Wednesday, May 28, 2002

Health Wise
Keeping your child safe, Part 2
Child's Play

Last month I began a two-part series on how to keep your child safe. I addressed the first of four "developmental enemies" that work against children and to the advantage of perpetrators - trust and obedience. This month I conclude this series with the remaining three developmental "enemies" to your child's safety - curiosity, silence, and perceived appearances.

FCH offers diabetes care classes

Fayette Community Hospital is offering Diabetes Care Classes on the following dates (Mondays) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: June 9, June 30, July 14, Aug. 4, Aug. 25, Sept. 8, Sept. 29, Oct. 13, Oct. 27, Nov. 10 and Dec. 8.

South Fulton Medical Center celebrates 40th anniversary

Exactly 40 years ago, South Fulton Medical Center opened its doors and began offering medical services for the south Fulton community.

Feinberg Recognized by Community Health Charities of Georgia

Dr. Bruce Feinberg, CEO of Georgia Cancer Specialists, was recognized for his professional and charitable efforts recently at the Community Health Charities of Georgia's 5th Annual Recognition Event. The awards ceremony was held April 27 at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center.

New community organization focuses on quality of life

The Community Wellness Alliance, a national nonprofit membership organization, has announced its newest affiliated chapter in Fayette County.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is severe pain down the back of your leg. It is caused by irritation of the largest nerve in your body, the sciatic nerve. It can be associated with burning, tingling and numbness, as well as muscle spasms and weakness.

To stay young, nourish your hormones

Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary defines hormones as "a substance originating in an organ, gland or body part that is conveyed through the blood to another body part, chemically stimulating that part to increase or decrease in functional activity." The Greek root actually means to "urge on." Thus, hormones are messengers that control and balance many body functions. Research has shown that balanced hormones may enhance and even prolong life.

Baby Peaches helping low-income parents

Baby Peaches, Inc., is launching a new program in metro Atlanta to help low-income parents care for their newborns.

SFMC participates in stroke test program

South Fulton Medical Center (SFMC) is participating in the American Stroke Association's "Get With The Guidelines Stroke" program. The goal of the program is to improve the overall quality of care for stroke patients by improving acute stroke treatment and preventing future strokes and cardiovascular events.

Take five small steps to prevent diabetes

Almost 16 million Americans are well on their way to developing diabetes-and most don't even know it. They have a condition called pre-diabetes, which means their blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not yet diabetic. The good news is there is now scientific proof that they can delay or prevent the disease and its devastating complications.

State oral health program opens wide to help more children

This year for the first time, low-income children throughout Georgia can get preventive dental screening and care in their schools. This will fill a big cavity in children's health, especially in rural areas, according to Joseph Alderman, D.D.S., director of the Georgia Department of Human Resources Division of Public Health's oral health program.

Putting things off can add stress

Six tips to get things done

Titanium rib implant a success at Shriners Hospital

Doctors discovered that 3-year-old Matthew Harper's spine was curved when he was only 4 months old. He was diagnosed with progressive scoliosis. His mother also had scoliosis. She only had a slight curve and never needed treatment.

Mother goes online to help her baby

Shana Hansen, a 26-year-old mother from Blessing, Texas was worried about her infant daughter Lillian.

Several birds can carry West Nile virus

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