The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, December 29, 1999

The jail question: It's an arresting issue

Dare I wade into this jail issue?

Do 'judgement' and Christmas mix?
Politically Speaking

In The Book of Common Prayer, the words of the prayer assigned for reading in services held on Christmas Day seem at first glance to have a disjointed sound to them.

I predict 2000
Laugh Lines
Time for me to make my predictions for the first year of the new millennium. Or, is it the last year of the old millennium?

Letters to the Editor

Has county considered alternatives to new jail?

Several [Fayette County] commissioners stated that if I had questions regarding the [proposed jail and judicial complex expansion] I should submit them in writing and they would be happy to reply. Following are seven questions respectfully submitted for a response from each commissioner.

America's problems are mostly problems of the heart

Praise God for community leaders like you who have the courage to stand up and call it like it is. There is nothing “politically correct” in your column, but you have spoken the truth like it needs to be told — the truth that Jesus Christ and the Word of God in the Bible have been proclaiming since the dawn of mankind.

Tax bills contain small error

It has been brought to our attention that there was a small glitch on the 1999 property tax bill. The error had absolutely nothing to do with the calculation of taxes due on taxable property for this year.

Avrit ethics case a test for free speech, unfettered ballot box

When Paul Revere took his famous midnight ride into Lexington, yelling “The British are coming, the British are coming,” no one heard him add, “This message provided by the Patriots' Committee for Independence, Samuel Adams, chairman, John Hancock, treasurer.”

Letter proves Fayetteville remains 'paranoid' about alcohol

I recently wrote a letter saying that I thought Fayetteville's alcohol laws were paranoid. I would like to thank Ms. Reagan for responding to my letter, proving the paranoid attitude about alcohol. She stated that I “seem to think revenue for the local government is more important than having dives serving drivers and minors.” This proves my contention that Fayetteville residents are paranoid about alcohol.

To keep government hones, keep on 'whining'

Finally, someone wants to argue for the “big boxes.” We need more debates on the vital issues that face our city. If the citizens fail to get involved, we can certainly expect to have these matters dictated to us by specific people on the Peachtree City Council.

With PTC rolling over, look for more big boxes

To the surprise of very few people, RAM Development won their appeal to the city council in Peachtree City and can now move ahead with the development of their first big-box store in Peachtree City. What was surprising is that our city officials presented the “case” for RAM's appeal, leaving no need for the developer to even have to speak on their own appeal's behalf. What a strange way of doing things.

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