Did anyone else see the FOX 5 NEWS report this evening? Fayette Co. Sheriff's Investigator Lt. Col. Bruce Jordan was the subject of a Channel 5 I-Team investigation.


uh oh


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THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 10:51am.

A need to reread...
Well, Well, Well...
By bommie

Nixon And Jordan Share The Same Attitude
By thebiggun

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 10:09pm.

Worth The Time To Read Below

Submitted by boomie on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 12:37pm.

First of all, lets not condemn all the deputies at fayette county. These young men and women have always taken pride in protecting fayette county from the problems others face. Never have I ever seen a more determined group to catch the bad guys.
As for Bruce....I can say I speak from first hand knowledge. I was there for a very long time. Iwatched him destroy officers reputations, demote them on a whim, verbally abuse them whenever someone disagreed with him. Ive seen complaint after complaint come thru on him. We were once interveiwed by the GBI for his over reactions during an arrest, and were told what to say and what not to. As young deputies at the time, we knew no better.

The bottom line was Bruce came along when Randall took office. He was a good cop, with good police skills for catching people. At the time its really all that Randall had, other than the Nations brothers. Bruce screwed them too, but thats another story for another time.

Eventually I guess he became Randalls go to guy on big cases because he could work them well. None of the others were allowed to because Bruce would block training, keep smart deputies from moving forward,I guess he felt a little threatened at times.

Therefore he continued to be an asset to the Sheriff. FINALLY I guess thats changing.

Now for the drug fund. The Department of Justice has jurisdiction over the Federal Drug fund. ANYTHING inapproriate that happens involving this fund should be reported to them. Embezellment especially.

Wayne HAnnah should not have handeled this Internal Affair, the GBI in cooperation with D.O.J should have. Hannah is a very honest man and a great officer but there is too much influence for there to be a honest I.A.

Bruce Im sure you read all of this, I know how concerned you are with your image.
{{{{{DELETED}}}}}} How dare you put the blame on Walker for the drug fund. You give the orders to write the checks, YOU approve the purcahes, YOU are in command. Now take responsibility and resign with some sort of dignity.

Submitted by thebiggun on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 6:47pm.

Boomie no truer words were spoken except, all the people who have been stepped on now have the opportunity to expose what has been going on for years. When the final bell is rung, the Sheriff will have to step up and explain how things have been out of control for years, and he did nothing to stop it. Telling Bruce to shut his mouth and stay off TV lasted a week or so and then back he was. I was told he could not be on any kind of real police operation because the first thing he would do when the going got tuff was fire his gun into the ground. As for being a good detective, well good detectives are never accused of not telling the truth during a murder trial, and then other people say under oath that they would not believe anything he said.

The real issue here is not if you like or dislike him. The issue here is did he use his postion to do things that are not legal. Did he use tax payer money to help himself ? Did he spend federal funds on items that are not alowed under the law ? Did he guard the tax payers dollar as he is required by law ? Was he away from work while still on the clock, and received tax payer money as if he was working? Did he use his county car, off duty for personnel business ? There are questions that citizens wish to have the facts about.

Some of these issues can be viewed as making a mistake when you want to make an excuse for his behavior, but they could also be crimes. If I or you were doing the same thing, we would be in jail and he would be on every TV station at 6 PM showing the evidence to a reporter. Police are not above the law, they are there to protect the law. To not hold them to a higher standard tells me just what kind of operation the Sheriff is running. And it is a shame because when you slant the internal investigation to say "mistake", it places a dark cloud over the department. I know and citizens know that 99.9 % of the officers there are the finest law enforcement in the state.

"To Serve and Protect" are the battle cry of all the true professional law enforcement officers. When the real facts come out in this case, you will see it is "To Cover Up And Make Them Prove It". To all of the great police officers out there keep your chin up, because good will win over evil. And soon all the facts will come out.

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 8:09pm.

First, you simply can't put this detective in Fayette County into any comparison with Richard Nixon. There are a few similarities but the potential of power possible by a nutty President and this man can not be compared. The one similarity might be that everyone who worked for Nixon for much to long was scared to death to have any diverse opinion about anything, and either toed the line or was eliminated. Now, this is the Sheriff's fault for running such an operation. A sworn, trained police officer should only be in danger of losing his job if he violates his oath or becomes a criminal. His boss should praise him for speaking up when he sees something he doesn't like and then decide how best that officer can be used to fit his talents. Of course, an officer can not constantly be criticizing his boss.
If he feels the need to do that, then he should resign, get another job and then if he feels it necessary to speak out, to do so only then. It took a very brave officer in New York City once to testify nearly on the whole force. It nearly killed him. Serpico was his name. We are a nation of laws, not men.

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 9:27pm.

thebiggun, and bommie are right on.

From your comments you don’t know, and then there are a lot of people that don’t know. Although your comparison of the two “The one similarity might be that everyone who worked for Nixon for much to long was scared to death to have any diverse opinion about anything, and either toed the line or was eliminated.” Is a very true comparison!

But it is quite evident you have never worked with, for or around this person. I think you need to hide and watch. There is more to come, a lot more.

I have never known a rooster not to know what was going on in his hen house.

Submitted by thebiggun on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 9:21pm.

Dopplerobserver you will never know how close my shot is till all the truth comes out. You can then say I told you so.

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 4:27pm.

Not the Lt. Colonel. 27 years of poor leadership for the detective, and 27 years of good leadership by his boss---give me a break? This is like hanging Ollie North for what Reagan did.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 1:15pm.

Well, I must say that Bruce has came a long, long way from flipping burgers at Shoney's to lead Lt. Col. Detective. It's a shame that after all of those years of hard work it's come to this. I still think he is a good man and will continue to support him.

Submitted by ihaveone on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 1:21pm.

I am with you on this one - he has my support. He needs to know that there are those of us that still support him.

Submitted by ihaveone on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 1:13pm.

I still feel that Bruce is a good detective.
He made a VERY BAD CHOICE. I for the life of me do not understand why the baseball team parents did not offer to pay for the off-duty sheriff to go with the team. It is not like they could not have afforded this luxury if it was indeed needed.

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 1:40pm.

for the same reason no one digs out his checkbook when he calls 9-11. It was county sponsored event and they likely expected the county would keep it safe.

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 4:31pm.

Apparently, none of you ever played competitive sports. Taunting is part of the game, and no sheriff is usually needed. Parents, unpires, league officers are in charge here. When a parent is a sheriff however, we get the same combination that causes overkill.

Submitted by ihaveone on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 1:49pm.

It was an out of town event. They wanted some sort of "protection" with them in Tennessee. That's different than dialing 9-11 - don't 'ya think??

DragNet's picture
Submitted by DragNet on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 2:05pm.

If it walks like a duck, squacks like a duck and has duck feathers....then it must be a duck!
Looks like this guy Jordan crossed some lines, but to every turkey there is a Thanksgiving!
Even if Randall gets him off the hook (because they both are up to something), public opinion has already made its mind. As they say in Europe, something smells bad in Denmark!!!
Fox5, keep up the good work!

Making you think twice......

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 8:35am.

Irritating to click on something about Lin or Lynn and to find it has been totally deleted and you are then referred to something you don't want to read.

Submitted by Luciano on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 11:28am.

Oh yes, Brucie thinks he is just that. Bruce is like a little Hitler instructing people under him not to do business with companies that don't bow down to him. Now he is the one caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Wonder how many times he hasn't been caught? There most diffently needs to be an investigation but not by someone working under Brucie. RANDALL WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? CALL IN THE GBI!!!!!! {{{{DELETED}}}}} And what is up with this paid vacation, fire the jerk.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:04pm.

Do not pick a fight with me, I am in no mood for losers!

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:40pm.

Pee....you are the loser...you must be related either by family or emotional...either way...you loose!

Submitted by uh oh on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:30pm.

Did you watch the news on Fox 5 again? If I were you, I'd be in a bad mood too... too bad, so sad!

uh oh!

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:40pm.

I'm having a great day uh oh and no I didn't get a chance to watch the news. I will still feel the same either way. Have a good night dear..D..

Submitted by uh oh on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:45pm.

Since you missed the news, I'll tell you what happened:
Bruce lied
Bruce scratched his head (a sign he's lying)
Bruce lied, again...
Oh, did I mention Bruce lied???

uh oh!

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:51pm.

can you tell us all any reason his kid should get special treatment and ours should be treated as criminals to put money into Fayette so he can lavish it on ...his kids... well being? Tell us your logic. we are all dying to know....

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 6:11pm.

what happens when you mix "uh oh" with "did not know"?
Cal, i'm sorry but they are picking on me......

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 6:22pm.

Wayne and Janet.

Neither is worth your worry.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:23pm.

Why all the name calling?

Submitted by uh oh on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:59pm.

at 6:00... watch Fox 5 News...

uh oh!

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 3:19pm.

The bottom line is that you cant be too careful these days. Considering what Bruce has been through in the past I cant blame him for sending the deputies to protect the team. At one time a convicted murderer was following him and his family around and showing up at his kids games and stalking them. There wasn't any favors handed down in the case because the judge didn't grant a restraining order. In his line of work he has seen it all so i'm sure he takes any threats seriously especially when it comes to his kids. I know I would.

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:42pm.

Stay in it !

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:25pm.

not feel obliged to answer all these posts, sweetpea. Most (though not all) are from the same person using different names.

Submitted by uh oh on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:23pm.

As talented as you are (or think you are) as a writer, you could be a little more creative...
Did you see yourself on camera again? I watched it again just to see you squirm! This is the most fun I've had since Dunn. The one thing you & Greg have in common- You're both DONE!

uh oh!

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:33pm.

not even close...tell me why his kid gets special treatment and the rest of us get.. well, if our kids don't spit in the wrong direction...get a ticket, misdomerer...or felony for some BIZARE..reasons?... other than to make money for Fayette county? Tell me ...why is his kid soooo special....and ours not? go for it sweet pea? dog pea? tell us all!

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:19pm.

There is nothing new about this kind of treatment. It has been going on since the world was organized. Our Fayette judges think they are holding crime down by severely hurting the reputation of some (probation for years, for instance) when kids are only having fun, due to the fact that there are some who really are dangerous. They don't know which, and don't want to know. Parole officers' are lax in their reporting of just who is a problem. However, if you are a sheriff's department kid, a president's son, a prominent lawyer's kid, etc., leniency is automatic. Especially if you hire a lawyer.

Submitted by truth hurts on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 12:32am.

quit dupliposting

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 6:15am.

A mistake. Software did not indicate that any of the clicks went. I could have checked what posted and corrected it. I didn't.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:15pm.

Dude, Please check your spelling before you send out your comment! Misdomerer

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 5:45pm.

what else is wrong? Our kids are treated like dirt to put money in the county coffers...and his? gets special treatment and protection! with our tax dollars...spelling or no spelling..is there something you don't understand.?

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:53pm.

Tell us all...why his kid should be treated better than ours? We are all waiting? And by the way...the things the rest of our kids are charged with to make money for the county would gaug a maggott! How bout...OBSTUCTINO OF JUSTICE!!!! now that is a good catch all! You have done to a...lot of kids here! How bout...when we want money...THIS IS AS GOOD AS ANY! You A$$$ wghoollleeess!! I hope they put him...UNDER THE JAIL!!! HO HO HO ....MERRY CHRISTMASS...

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:10pm.

Get a life... other people have been through things that would make your hair curl! Other people could say my kid has been threatend and I fear for him. The response would be "Unless you have proof...I am so sorry." This was a maybe, at best. The rest of us don't get that kind of security. This reminds me of the Sheriff in Dekalb who is now behind bars. He use to send the deputies to gaurd his kid, he also sent them to McDonalds and had it delivered to the school. One day the people at the school told him to bugger off, his kid was no better than the rest. He went wild!

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:15pm.

here being bullied?..and what was the response?...a bigh yaunn.. the difference..? one was his kid...! We all have feelings...ours, and our children, seem to take a poor second, to his!

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:25pm.

with the police/sheriff/ here....courts...or JUDGES...you can't have one thing bad without the other to back it up...did anyone watch Nancy Grace last night about the Judge that was a satist? and got to step down with a life pension of $120,000.00 a year? or the one in Ok. that was pumping himself up and masturbating so bad in court that he had an EXTRA pump under his destk? what is making the final desisions for us.?..it is really scary! Like to hear from anyone who has been to court in Fayette and got a decision that seemed to bring money to the county...but was not just and left them with a sour taste!

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:09pm.

That woman (I think) makes millions the same way the grocery store tabloids do---insinuate, lie, guess, and snarl. She has a live-in boy friend, but noone would possibly marry such a female (I think). Normally, however, she (I think) rarely says anything bad about the law or judges. Her watchers aren't in favor of that.

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:31pm.

and got to step down with a life pension of $120,000.00 a year?

Well, thanks to Greg Dunn, no one leaves or retires from Fayette County with a pension they can live on, so I wouldn't worry my pretty little head about that if I were you.

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:11pm.

A pension to retire on?? No one should be able to retire on tax money. Pensions are old fashioned anyway. Better save some money.

Submitted by snitch on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:36pm.


Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:36pm.

how much is Jordan's pension..? and more important...some of these worthless Judges...we have here?

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:46pm.

I rest my case! All of you are milking us dry...

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 4:16pm.

are you bonking him? other than that ...I don't understand you.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:02pm.

I backed off earlier when Cal said I was pushing it with the Bill Clinton comment. Just because I say good things about Bruce doesn't mean i'm sleeping with him. He is a very nice looking man though..

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 3:54pm.

Well, we have all been through a lot.
Welcome to real life, now go to the end of the line, no cuts here.

Cal Beverly's picture
Submitted by Cal Beverly on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 12:42pm.

Several of you are pushing close to the line of good taste.

Dial back the rhetoric, or I will start booting posters who cross the line.

Cal, the censor

The Citizen
Fayetteville, Ga. 30214

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 2:04pm.

Where do I sign up for a rock?

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 1:16pm.

Sorry Cal, How are Justin and Leslie doing?

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 11:06am.

Hey folks, if you look to the left of your screen you will see an image gallery for the Fayette police chase. In one of the pics I believe you will see Bruce Jordan on the scene of yet another crime in Fayette County. Way to go Bruce!!

Submitted by pinkelephant on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 11:28am.

"Bruce" didn't catch the guy, he just shows up to get his photo opt to make people think he did something! Like he does in all the cases he "works".

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 11:34am.

Are you really that big or is it your ego?

Submitted by pinkelephant on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 11:50am.

Are you really that ignorant or do you just play that way for the free speech? Oh, that is right..you are the defender of no morals, no ethics, no values and continuing the fight for the devil in Fayette.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 12:01pm.

I'm not ignorant but I am game for free speech and I will defend Bruce because it is my personal right to do so. That's why people get on here and post their opinions so morons like you can shoot down what they believe in. So be it, I will believe what I want to believe!!

Submitted by uh oh on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 12:06pm.

You can believe what you want, but it doesn't change the truth or the fact that Bruce Jordan is a low-life and should be prosecuted ... As for this online site, you can't always write what you feel. You must be new and not know that your trash talk comments are not welcome here-

uh oh!

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 2:19pm.

You must be new and not know that your trash talk comments are not welcome here-

I don't know, we've suffered through yours.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 2:31pm.

Thank you for sticking up for me Smiling

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 2:38pm.

Have you a flak jacket? We are surely outnumbered here.

Submitted by littleman500 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 2:55pm.

I believe in you snark you will be fine. This is what the US is about a good debate.

Submitted by uh oh on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 11:42am.

I can feel Cal's ears burning...

uh oh!

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 11:48am.

Is the name "uh oh" really on your birth certificate?

Submitted by notintheloop on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 11:21am.

How can you support such a low life?
You must not be much better!!!

Submitted by notintheloop on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:51am.

You are so full of yourself that you never realized how many enemies you have! You are a LIAR, a CHEATER, and a disgrace to the badge you carry!! You have humiliated your department, embarrassed your family and I am ashamed to know you! You are so delusional that you have become dangerous to those around you. How dare you claim that your conscience is clear! DO YOU EVEN HAVE ONE??? When did you sell your soul to the devil???

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:01am.

I know Bruce Jordan is a good man so for those of you without sin throw the first stone!

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 1:57pm.

I've known him all his life and I agree with your assessment.

Submitted by joliebjolly on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 3:15pm.


nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 11:19am.

Where's the rock pile? LOL


Submitted by bronson on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:43am.

This thing with Jordan steamed me so bad I had to chime in. I may not be sinless, but I sure as heck wouldn't take two people who worked for me, pay them from company funds, give them comp time, pay their salary, let them drive a company car to watch my child for five days out of town. If I did happen to be cocky enough to do something that blatantly WRONG and I got caught I sure wouldn't try to blame my secretary. Like someone else said on here, this is just the tip of the iceberg. If Walker starts talking or anyone else gets the guts to start talking about what they know this thing is going national. Where there's smoke there's fire and in this case there is a volcano getting ready to errupt. Sweatpea, no one is sinless, but that doesn't mean we can't recognize corruption when we're hit in the face with it. Just because someone can be nice doesn't mean they can't be rotten. Some of the worst people in history went to church every Sunday, helped the homeless and had friends who swore they were good people. The best crooks put on the best fronts.

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 2:12pm.

I sure as heck wouldn't take two people who worked for me, pay them from company funds, give them comp time, pay their salary, let them drive a company car to watch my child for five days out of town.

No one paid deputies to babysit. And that's a little insulting to those deputies.

Bruce is a very protective fellow. He always has been. I assume it's what drives him in his work. If Bruce's son was the only child believed to need protection, Bruce would have done that on his own. He has done so for all his son's life thus far. He knew he had a team of Fayette County kids in (what he would see as) his charge.

When the facts are investigated, we'll know whether he showed bad judgment, but it pains me to see him being roasted for one of the traits I've always admired in him. If everyone here is unworried about Fayette County teens being threatened by Riverdale teens, I guess there'll be a lot less posting about the current influx from Clayton County.

If I did happen to be cocky enough to do something that blatantly WRONG and I got caught I sure wouldn't try to blame my secretary.

Did we watch different reports? Because the one I watched showed Bruce being asked 'who cut the check' and he answered the question. Channel 5 took it from there with their pseudo mug shot.

Submitted by pinkelephant on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:59am.

I wish I had $1500 to hire two babysitters to chear on my kid at his games out of state! Sweetpea, the devil can manipulate too!

farrahfawcettfawn's picture
Submitted by farrahfawcettfawn on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:58am.

Fill us in, we'd like to know more.

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:11am.

Do you know BILL CLINTON too?

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:19am.

I personally {{{{{{{{{EDITED and Warned}}}}}}}}

Be careful -- no smut on this site.

-- Cal the censor

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:27am.

I knew it...

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:07am.

If you do not care about what we think then why are you on here reading all this and replying with defense?

We all have sinned but what this man has done recently and in the past is just down right uncalled for. He deserves to lose his job and everything else. He needs to sit in jail for the rest of his life.

Submitted by girlinformed on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:06am.

The man has cheated on his family, tried to fire people without just cause ( then had to rehire them), transfered people for being honest and well just been a MEAN MAN! Unless you have family or "personal" ties with him then you would know he is not a Good Man. I mean we all want to take up for those we are romanticly involved with or related to. So if thats the case I can see why you are blind to his true self. If he were a Good Man he would not try to push his mistake on someone else, who is a Good Person!

Submitted by girlinformed on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:46am.

What would happen to you if you took $1500.00 from an account that was intended for one purpose and you used it for personal things? What if that was a federal account and you were not authorized to use the money for personal things? HUMMMMM YOU WOULD GO TO JAIL!!! Bruce sits in an office unless he might get his face on the news then he comes out to "play". I hope and Pray that Randall did not know of his actions. The Sheriff is a wonderful person and has served this county well. If I recall Bruce would have to get approval for the use of the funds if it were over a certain amount. I would like to know what that amount is.

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 1:53pm.


Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 2:06pm.


Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 2:33pm.


sam0917's picture
Submitted by sam0917 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:03am.

I think we should all continue to contact FOX 5 and any other news station that will listen until something is done to Bruce for this. If we get quiet he will get away with it but if we as Fayette County taxpayers keep asking questions and pushing the issue it'll stay in the front as it should until something is done. If not, all of the big names will just ignore it until it goes away.

Submitted by uh oh on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:41am.

They're coming out of the closets... the're sliding out from under the bed... cling-clang go the skeletons...


uh oh!

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:14am.

I can not wait to hear what else comes out.

Yeah BOO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O is the right word!

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:18am.

Thank you Greg for a job well done, you HAVE served the people of Fayette County well.

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 1:40pm.

and we'd never guess who this is

Submitted by did not know on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:57am.

Yeah, I voted for you and I'm sorry what happened. You took our side with the developers, and wanted the Sherrif's dept to be accountable, you were right on the money!

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