The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, March 6, 2002

Politics: Let's have some open exchange

The jockeying for position that politician/statesmen do as an election approaches is always interesting, and now maybe a little more so in the wake of Sept. 11.

Authority fight: I'm at that age
Laugh Lines

I am at the age where I constantly look back at how my parents were during my youth, and if I am the same way now. Am I a complete replica of the way they were then?


Open meetings: Lust for power drives secrecy

You were forthright in your editorial, last week, asking why local officials so often choose secrecy instead of openness, so I'll be forthright in supplying the answer to you.

Solicitor won't prosecute open meetings violations

Re your front page editorial Feb. 27: Congratulations on your victory in obtaining a temporary injunction in stopping local governments from meeting in secret.

If paper prints attack on Dunn, then at least let him respond

I find it disturbing that you would print a personal attack by one of our Tyrone City Council members without at least having the courtesy to talk with the person being attacked ["Cannon: Dunn's a liar," Page 14A, Feb. 27]. What has happened to the fair and objective reporting I expect and usually get from your newspaper?

Dunn: What you see is what you get

Will you please allow Greg Dunn to state his position on community involvement in the Fayette County jail system.

Dunn is not a liar

Those who know Greg Dunn personally know how invalid [Tyrone Councilman Ronnie] Cannon's statements are. To those who don't know Greg, let me say I worked for and with Greg when he was a special assistant to the four star general at FORCES Command. Greg is NOT a liar, or even prone to hyperbole for sake of self. He says what he means and means what he says.

Is it time for Tyrone Council to clean up its act?

Has the time come for us to clean up our act in Tyrone?

Not easy to stand up for positions against opposition

I don't agree with everything Steve Brown or Cal Beverly may say or do, but I have to give these men credit for standing up for what they believe in. They've always fought for what they think is right and just, and that is not easy.

PTC officials supporting a teen center? What a joke!

Subject: Peachtree City's rampant rise in youth crime, spreading throughout Fayette County.

Snell brings meaning, class to library programs

I noted with dismay an article in a local newspaper last week on my friend, Chris Snell. She is the director of the Fayette Public Library.

Radio station bombards children with obscenities

I live in Gaelic Glen and I feel the same as Wes Wilkins, "Free speech should end if I can't turn it off!"

Dear AT&T: I'd like my lost channels returned

Mr. Jim Lowe was right on the mark with his letter in The Citizen, but he did not go far enough.

Cable customers getting more 'outages' than 'in-ages'

On Saturday two trucks belonging to AT&T Broadband came into my yard, [technicians] climbed the telephone pole and cut off my cable TV. Not only me but many other customers on Hip Pocket Road in Peachtree City as well. They left and didn't come back. This left all without TV service Saturday night and most of Sunday.

Many people don't know about Black History Month

This letter is in response to a racial commercials letter, "Ad portrays white people as stupid" [The Citizen, Feb. 27].

Black inventors are numerous

Ms. Saul, I agree with you; I feel that the commercials are tacky. I don't think that they are trying to portray Caucasians as being "dumb." I feel that they have made a commercial that was not well put together. I think that they could have put the message out a little better and definitely in a different way.

Movie accurately depicts what happened in Somalia

I could not disagree more with a "Critic's Corner" review of the movie, "Black Hawk Down."

Let's remember Vietnam vets

I recently saw the movie, "Black Hawk Down." What a great movie. The deaths of those 18 brave Americans on that horrific October day in Mogadishu and the realistic action sequences are testimony to the courage and dedication representative of today's U.S. armed forces.

'Latter Day Saints' believe faith plus works

This letter is a response to the religion column printed in your newspaper Feb. 27. Perhaps I can shed some additional light on the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, because I have been a member since my conversion in 1954. While I believe my comments will be correct, and I believe that the doctrines I shall mention are true, I speak only as an individual member of my Church.

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