The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

How to stop the pork barrel gravy train

Various conservative organizations delight each year in listing some of the unconscionable ways in which our elected representatives waste our money in order to buy votes.

Staff development trains variety of school personnel

The staff development department of the Fayette County School System provides and supports many professional development activities for all employees. The majority of the funding for staff training is provided through a grant from the Georgia Department of Education.

I school; how do you school?
Laugh Lines

When highly educated archaeologists dig up our Sunday-best-dressed corpses in some century yet to come, I wonder if we will be remembered as the culture who could argue over everything. Among our ruins of Movado watches, Ford Expeditions and Mini cell phones will they also discover our propensity for quarreling?


Democrats not only ones sending surveys

I certainly can relate to Dave Hamrick's article, "This poll's responses won't surprise you," in The Citizen Sept. 5. You see, I, too, was sent a "survey" to fill out during the 2000 campaign.

Why schools have no gyms, and how they can get them

Please allow me to comment on last week's Citizen front-page article captioned, "What about our gym?" There is a reason why there is no gym, and I'll tell you what it is. I'll also tell you how our kids can get a gym.

Health data say No to power plant

I have heard and read reliable and factual data about the proposed Williams Power Plant. I have also heard many things about the risk to our health, which is my greatest concern regarding this proposed power plant. I have tried to keep an open mind while gathering all the information that I can before I choose a position for or against this proposed power plant. Keep in mind that Fulton and Fayette counties are in the non-attainment zone for ozone pollution.

Plant bad for seniors, kids

Everyone needs power, but power plants shouldn't be built in residential areas. Prior to deregulation most public utilities didn't locate power plants in neighborhoods because risks to the public were not deemed acceptable.

California said No; look what happened

For all the residents and family members of the residents primarily in the suggested "proposed new power plant area," we should really consider this new plant as a blessing.

Brown: Here's plan that will work for schools

For those who have read my letters in the past, you will recall that I had introduced a proposal called Education First in Fayette. The proposal called for local governments (county and municipal) to assume accountability for annexations and rezonings that negatively affect the school system. Obviously, if governmental entities change large sections of land to a higher density than what the current land use plan states, the school system is forced into a reactive position and problems abound.

Wellman: Not engaging in negative campaigning

The period to qualify for our Peachtree City elections has begun. By close of business Friday, Sept. 14, we will know who the candidates will be. We will then have eight weeks to decide which one will earn your vote.

Faulkner: CCY youth programs must be kept

The decision last week for the Peachtree City Commission on Children and Youth to recommend to City Council that it be disbanded should be a wake-up call for us.

Mexicans are just like us: We all came here from elsewhere

After reading your letters to the editor in today's Citizen, I found myself compelled to respond, primarily to the letter signed "Name withheld."

U.S. overcrowded? Not likely

This letter is in response to Bill Gilmer's letter, "Unchecked immigration leads to overcrowding."

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