Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Abortion terms hide the procedures’ horrors

IWe, as newspaper readers and television viewers, are constantly bombarded with the topic of abortion. Choice, termination of pregnancy, personally opposed and unwanted tissue are terms fed to us by the mainstream media.
With these arbitrary terms as our guiding light, we as a society are expected to decide whether we are pro-life or pro-abortion. Without an informed conscience, we remain lukewarm or neutral. How many of us really know what abortion is and what it entails?
Abortion by definition is the voluntary expulsion or forcing out of a fetus (literally meaning little one in Latin) from the mother’s womb prematurely. According to these are the eight ways in which an abortion is performed. One way is the partial-birth abortion. This method is performed at four to nine months of the pregnancy.
The preborn baby is rotated and delivered feet first, except for the head. The back of the neck is punctured with scissors and suction is used to suck out the brain and collapse the skull. The dead baby is fully delivered.
Suction, another abortion procedure, is done at the first three months of pregnancy. (At this time in the child’s development, he is able to kick his legs, close his fingers, open and close his mouth, and frown.) A suction tube, 27 times more powerful than a home vacuum cleaner, is inserted into the opening of the womb. The powerful suction tears the baby limb from limb.
Dilation and curettage (D&C) is done at the end of the third month of pregnancy (approximately 12 weeks). The mother’s cervix is dilated, ring forceps are inserted into the womb and the baby is extracted piece by piece. Then a curette (a sharp knife with a loop shape) is inserted and used to scrape away any of the baby or the placenta that remains. Profuse bleeding follows.
Dilation and extraction (D&E) is done after 13 weeks. The mother’s cervix is dilated and the live, preborn child is dismembered with pliers-like forceps. With a twisting motion, the baby’s body is torn apart, the spine is snapped and the skull crushed. Baby parts are often left inside the mother’s womb, causing serious complications and sometimes death to the mother.
Saline amniocentesis, which is done after 16 weeks, entails injecting an amniocentesis needle filled with a concentrated salt solution into the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. The baby then proceeds to breathe and swallow the solution and dies more than an hour later of acute salt poisoning. The mother then delivers a burned, dead baby. Use of this method has declined because of the danger to the mother and survival of the baby.
Postaglandin is a late-term abortion. A substance is injected into the amniotic sac causing premature labor and birth. Inter-cardiac injection entails poisonous injection into the chest or heart of the baby via a long needle inserted through the mother’s abdomen. The dead baby is absorbed. Sometimes this results in loss of all babies during “pregnancy reduction” in multi-fetal pregnancies.
The eighth way an abortion is performed is “birth control” abortions which involves Ru486, methotrexate, Norplat, IUDs, prostagladins and Depo-Provera and causes early chemical abortions. The pill has a “backup” abortifacient action if conception takes place.
The truth about abortion is abhorrent and appalling, but it gets worse. Not only do abortionists dismember, burn, and puncture the babies, but after the abortion has taken place, they throw the babies into the garbage or sell them to science at a high price for the purpose of experimentation. They do not even get a proper burial.
Our country is founded upon the Constitution, which states that everybody has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Biologists state that at the moment of conception, that is when the sperm and the egg meet, 23 chromosomes from each parent fuse, making a baby that has its own 46 chromosomes distinct from his mother.
These distinct 46 chromosomes are the blueprint to gender, hair color, eye color, height, taste bud preference, intellectual capacity, and even shoe size. All the baby needs is nurture, love, and time to grow.
Since these are distinct human beings, why are they not regarded with the simplest right of all, the right to life? Our court system protects the life of a preborn bald eagle; why not grant equal protection to the preborn human baby, who is made in the image and likeness of God?
Our forefathers would be disheartened at the way in which we interpret the Constitution. Life was meant for all, including the silent innocents.
Nicole Barresi
Fayetteville, Ga.

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