Wednesday, March 6, 2002

Many people don't know about Black History Month

This letter is in response to a racial commercials letter, "Ad portrays white people as stupid" [The Citizen, Feb. 27].

My fellow citizen, I'm saddened to inform you that a scientific amount of other citizens, both local and nationwide, throughout this great U.S.A. do not know that February is Black History Month.

Just two weeks ago I saw a report that was done at an all-white school. They were asked when is Black History Month, and the answer was they don't know! I assure you that it wasn't because these kids was being stupid, foolish, silly or showing a deficiency in intelligence. Quite simply they were never taught about race relations or black history.

I'm black but would like to think that I speak for most people, that big and small companies have a responsibility to society to address racial toleration of all people.

I submit to [letter writer LeGay] Saul that all citizens should be more accountable for learning about other races. I don't think that white people are now the brunt of being shown as stupid. Also we have come a long way, but I see we have a long way to go.

I applaud McDonald's in being responsible and accountable to society in their commercials. P.S.: If a man or company won't stand for something, they will fall for anything.

Brice Smith Sr.


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