ];
var strData = temp2.split( "," );
} else {
var strField = tempString;
var strData = tempString.split( "," );

var strMonth = parseInt( strData[ 0 ], 10 );
var strYear = parseInt( strData[ 1 ], 10 );

var dateObject = new Date();
var thisMonth = dateObject.getMonth();
var thisYear = dateObject.getFullYear();
var curMonth = dateObject.getMonth();
var curDay = dateObject.getDate();
var curYear = dateObject.getFullYear();

if (( strMonth > 0 ) || ( strYear > 0 )) {
curMonth = strMonth;
curYear = strYear;

var today = new Date( curYear, curMonth, 1 );
var today = today.getDay();

function daysPerMonth( month, year ) {
days = 31;
if (( month == 4 )||( month == 6 )||( month == 9 )||( month == 11 )) {
days = 30;
} else if ( month == 2 ) {
if (((( year % 100 ) == 0 ) && (( year % 400 ) == 0 )) || ((( year % 100 )!=0 ) && (( year % 4 ) == 0 ))) {
days = 29;
} else {
days = 28;
return days;

function monthBack( month, year ) {
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location.href = thisPage + "?" + strField + "&" + 11 + "," + ( year - 1 );
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location.href = thisPage + "?" + strField + "&" + ( month - 1 ) + "," + year;

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if ( month == 11 ) {
location.href = thisPage + "?" + strField + "&" + "0" + "," + ( year + 1 );
} else {
location.href = thisPage + "?" + strField + "&" + ( month + 1 ) + "," + year;

function yearBack( month, year ) {
location.href = thisPage + "?" + strField + "&" + ( month ) + "," + ( year - 1 );

function yearForward( month, year ) {
location.href = thisPage + "?" + strField + "&" + ( month ) + "," + ( year + 1 );

function getYear( year ) {
retval = new String( year );
return retval;

function getMonth( month ) {
retval = new String( month );
if ( retval ";
cssStyle = cssStyle + "A:link { COLOR:#101010;TEXT-DECORATION:none; }";
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cssStyle = cssStyle + "\r\n";
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function createDaysTable() {
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daysTable = daysTable + "\r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
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daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " " + monthsNames[ curMonth + 1 ] + "\r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
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daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " S \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " M \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " T \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " W \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " T \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " F \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " S \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";

var dayCounter = 1;

for ( x=0; x\r\n";

for ( x=today; x";

daysTable = daysTable + " " + selected + "" + dayCounter + "\r\n";
dayCounter = dayCounter + 1;

for ( y=1; y\r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";

for ( z=0; z= daysPerMonth( curMonth + 1, curYear )) {
var z=7;
var y=5;

if (( dayCounter == curDay ) && ( curMonth == thisMonth ) && ( thisYear == curYear )) {
selected = "";

daysTable = daysTable + " " + selected + "" + dayCounter + "\r\n";
dayCounter = dayCounter + 1;
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
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daysTable = daysTable + " " + curYear + "\r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " >
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daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + " \r\n";
daysTable = daysTable + "\r\n";
return daysTable;

var htmlBody = "";
htmlBody = htmlBody + "Select Date\r\n";
htmlBody = htmlBody + "\r\n";
htmlBody = htmlBody + "\r\n";
htmlBody = htmlBody + createCSS();
htmlBody = htmlBody + createDaysTable();
document.write( htmlBody );


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 7:19am.

Bad PTC, best I can tell that was your mistake. Hope that helps. Shweew. Good thing my wife kicked me out last night for the the "Good Housekeeping" article. I had to stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Now for Mainframe's answer. Cool

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 8:20am.

Dude - I am a HARDWARE guy and do not do 'code' (other than a little HTML and JAVA).

I first went to school for hardware repair (boards, circuits, like IC's, cpus, bridge circuits, power supplies, capacitors, transformers, resistors, you know - trouble shooting down to a diode. Eye-wink

Our scripts for testing routers, daisy chains, hubs and the like are already written.

On the other hand, I do bench level service on mother boards and CPUs and work on test equipment (oscilloscopes, VTVM's, etc.) as well Eye-wink

Micro repair and component level board fixes is my forte Eye-wink Got a schematic you want read? I'm your huckleberry!


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 8:36am.

I take it you and Bad won't be swapping code in dimly lit bars? Smiling

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 10:01am.

Just tell em what's broken and stay out of their way.

Never ask them “what’s wrong”, unless you’re willing to learn another language.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 11:06am.

When my hardware guys comes into my office and proceeds to tell me what all is going wrong and what we need to do to fix it I start getting dizzy, my eyes cross and glaze over, and it's all I can do to say: JUST SHUT UP AND FIX IT!

Man I love my hardware and software guys. They're like wives. They're great to have around but after a while you've got to tune them out to maintain your sanity.

Well....I guess I should stop there. Reckon I did stuff my foot in my mouth that time. Laughing out loud

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 6:54pm.

You were kind to help this person. It is not very user friendly.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 3:04pm.

For politicians to try to make laws about abortion comes from the olden days when religion ran governments, many, many years ago, almost before civilization. It still happens in the Muslim world.
This is an individual thing to do or not do. Opinions are ok, but laws are meaningless and only drive things that are personal (not hurting anyone else) underground and make safe medicine impossible for the poor.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 2:38pm.

you too know where I'm coming from. Except kind of opposite ends there wouldn't you say. Oh well...holler atcha later.

On second thought the Libertarians are looking better all the time. Except for the legalization of drugs thing. I guess they're trying to appeal to both us. LOL.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 3:22pm.

... there are actually alot of issues that I agree with the Libertarians on. other than a few environmental issues I could see myself voting for the Libertarians - I have voted democrat more than once.

I really fail to see much of a difference though between Republicrats and Democans. Other than a few social issues (which I don't think are the governments business anyway) what are the differences?

John, dude, it's all about triangulation. Whether you are talking about location or politics. A two party sytem will not lead to the truth, it will lead to a cartel.

A republic will not thrive as a two party system. Competition is a good thing - when and if the playing field is equal. Remember this is not a one man one vote democracy. This is a representative form of government. More ideas to pick from are a good thing - not a bad one.

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