Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Democrats not only ones sending surveys

I certainly can relate to Dave Hamrick's article, "This poll's responses won't surprise you," in The Citizen Sept. 5. You see, I, too, was sent a "survey" to fill out during the 2000 campaign.

However, the survey I received stated that I was "specially selected as a representative of the citizens in my area" and my answers would "represent their views." The only difference was my survey was from the Republican Party to "help guide and determine" their platform for the 2000 election. Oh, I suppose I should point out that I am a Democrat and have been for many years.

Well, I got quite a laugh out of the survey and, like Dave, wondered why I got it. I figured I may as well go ahead and fill it out, and so I did my best to drive liberal issues into the Republican platform.

I especially liked the last question that had three choices. It asked me to check a box about donations to the Republican campaign. The first asked for money, the second was, "Yes, I'll send money but in the future," and the last was, "No, I won't send any money, I want Al Gore to be our next president."

Obviously I chose the last response. I assumed (as Dave did) that I had heard the last from the Republican Party (I did enjoy telling all may Republican friends how I "represented" their views).

Imagine my surprise when a few months later I received another survey asking the same questions but for use at the convention to build the platform. I answered again including the last answer about wanting "Al Gore to be our next president."

Finally, after the election, I was completely shocked to receive a card in the mail. This card from the Republican National Committee is my "2001 Platinum Member inaugural edition" card (member number included) that states that I have been issued the membership "... in recognition of an extraordinary level of commitment to the Republican ideals and values that are the foundation of our Party and our country."

It further states (and this is my favorite part) that I "... should be given special consideration by all Republican leaders as one who has provided (this is the best part) the lifeblood of our Party over many years."

Dave, I agree with your sentiments about political surveys, but I think you need to be a little more "liberal" with your view about Democrats being the only ones sending "... loaded questions to a handpicked pool of respondents...."

Based on my surveys and my "membership card," the idea isn't exclusively Democratic. In fact, it appears that the idea came from the Republican Party (I know, the Dems probably "stole" the idea).

Say, if you get a membership as part of the "lifeblood" of the Democratic Party, maybe we could trade. Although I'm not sure I would give up the chance to demand "special consideration" as one of the "lifeblood of the party" from a Republican Party leader.

Jim Stinson

Peachtree City

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