The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

All tangled up in a technological web

I guess I'm going to have to break down and get a cell phone.

The things we learn from grandparents
One Citizen's Perspective

It is no secret that grandparents are some of the most blessed people on the planet. They carry with them an aura that gives light to the people around them. It is no wonder, nor is it circumstance, that the distinction comes in the autumn of one's life.

Secrets revealed:
Laugh Lines

Diary of a shirt


Extra EMTs irrelevant to better response times

A few citizens have expressed sincere concern to me because the Fayette County Board of Commissioners did not fund seven additional firefighters/emergency medical technicians in the county's 2002 fiscal year budget. I was able to alleviate their concern when I shared the facts with them. I hope this letter will do the same for those citizens who have that concern but have not contacted us. Inaccurate letters to the editor, incomplete newspaper articles and rumors "at the water cooler" serve only to distort the real story.

Keep Fayette Beautiful has moved beyond flower planting; we need help

I appreciate Dave Hamrick's support of Keep Fayette Beautiful in his column, "Fayette, do you want to be beautiful?"

What happened to county money for recreation in PTC?

Last week, Dave Hamrick reported that county commissioners were considering the 2002 budget which included over $1 million for recreation. He quoted county Finance Director Mark Pullium, "What the results will be ... will be a significant improvement to the playing surfaces of all the fields throughout the county."

Questions for candidates: Explain how any rezoning to higher density can help residents of the county

Every candidate says they are "for the land use plan." All of our former failed elected officials like Price, Lakly, Burrell, Sprayberry, Gosa and many city officials were "for the land use plan" [and yet] they caused the congestion we are in now.

Pfeifer: Some principles to govern by if I am elected

Anyone who moves into a new job or starts with a new organization or gets married or becomes a parent for the first time will need a period of on the job training. We all know this. A candidate who wins an office for the first time is no exception. If a candidate ever tells you different, don't let them kid you.

Bost stuck it to county citizens when he resigned after election

Unlike Mr. Steve Brown, I do not know [resigned County Commissioner] Harold Bost either personally or professionally. It seems to me that while in office Mr. Bost did an outstanding job and is to be commended for that. However, I find it hard to believe that Mr. Bost did not know of the time constraints that would be asked of him when he chose to run for reelection in November 2000.

Letter shows Brown will go to any length for notoriety

It is a sorry state of life when a person like Steve Brown latches on to a personal tragedy that happened to a family and bring further evidence that Mr. Brown will go to any lengths to bring notoriety to his name.

'Cement ladies' helped create All Children's Playground

I encourage everyone to go take a look at the Luther T. Holt All Children's Playground at Picnic Park behind City Hall. It took a lot of volunteers to make it all happen. The flooring has yet to be installed, but it looks great.

Publisher's column knocking attorneys wasn't very smart

Is elective office best reserved for those who know the least, better to reflect, perhaps, the mediocre elements within our society? Are we to tell our children the study of law would make them less worthy and less desirable as elective office holders? Your front page editorial musings of June 13, in your last issue before the county commission special election, certainly suggest that much.

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