The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Shelve the attitude, start solving problems

Let’s all take a deep breath and try for some perspective on this Peachtree City clash of strong wills.

Another day of infamy: October 23, 1983
Special to The Citizen

“Have you forgotten how it felt that day, to have your homeland under fire, and her people blown away?”


Are Target developers above the law in PTC?

Are we on or off Target?

PTC Planner gave biased view

I was appalled by the presentation made by Peachtree City’s City Planner at the planning commission meeting Oct. 13. I was expecting to hear a very factual presentation on the proposed Target/Kedron Shopping Center development. Instead, I listened to what I would characterize as the most biased and unethical presentation I have ever heard.

Emergency response times threatened by Target plan

As a citizen of Peachtree City for several years I have serious concerns regarding the proposed Phase Two and Phase Three development of Kedron Village Shopping Center. The developer proposed to have the main egress to and from the shopping center coming off an extension to Regents Park. There are a number of safety risks that the proposed design poses.

Target plan violates big box rule

These days, my community is facing the possibility of being impacted negatively by the proposed development of the Kedron Village Shopping Center. We have deep worries about our security, safety, traffic and above all the management of this situation by our city officials.

1st Amendment birthed on pages much like this one

[Editor’s note: A reader asked us to republish a letter to the editor that appeared on this page March 15, 2000. We are glad to reprint the following.]

Sexual behavior cannot ever be morally neutral

I thought hard about whether to respond to Ms. Eska-Thedra’s Sept. 24 letter because I sense that our disagreement is getting rather overheated. But for the sake of clarity, I feel I must respond on a view points.

Abortion terms hide the procedures’ horrors

IWe, as newspaper readers and television viewers, are constantly bombarded with the topic of abortion. Choice, termination of pregnancy, personally opposed and unwanted tissue are terms fed to us by the mainstream media.

Mayor: I’m not in favorof Tennant’s reelection

It has come to my attention that some of the residents in Peachtree City have been led to believe that I am endorsing the campaign for reelection of Dan Tennant. Please know that I am not supporting this effort.

Here’s hoping Fayette reaches out to help helpless animals

I was deeply saddened by the article about Azura, a sweet, innocent dog that was unjustly hurt by someone that obviously lacks brains and heart. In this cruel world that we live in, it is truly disturbing that when animals who cannot defend

F’ville must address dangers of Pye Lake dam collapse

On Sept. 18, I attended the Fayetteville City Council meeting on the stormwater issues. I also had the opportunity, in my capacity as president of the board of directors of the Lafayette Garden Homes Home Owners Association, to address you and the other council members on the dangers and fear that our almost 200 citizen in our community experience everytime a heavy rain comes along

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