Wednesday, May 28, 2003

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is severe pain down the back of your leg. It is caused by irritation of the largest nerve in your body, the sciatic nerve. It can be associated with burning, tingling and numbness, as well as muscle spasms and weakness.

Sciatic pain may start with back pain and can radiate to the hip and the back of the thigh. Sometimes, the pain will even go to back of the knee, calf, heel and may be linked to a tingling toe.

If you understand some basic anatomy you can see how this can happen. Proper care of your spine can correct and prevent the irritation of this and other nerves.

Studies show that 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain as adults. Many have accidents and appear to recover in a few days or don't have pain or symptoms afterward. Some have been involved in activities that require repetitive motion. Some sit all day and think that, because they are not lifting or bending, their backs are healthy.

One day you bend down to brush your teeth or pick up a piece of paper and you feel pain and cannot straighten up.

How can something so simple cause such a terrible pain? Your body is no longer able to compensate for the imbalances from things that occurred years ago.

The public is invited to a health talk on back pain and sciatica, where the causes, correction and prevention of these problems will be discussed. It is scheduled for Thursday, May 29, at 2 p.m. at Heritage of Peachtree, 1967 Ga. Highway 54 West in Fayetteville. Dr. Marilyn Lalka Durden of the Durden Chiropractic Clinic in Tyrone, with ten years of experience helping patents with these debilitating problems, will be the guest speaker.

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