Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Questions for candidates: Explain how any rezoning to higher density can help residents of the county

Every candidate says they are "for the land use plan." All of our former failed elected officials like Price, Lakly, Burrell, Sprayberry, Gosa and many city officials were "for the land use plan" [and yet] they caused the congestion we are in now.

What we need is an elected official that can explain and understand that each residential rezoning to higher density increases our taxes by forcing us to build more schools, roads, recreation, jails. Hire more teachers, police, firemen, EMT government employees. Increase the traffic jams and even lengthen the lines at the post office and overall degrade the quality of life that brought us to Fayette County.

What I want to hear from elected officials is what each residential rezoning to higher density will do to increase, not decrease, the value of our homes. Preserve, not degrade our school system. Improve, not clog our roads. Preserve, not ruin our natural resources, like water and air. Reduce, not increase our taxes and overall protect Fayette County, the home we moved to, and not repeat the mistakes made by other less enlightened counties.

Development "as currently zoned" is not "no growth" as some of our foolish elected officials believe. Can you give a single compelling reason to rezone residential property to a higher density that is in the interest of the current citizens?

The Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, Population Projections At Buildout, has us computed with a maximum population of 160,000 with Lake Horton, and without buying water from Atlanta. How can any elected official vote to rezone anything to a higher density and still say that they are representing the citizens and the land use plan?

The Citizen and our local Republican Internet web page is a good place to reach the voters. I am looking forward to a detailed response from current and future candidates at both sites.

These are not "trick" questions; 83 percent of the people who responded on the last countywide survey said "growth is out of control and the elected officials were representing the developer and not the citizens." We need strong answers from strong elected officials.

What do you plan to do to demonstrate to the voters that you will represent them?

See you at the polls.

Bob Craft


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