- A man and a kaleidoscope
- A Parable: Once upon a time there was a man who had a
kaleidoscope. He loved it. He admired its beauty. It gave him such
pleasure. And he anxiously awaited it next splendid picture.
Kenwood Christian: a purpose-driven church
- The Kenwood Christian Church began in September 1983, in the homes of
the Lockman's, the McEwen's and the Lyle's. At the end of the month, they had received
a state charter for the church, moved into what amounted as a
three-car garage, and then in an office building.
A chocoholic's confession
- Twenty years ago or somewhere there abouts, a week or so before Christmas,
my friend Judy received a two pound box of Russell Stover, chocolate-covered nuts from a
Bell South (then Southern Bell) co-worker.
Sunday Briefs
New Hope women's conference reaches out to area
- New Hope Baptist Church in Fayetteville hopes to provide
some answers to some of the most difficult questions facing women
in the upcoming women's conference titled, "What Matters Most."