questionable101: who won?

I have been out of town since I voted on the 18th, cannot find who won, etc. Please help me out!

questionable101: New Green Signage

Yes, they finally did get the yellow signs changed to green, now if only they could figure out street names. They have Northlake Drive as North Lake Drive and Willowbend Road as Willow Bend Road, both on the same sign!

questionable101: Stealing out of vehicles

Today I ate lunch at Macaroni Grill and when I came out, my car had been entered and all the bills I had paid with a check were stolen from my vehicle and the other compartments in my vehicle were rifled through for other things to take.

questionable101: Move Over Law

Don't get caught by the police on the latest reason to pull you over:

The Move Over Law, which became effective in 2003, states that drivers should move over one lane, if possible, when an emergency vehicle has its lights on and is pulled over on the side of the highway. If it is not possible to move over, then drivers are required to slow down and be prepared to stop.

questionable101: Logsdon Waving on 74

Hope all of you who honked and waved at us out on Highway 74 go and vote for Logsdon tomorrow December 6, if you do, we

questionable101: VOTE DEC 6 FOR LOGSDON

Hope all of you exercise your right to make a difference and vote tomorrow. If you complain and don't vote, then you shouldn't be blogging at all.

questionable101: Runoff Race for Mayor

Based on the election results, if you take all the votes from Tennant and Boswell and add them to Logsdon, (after all they weren't running to keep Brown as mayor but to displace him), Harold would have approximately 4800 votes out of 7445 total votes, that's better than 50% using anyone's math!!

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