Did anyone else see the FOX 5 NEWS report this evening? Fayette Co. Sheriff's Investigator Lt. Col. Bruce Jordan was the subject of a Channel 5 I-Team investigation.


uh oh


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Submitted by johenry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:35am.

I'll give Greg Dunn two points saying cutoff TDK and stirring up the pot with the Sheriff's Dept. finances.

With Dunn and Brown, everyone had the kill the messenger mentality. Looks like they were on the right track now.

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 1:44pm.

How about you keep your remarks about Bruce confined to your main identity - which seems to be Spear Road Guy at the moment? I think you have enough genuine compatriots at the moment to not need this trick.

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:10am.

I could not agree more, Great idea. If you or I would of done something like this then we would be slammed into the Jail so fast we would not know what hit us.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:11am.

You know it really pisses me off that everything that goes down these days all comes back to racism. Get a life homies!! And for all of you that are blasting the sherriffs department I take it it that you've either been in their jail before or been pulled over by them! By the way, the last time I checked there was alot worse things going on in this country! Take ENRON for instance. I dont think $1,500.00 is worth babbling over. He is paying it back! GEEZ!!

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:44am.

You mean the $ 826.00 was a installment payment?
Or are you on the same math system as BRUCE.

Submitted by notintheloop on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:33am.

The only way on God's green earth you'd support Bruce is if you were related to him! If you've known him for a long time, as you say, you would know what kind of dangerous person you were dealing with. He has stepped on every person on his way to the top and has literally destroyed lives to protect himself. There is an old saying, "The bigger you are, the harder you fall"... well, let's see how crushed he is when he looses everything... it's coming... wait and see!

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 1:42pm.

Sweetpea- are you related to Bruce?

I'm his sister. Shall I tell him you asked about him or do you prefer anonymity?

Submitted by uh oh on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 3:42pm.

inquiring minds want to know...

uh oh!

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 3:51pm.

Snark said she was the sister.

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:59am.


Thank you!

Submitted by Eliza on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:41am.

I'm not exactly "blasting" the sheriff's department, but the Jordon incident does raise some very serious questions about how the department is being run - and these questions need to be answered.

For ANY crime committed in the county, we could look somewhere else and find something worse - so with your reference to ENRON, are you saying that if something worse has been committed at sometime, somewhere, we should not "babble" over the crime (the lesser crime) committed here? Seems to me there is a major flaw in your logic.

And just for the record - I have never been "pulled over" here or anywhere else, and I have never been in jail or charged with any crime. And I've been driving for many years.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:59am.

I have known Bruce and Randall all my life and I am here to tell you that you have no idea what they have to deal with everyday. To protect people like you they put their family and themselves at risk to fight drugs and crime in this county. Look at the Clayton County sherriff and what he's done! He's a "WHITEY" hater so he wont be happy until there is an all black police force in Clayton. By the way, there is not a flaw in my logic!!

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:48am.

BRUCE is like BILL CLINTON, "I did not have sex with that girl"
and get away with it.

I sleep with a gun, and I don't need their help.

Thank You "notintheloop" wish I could say what I really want to say.
Come out of the woodwork folks, go to the "DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE" this may be your only chance.

Submitted by snark on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 1:55pm.

Come out of the woodwork folks, go to the "DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE" this may be your only chance.

Or your husband could write another letter.

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 3:09pm.

When you go fishing you never know what you might catch or who.
I don't have a husband.

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:16am.



Submitted by galawman on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:09am.

You are all welcome to come to my home to celebrate my son's sixth birthday.

We will have an inflatable slide, a pin the tail on the donkey game, and a pinata.

Also, there will be a horsey for all the little ones to ride.

Oh, I forgot, I've got three deputies to come to "keep 'em covered" in case the nasty kids in my son's 1st grade class come riding by on their big wheels.

The deputies will also wash your cars for you while you attend, and if you have any dry cleaning, please bring the stubs by and they will run and 'get em' for you. (They get a discount there too!)

Oh, don't worry about the increase in Crime that we've experienced of late in Fayette County. Its not because of a lack of police officers and deputies, its because of . . . . . well, its not because the cops are running errands to the grocery store for my wife.

On a serious note, last year when Brian Nicoles shot and killed the judge and others in Atlanta. We were shocked to learn that one of the deputies was ordered to "pick up breakfast" for the Captain, and thats why he wasn't on duty watching the holding cells. I was shocked and convinced that those Atlanta Buffoons were idiots and that of course they wouldn't be fired or disciplined for it. I was right.

Now this makes me ashamed. Our community requires competent and ethical leaders, especially in the law enforcement division. What if someone did this to the Wal-Mart, an employee using petty cash to pay for company employees to go on vacation with the manager? That would be a crime and Scott Ballard would prosecute.

Do you suppose that with the overwhelming political clout that the Sheriff recently exhibited in the last several elections, that this is a sign of that arrogance. A sign that we can do anything we want, because we have the power?

I hope not. Ethics is something that you do when you know no one else is watching.

Sad, so very sad, that this was done, but even sadder that Bruce thought he could get away with it. I guess he knows the Sheriff will not do anything about it, and that makes me even sadder.

Submitted by girlinformed on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:00am.

Wait till the full federal investigation is finished. This wasn't the first time he was involved or tried to COVER UP something dealing with Drug Money. Bruce it's your turn! You have screwed enough people who never deserved it. Guess what you deserve everything that comes to you! Also trying to push it off on Walker is just like you. It shows the kind of coward pig you are. But just think what all she might know about you. Justice will be served.

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:10am.



Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:32am.


Submitted by lawaboveall on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 2:42pm.

I finally decided to step off the sidelines and get into this discussion. I guess I cannot be a guest forever.
There have been so many contributions on this Bruce Jordan thing.
I have read all the comments and I finally figured out what is missing. Git Real, PTC Guy, Badptc and that group of uber bloggers. For months this group has said so much on virtually every issue on this blog. Now the only thing Git Real says is don't type in caps, while the other ones are silent. Why now?

Yes, I just signed up for this account, so don't yell at me for just chiming in. You gotta start somewhere and this looks like a great place to start

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:58am.

Well if you are stupid it should help you read better. LOOKS AS IF YOU MAY BE STUPID SINCE YOU CAN NOT PUT SPACES BETWEEN YOUR WORDING.

THANKS AND I WILL TRY TO quit typing in CAPS!!!

Submitted by Flydecajon on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 9:27am.

I am prety sure he did that on purpose.

Submitted by Lisa Presley on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 3:03am.

Well imagine my surprise (and delight) to see LtCol Bruce Jordan our fearless Fayette County sherrif's department glory hound whining about threats from a bunch of 14 year old kids. I thought it was particularly interesting how "he didn't get caught doing anything and his conscience was clear" about using federal drug funds to provide security for his son's baseball team. I guess you have to have a conscience in order for illegal and unethical behavior to bother you in the first place. Now we know why Mr. Dunn has been so adamant about having someone do an audit of those county drug funds! I also thought it interesting that this other baseball team was all black. Mr. Jordan seems to have a particular aversion to african americans that is well known to many. It was just a matter of time before his shady dealings caught up with him. Like the saying goes..."God don't like ugly." It has taken a while, but the evil that has been done to others is finally coming back around. I only hope that the Sheriff fires him as this is the only possible way to restore any semblance of integrity to the organization. That's right Mr. Jordan... Perhaps the feds will "have a modern day lynching and get their boy."

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:52am.



All Smiles's picture
Submitted by All Smiles on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:44am.

Don't even try to make this a black/white issue. If you knew anything about tournament baseball you would know there are many teams which go to compete. Not just one black team as you mentioned. You might be correct about Mr. Jordan doing something corrupt but it's far from a black/white, one baseball team issue here.

Submitted by Lisa Presley on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 10:30pm.

I'm really not trying to make this a racial issue All Smiles. If there is one thing that burns me is people just throwing race out there to inflame the passions of people when it has no bearing on the issue at hand. I do have to say this though, Mr. Jordan DOES have some issues dealing with people of other races and cultures, hence his seemingly irrational fear of a group of 14 year old black kids. It does have bearing on this issue because it is a possible motivator for what I consider to be his criminal behavior. Had I not witnessed this stuff first hand I wouldn't have brought it up. Hope this clears the air on my intentions...By the by, if he was so afraid that there would be violence done to these children, why were THE POLICE not called when the threats were made? Why was the league not notified so that proper security measures could be taken in advance? As he sat there on TV scratching his head I began to think about all of these things and bottom line is how could a person with so little ability to handle a minor personal crisis be the second in command of a county law enforcement agency? God help us if terrorists ever decided to blow anything up in Fayetteville!

Submitted by snark on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 10:48am.

hence his seemingly irrational fear of a group of 14 year old black kids

If you watched Channel 5's report, then you know that this same team of kids was involved in an altercation with yet another team the night before the Tennessee policeman they interviewed was called to the park.

It seems to me Bruce judged the situation correctly and this was not a case of "irrational fear of a group of 14 year old black kids."

Submitted by thebiggun on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 6:03am.

You are very right when you say you have to have a conscience to know the difference between right and wrong. I am sure he will make excuse after excuse how this story is political. Well let's do some more checking on how he has spent drug money or taxpayer money. A complete public audit should be conducted to show money spent and what it is spent on. Hotels, Meals, Rental Cars, Meals bought for others, clothing etc.


1. How about check all the SCUBA diving trips he and his buddies have made over the years and claimed they were training. Ya right ! Look at the detailed bills to see what was spent where they went, who went, how long they were gone and overtime and comp time that was earned.

2. Look at who goes on those trips each time. See if you can find the same names all the time.

3. Check all the requested time off he has had to see if it matches the days he was not at work attending baseball games etc. I know in most places people always check on others when they are off.

4. Do you really think this is the first time drug money has been spent on things that is not allowed under the law. Maybe it is but we can not know unless we have the facts. Now it has opened a door that tax payers need to kick wide open and take a look inside.

5. Would be interesting to see if all of the reasearch for his books was done while is was on county time. Getting reports, talking to family members etc.

Where is the Sheriff in this story? Did not see him on the news making a comment that he is going to look into all of this. O I know, he will have Jordan investigate it and report back to him on his findings. And what about the time the deputies received off for the trip. Are we as tax payers going to pay for the overtime they earned ? It was funny to learn that he paid the money back to the county 2 days after he received a request from Fox 5 for the open records on the money that was spent. And then to blame a Captain for doing it, and can say it with a straight face, tells me a lot about what kind of supervisor he is when he is willing to offer up someone to take the fall to save his skin. What is wrong with saying, "I screwed up", and take it like a man.

For those that might not remember there was a recent Murder trial in Fayette County where the same questions about his ability to tell the truth was questioned. They lost that murder case.

It seems to me that he is running for the Sheriff job and had been for many years. Take a look around at all the other problems that citizens deal with when it comes to Sheriff's departments around the state No accountability !!!!!

I really support Sheriff Johnson but it is time he breaks up the country club in his department. Seems to me Jordan would make a great Sergeant in the jail on the midnight shift. Might make him appreciate what he has done to other employees over the years. Seems like the poor Captain under him is going to land hard after her photo was on the news all night. Is she the same one that tried to save his "butt" during the murder trial they lost?

Ok tax payers you need to demand accountablity. By the way someone mentioned Jordans pay. What is it ?

All Smiles's picture
Submitted by All Smiles on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:49am.

I take off time when I go watch my children play baseball. I even take days off when they are traveling. So why is it wrong for this father to take time off (which is well earned) to go watch his son play. If we had more father's involved with their children instead of single moms raising young men, we would see a draumatic drop in our crime rates.

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:54am.


sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 10:26pm.

Bruce has been with the Sherriffs department for a long time and has always put his a** on the line to protect this county. I think everyone needs to sit back and realize that nobody is perfect and if that's all he's done in his many years of being there then let him pay the money back and move on.

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:55am.


Submitted by truth hurts on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:03am.

Paying money back that has been embezzled is called restitution. Now that that’s no longer an issue what’s the sentence? If it was anyone else they would be locked up and Bruce would be getting a photo op of the great case he solved.

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 11:11pm.

Please check my math here.
1. $ 1,500.00 - Expense Check (Drug Money)
2. Dep. Bo Turner + County Equipment + Regular Pay + Comp Pay @ 5
Days (Complements Of Fayette Tax Payers)
3. Dep. Brian Lee + County Equipment + Regular Pay + Comp Pay @ 5
Days (Complements Of Fayette Tax Payers)
4. Bruce Jordans Reimbursement $ 826.00 (Priceless)
Now If I Did This, I Would Be Sitting In Bruce Jordans Jail, And Be A Felon. (I am glad I am not you Bruce)
Maybe, just maybe you and your disciples will be gone. Or one will go to the DA (You never know, wishful thinking)

Voice of Fayette Future's picture
Submitted by Voice of Fayett... on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 6:06am.

Why Bruce Jordan will Survive

Surprisingly, Bruce Jordan AGREED to an interview about his misuse of the federal drug monies. He must have been tricked into believing that it was just another one of those media opportunities that he has cherished throughout the years. His demeanor seems reminiscent of Lynn Westmoreland getting embarrassed on the Colbert Show when he could only recite Three Commandments and inarticulately denied that he was a “do-nothing-er” Congressman. I saw the interview with Mr. Jordan. Mr. Jordan was embarrassing when he said “You didn’t catch me doing nothing.” It was the height of a lack sophistication for a would-be top law enforcement officer of a large county.

How then could he survive? Good old boy back scratching…This is what will save Jordan again. First, Randall will continue to avoid the significance (and the apparent truth of the allegations) by castigating “them folks in Atlanta” as those they are aliens spreading falsehoods. Randall cannot abandon Bruce. They are in this together. Their justifications for lack of accountability and misappropriation of funds has always been “Bruce has put himself on the line for this county working hard.” No, Mr. Jordan did a job and he got paid for it. And we expect him to do it honestly and without thievery.

Bruce and Randall showed their political power by sending Greg Dunn to the political woodshed. This shows power that results from an exchange of favors that goes back decades. The Sams family helps Bruce, Dr. Sams writing a glowing endorsement in the foreword to Bruce’s book. One of judges gets removed for racism, not by anyone locally but by “them folks in Atlanta.” The Sheriff submits a humorous affidavit that he never heard Melear use the “N” word. The patronage and favors run way too deep. Now instead of having Dunn pressing them, Randall and Bruce have a Commissioner that owes them.

First scandal in Fayette? Not on your life. Journalists and law enforcement may reach one conclusion on these continuing scandals in public service but ultimately it is always politicians who make the decision to just “let this one go”, including the DA. Look for Bruce and Randall to survive this one. Randall will resign early and Governor (maybe by then Westmoreland) will appoint Bruce sheriff.

sam0917's picture
Submitted by sam0917 on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 8:55am.

I don't think it'll be so easy for Bruce to "survive" this one. Word from the inside is that good ol' boys that used to have his back don't have that back as much as they used to. And, how will the rest of his "servants" look to him now that he's tried to send one of them up the creek saying this was Michelle's fault? Do you really think she could sign off on that much money for something like this without Bruce knowing about it? What a coward to have her picture put up on the news and say it was her fault. What kind of things must be going on behind closed doors now if he's going to send his own Captain up the river for something he did and knew about? Too many things have happened that people don't know about in public and Randall and Bruce have hidden and shared too many things as well. I think Randall will take this as a sign to step away from Bruce and let him flounder on his own. At least, that's what he should do for a man or coward that tries to put this off on someone else as their fault. It wasn't Michelles child in the baseball game it was his so why would she risk putting herself on the line to do this unless he told her to? And let me ask you this, you take two detectives to a baseball game thats being played by 14 year old boys because you think there may be problems. First of all, what are you going to do with some juveniles if they do cause a problem using your detectives and second of all you're out of the STATE much less way out of your JURISDICTION!!!! Despite what Bruce may think, he's just an employee of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department in GEORGIA!!!! He's not a Federal Agent with Federal Powers, he's not the President, his son is not a professional baseball player and he's not GOD!!!! So, I'm not sure what he thought he would accomplish by bringing two detectives from his own department to handle things for him. It's time for him and Randall to be gone because they're making Fayette County look like some kind of back woods county and Sheriff's department because they act like they're something more than what they really are!!!!!

farrahfawcettfawn's picture
Submitted by farrahfawcettfawn on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:43am.

It is OLD news by now that the interview was bits and pieces that were taken by the Colbert Show and put together to appear Congressman Westmoreland didn't know the Ten Commandments. It was a FAKE tape. Actually, if I remember correctly, he said 8 or 9 of them and then said he couldn't remember all of them. Pretty good for someone being put on the spot in front of a camera-good enough for me anyway!! Please quit spreading this garbage around about the congressman. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN LIKE THAT!!!!!

Submitted by FayetteFirst on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 9:03pm.

I goggled

youtube stephen colbert and congressman

and got the interview. Wow!

I'm ashamed for all of Fayette County, and now Bruce.

Submitted by southernboy on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 10:39pm.

If you are ashamed of the congressman you must not know him.
Don't believe everything you read or see on the internet.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 11:50pm.

And I'm ashamed of him. He's a pretty shallow empty suit and I cringe when I have to defend him to some of my conservative buddies around the country. The Do-Nothinger monicker is going to haunt him for a long time. Sure wish Dylan Glenn would have won that seat a couple of years ago. Wrong color....just ask Lynn. He made sure everyone knew what color he was. Dylan may have been the wrong color but boy he did have some depth to his thought processes.

Respectfully, A Former Die Hard Westmoreland Supporter and Contributor

Submitted by SadFayette on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 7:50am.

I agree with FayetteFirst and Git Real--- I know Westmoreland and he is an empty do-nothing-er that is spending more time on TDK than on being a Congressman. He says we should not spend federal money on Katrina or New York (I agree) but he doesn’t give a damn if we spend federal money on TDK or giving two Deputies a one week paid vacation to watch baseball in Tennessee. You are right---- Westmoreland and Melear and Co. made sure everyone knew that his college-educated opponent was a “colored.”

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 8:31pm.

How did Jordan think he could get away with this? This isn't good for any of us. I hope he is the only one involved in this.

Submitted by bobby1378 on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 7:42pm.

Now suddenly people are asking if the Sheriff's department is corrupt. I have sat here for days now writting about the Sheriff. Ironic isn't it? Do you really think that Bruce was able to do this without Johnson's knowing?
The department IS and I repeat IS corrupt. However I cannot say that ALL of the Deputies are one of Johnson's Boys. Look at the bottom of the pay scale or the ones with the crappiest jobs or low ranks. Those are the good ones.
Johnson has been in control of the department for 23+ years. Read my other blogs about our "beloved" Sheriff.
None of this is news to me

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 10:05pm.

This isn't funnny. The only thing that has kept crime away I think is, or was our sheriff's dept. and the bad a$$ reputation they had.

This scandal is going to cost us all. The money is the least of our problems.

ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 7:55pm.

Whoa, Brucie...This one is gonna be a little harder to shake than losing the T-tops on the Vette.

Submitted by notintheloop on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 6:41pm.

Oh my God!!!!
I cannot believe what was just on the news about our Sheriff's Dept. Did Bruce actually say he wasn't "in the loop"? Then he scratched head! Was he trying to figure out what his next lie was going to be? I can't wait to see it air again at 10 o'clock tonight! The Sheriff must be so proud of his prodigy! unbelieveable.......

Submitted by jerimabry on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 7:43am.

OMG, Where have you been? This county sheriff dept has been corrupt for years. All city and county departments are corrupt but I must say Fayette is the WORSE OF THEM ALL!!!

Submitted by blabbermouth on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 6:31pm.

Did Jordan just walk into work one day and ask for $1500 bucks and nobody wanted to know why he wanted it?

Submitted by SadFayette on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 6:01pm.

Lt. Col. Bruce Jordan was accused of using drug funds to pay Fayette deputies to travel to Tennessee on an overnight stay to provide "security" for Jordan's son's youth baseball team. Jordan claimed that the other youth team had made "threats". However, local law enforcement in Tennessee stated there had been no complaints or reports of any threats at all. Jordan claimed not knowing of the expenditures.
Some ask "Why the rank of Lt. Col. " ???? That is never seen in law enforcement and only in the military. When the ARC did a Metro pay scale study they found that Jordan was paid substantially more than other department's #2 in rank. Their bureaucratic solution? Upgrade him from Major to Lt. Col.

With Randall, criminals knew where the county line was. Now criminals know that unless they steal hair spray there is not much to worry about.

Submitted by uh oh on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 6:25pm.

It is a sad Day in Fayette when the Sheriff allows one of his own to run the department as he sees fit-

{{{{{{DELETED}}}}}}} ... now it's time for the law to break him!

uh oh


Submitted by did not know on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 7:51pm.

but my first thoughts are the way Greg Dunn was smeared for having a run in with him. If this is true, I think more than a few should tell Mr Dunn they are sorry.

Submitted by truth hurts on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 9:44pm.

Jordan finally got his hand caught in the cookie jar. I can’t wait to see what the Sheriff’s response will be to this. Elections are right around the corner and this will be an issue. Sorry Dunn, I guess you were right.

Submitted by notintheloop on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 8:07pm.

Bruce can't lie his way out of this one. And to put the blame on another deputy is shameful! {{{{{DELETE}}}}}} what about how he tried to weasel his way out of his own mess. Oh, what a tangeled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive... Bruce has enough practice to write a book on the subject! Oh wait, he already did that! ha, ha!

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