Wednesday, September 12, 2001

U.S. overcrowded? Not likely

This letter is in response to Bill Gilmer's letter, "Unchecked immigration leads to overcrowding."

Mr. Gilmer makes some points which at first glance may seem to make sense logically. However as any student of basic logic knows, when the premise is faulty, the conclusions also are false.

On what does Mr. Gilmer base his statements that our planet is overcrowded? How does one define overpopulation? Is there some set square footage that each human being must have in order to survive?

Let's examine some facts: What is one of the most "crowded" countries in terms of "per capita living space?" Is it India? Perhaps China, since its government has set up population control measures; surely it must be China! How about one of those African countries we all hear about being riddled with starvation?

It may surprise you to learn that most of the countries listed as highest in population density are not Third World countries, but ones such as The Netherlands, Taiwan, Japan, Macau, the U.K. and that's not even including the small countries such as Monaco, Bermuda.

What about the U.S.A.? The fact is we live in a very vast country! Look at an atlas sometime, and take a look at some of the western prairie states, where there are acres upon acres, miles upon miles of land. Land that is very fertile and productive. Land that our government actually pays the farmers not to farm in some cases. If there is such a "shortage" of resources to support life on our continent, WHY would the government do this?

The real reason these Third World countries are suffering and have such poor living conditions is not due simply to the numbers of people there. It is due in many cases to corrupt governments, lack of education in basic farming skills of the people (and anything they do produce being stolen by the evil men in power), and in some areas it is also directly affected by their absurd religious beliefs. India comes to mind, where because rats and cows are "sacred" they are allowed to run rampant, ravaging crops and supplies and spreading disease.

Now, I am not accusing Mr. Gilmer of deliberately spreading misinformation, I have seen these same propaganda spread all over. Usually on the same page with wild moanings about "global warming" and other ecological pet causes still yet to be proven true by any scientist.

Do not misunderstand me; I am a firm believer that humans have a divinely appointed responsibility to be good stewards of what we have. We have the right to use our planet's natural resources, but that comes with the responsibility to use them wisely, not squander them.

Mrs. Kathryn Andrews

Peachtree City

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