The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page

Wednesday, April 18, 2001

This month, help Friday Johnson

Contributing Writer

Who is Friday Johnson?

Friday Johnson might be the child who makes the honor roll or the one who sleeps in class and never has homework done.

It could be the child who cheers for the local team or the child who has no interest in anything to do with school.

Friday Johnson may come from the nicest subdivision in town or the other side of the tracks.

Friday Johnson is a child with a secret. It's not a secret about someone's birthday or a Christmas present. Friday Johnson is a victim of abuse or neglect who wants the hurt to go away. Friday just wants to be like every other child.

One thing in Friday's life is sure chaos. Friday cannot predict from one day to the next what life will be like. Children like Friday often believe that if they could change themselves, things would be better. If they could just be a little nicer, maybe Mom wouldn't hit so much. If she could just disappear, maybe Dad would stop hurting her at night. If he just didn't come home, would Friday care where he was?

Child abuse and neglect know no economic status, race or cultural barriers.

Last year in Fayette County, there were over 500 reports of child abuse or neglect.

In the last 12 months, according to Prevent Child Abuse America, more than three million children were reported to child protective service agencies as alleged victims of child abuse or neglect and one million of these reports were confirmed.

In recognition of this problem, the Fayette Youth Protection Home's 12th annual Power Parade will be conducted the week of April 16-20. School children will be bringing home envelopes this week to collect donations from neighbors, friends and businesses to benefit the children at the Friday and Johnson homes for abused and neglected children.

Who is Friday Johnson? A child who needs a safe place to be and a regular routine with someone at home who relates to him in a predictable and loving way. A child who needs someone to care about her, how she is and what she feels. A child who needs affection, regardless of performance.

Who is Friday Johnson? Any child. Every child.

Be good to your children and give them the power to change a life. Support the Power Parade.

Carolyn Cary is Fayette County's official historian and editor of "The History of Fayette County," published by the Fayette County Historical Society.


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