I remember when ...

masked08's picture

Let's be friendly and positive here please ...

I remember when Mr. Jamie Lynch handed out lollipops at the Farmer's and Merchants Bank on West Lanier. I also remember him laughing every year at Christmas time when the treasure chest closed on my hand as I was reaching for a Santa ring.

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Submitted by slambarge on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 6:58am.

Peachtree city was a good and decent place to live... it is still up here in my memory- but not in reality any longer. shame.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 3:32am.

I remember walking the family dog along the golf cart path at the crack of dawn on a very cold Christmas morning. It was unnaturally quiet, not a single car on the nearby roads since it was Christmas. I was impatient for man's best friend to do his bidness, but he suddenly bolted into a nearby thicket.

Oh great.

I ran after him, cursing and...

was almost knocked over as the biggest buck I have ever seen in my life exploded from the underbrush, my dog in hot pursuit. That guy had a minimum 10 point rack and he was obviously spooked...I don't know who was more surprised, him or me.

I remember the points on that deer's rack looked like a lethal weapon and that buck was coming right at me. For a second I thought he was going to try to trample me but at the last moment he veered and ran up to the road.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 10:33pm.

Does anyone remember seeing the albino buck standing in the field that is now the north PTC parkway Korger/Target shopping center.

Submitted by Hardtack on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 7:08am.

Hey, I remember, or did I dream, that I saw chief McIntosh standing on the cart bridge near the bank before we stole this place from him. He had the albino buck on his back with an arrow through its neck! There were also several Indian camps on the golf course at Flat Creek club, near the water and old mill. They lived primarily on deer meat and fish and corn (liquor). Daniel Boone came through here once and suggested that we destroy the Indians before they destroyed us. We listened to him.

Submitted by Cranky Princess on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 8:19am.

Based on your constant need to mock every topic here I am beginning to feel pity for you. MaskO8 requested that the topic remain positive and only two of you felt the need to post otherwise. I am the third. Your post is as always, demeaning. I am sure even the Chief would not appreciate your support of the earliest residents of PTC.

If you are so unhappy in Fayette County, why don't you leave? I am sure there are many other places for you to "live". Clayton County is not too far away. The taxes are lower and the housing is less costly.

Are you this negative about everything in your life? If so , I hope you don't have children since children learn by example.

May God bless you and keep you in his heart. I will pray for your salvation.

Submitted by Hardtack on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 10:58am.

Thanks for the prayer, but I don't know how high it will get. Positive, positive, positive! There are two sides to everything. If we don't tell foggy people about them, they get took! This kind of attitude is why so many people never get anywhere. They don't like reality and therefore, are unprepared to deal with it. I have three savvy children, thank you.

Submitted by MWF on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 10:21pm.

I remember years ago seeing a buck with a huge rack standing at the edge of the woods where the Westpark Shopping Center now stands; hard to believe, isn't it? There was a vacant, grassy field on the corner and he was at the back side near the trees just standing there...

Submitted by Hardtack on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 7:00am.

I can't remember that far back. All that was there when I came was a partial shell of a bankrupt fitness center, that the bank eventually tore down. It wasn't "fitness" time as it is now, a fad.

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 7:38pm.

I can remember when Mayor Herb Frady always feuded with the Fayetteville folks. Frady was furious over the "huge" amount of traffic we had on Highway 54 (which was downtown back then). We would die to have that little traffic again. Frady was a nut.

I also remember a bunch of people complained that the golf cart bridge over Highway 54 was a waste of money. Short-sightedness has always been a problem.

Vote Republican

masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 3:29pm.

I remember getting lost on the cart paths when I was a kid with my Dad and running up on Peachtree City Elem. We thought it was a YDC or the like. We had never seen a school like that before. Anyone ever find the stash of muscadines that grow on the cart path down by the boat ramp? They are probably 1/2 mile west of the ramp on the right hand side. You can't miss them if you know what they smell like.

masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 2:56pm.

Flying a kite off the bank of the field where the Amphitheater now sits sooo high that my Dad had to go to the store to buy more string. When it came time to go home, we debated just cutting it loose instead of pulling it back it. I recall it taking nearly 2 hours to real it back in.

Submitted by ptcjenn on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 3:13pm.

We picked blackberries and ate them till we were almost sick in the woods that are now the subdivisions behind Huddleston Elementary.

I also remember wondering if, during heavy storms, any deer or other wildlife ever hid in the bike path tunnels under the parkway Smiling

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