Wednesday, March 6, 2002

Cable customers getting more 'outages' than 'in-ages'

On Saturday two trucks belonging to AT&T Broadband came into my yard, [technicians] climbed the telephone pole and cut off my cable TV. Not only me but many other customers on Hip Pocket Road in Peachtree City as well. They left and didn't come back. This left all without TV service Saturday night and most of Sunday.

In conversations with neighbors we think this may have been intentional, as there was nothing wrong before they cut us all off.

If you are having the same problem, next time you see one of these AT&T trucks climbing a pole near your house just confront the joker and tell him to go away. He might be there to cut your cable off.

If you feel it necessary to call and complain, you will be put on hold for so long so they might feel it their duty to check and see if you paid your bill lately. After so long a time a lady with a nice voice will tell you they are experiencing some outage in your area.

Why did we already know we were experiencing an outage? Our 6-year-old great-granddaughter could tell me that. I would rather them tell me when we might experience some "in-ages." It seems that there are more "outages" than "in-ages" these days.

Let's strike a deal with AT&T to give us as many in-ages as outages, and try to make the outages between midnight and 7 a.m. Sounds about right to me. Any more and better suggestions?

Frank Hyde

Peachtree City

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