The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, October 25, 2000

Who's telling the truth in prez race?

For those who are seriously considering the issues in this year's presidential election, and who haven't yet made up their minds, two questions probably figure prominently in the decision-making process.

Lake Kedron takes bigger water use hit
One Citizen's Perspective

If you happen to be driving in the Lake Kedron area of Peachtree City, you'll probably notice that the lake is shrinking. The water level is way down. The outer perimeters of the lake have been transformed into marshlands.

Here's why women like Al (and not me)
Laugh Lines

As incredibly close as the presidential race is, it is rather amazing how huge a gap there is between men's and women's devotion to Al Gore. Women simply love him and (the polls say) will vote for him in large numbers compared to George W. Bush. Thus, if Gore becomes our 35th president or whatever the number, it pretty much means that the most powerful man in the world got his job because women think he is hot. But, why do women like him so much? I have my theories.

Letters to the Editor

Lexington Park rezoning raises some questions

In the Wednesday Oct. 18 issue of The Citizen I read an article by John Munford entitled, "PTC may lift multifamily housing moratorium."

PTC Council big box rules favor 2 current developers

The big box chicanery on behalf of big-time developers continues in Peachtree City. The editors at the AJC (Oct. 17, "Fold the big-box stores before it's too late") were right when they said we need to begin "thinking outside the big box."

Court properly interprets Constitution as 'living document'

Your paper is certainly a bastion of right-wing claptrap, and I thought Amy Riley's article, "Uphold Constitution best: Bush or Gore?" well representative. Particularly ironic was her description of Al Gore's future Supreme Court choices (were he elected) as clear examples of "situational ethics" and "the hallmark of the post '60s and '70s era 'me generation.'" She should pick up a history book now and then and perhaps fax its contents to Mr. Bush.

Sexual harassment investigation part of PTC political plot?

Imagine, if you will, this situation. You have been falsely accused of a potentially embarrassing charge at work. You know you have done nothing wrong, but for reasons of "office politics," there are some people on the job that want to hurt you. Someone or some group is trying to defame you. What do you do? Do you walk away from your job in disgrace, even though you are innocent of the charge? Do you confront your accuser(s)?

Cops can and do abuse 'asset forfeiture' laws

This "minor" debate on the issue of the vehicles that our local law enforcement officials are using is part of the much larger and more controversial topic of "asset forfeiture."

Time to vote Yes for school bonds

It is time for all my fellow SPLOST haters to step up to the plate. The Fayette County School Board has put a bond issue on this November's ballot. Unless we want those tax zealots cranking out another SPLOST, we need to vote "YES" on the $65 million bond.

Some schools are overcrowded

As an individual who taught five years in overpopulated South Florida, I just had to write in to correct 10-year-old Trevor Johnson's assertion that Al Gore lied about several things related to the schools.

PTC drivers, beware of left turn lanes

I was recently issued a traffic ticket while driving eastbound on Ga. Highway 54 at the Ga. Highway 74 intersection. My offense was that I passed over the yellow lines in the left turn lane.

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