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Wednesday, June 13, 2001

A hero of faith
Religion Columnist
Had lunch today with one of the great shepherds of Fayette County. He's not a pastor of a mega-church (probably would not want to be), but his ministry has served the test of time like more than 20 years after founding the North Fayette Baptist Church.

Expert to discuss Shroud of Turin at PTC Presbyterian

Russ Breault, founder of the Shroud of Turin Education Project (STEP) will present a multimedia program entitled "The Mystery of the Shroud: A Multi-Media Encounter," at the Peachtree City First Presbyterian Church's Men's Fellowship meeting Sunday, June 24, at 6:30 p.m. Breault's presentation, using numerous graphics and visuals, will cover all aspects of the history, science, art and theories of how the image on the historic artifact may have been formed.

New Unity Mission Church will hold services at Abundant Life

Pastor A. Smith Atwater and his wife, Merrian, have begun a new church in Fayette County. Services will be held at the Abundant Life Worship Center in Tyrone.

Mary Clay to be featured speaker at June Women's Aglow meeting

Mary Clay, of LightBearers Ministries, will be the featured speaker at this month's meeting of Women's Aglow Fellowship International, Monday, June 18, at 7 p.m. There will be no Tuesday meeting this month.

VBS Schedule

Ramah Baptist invites community participation in patriotic production

Ramah Baptist invites community participation in patriotic production

Fayetteville UMC plans Weigh Down Workshop for June 20

The Biblically-based Weigh Down Workshop weight loss program will begin at the Fayetteville First United Methodist Church Wednesday, June 20 at 10 a.m. The class lasts 12 weeks and costs $105 for beginners, $55 for second-timers, and is free for third-timers. Fees include the workbook and audio tapes used in the program.

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