Wednesday, October 25, 2000

Some schools are overcrowded

As an individual who taught five years in overpopulated South Florida, I just had to write in to correct 10-year-old Trevor Johnson's assertion that Al Gore lied about several things related to the schools.

Political views aside, Trevor, I know that you might find it impossible to believe that schools are so overcrowded, based on your experience with the terrific school system here in Fayette County.

However, there are schools that do not have enough desks (or room for desks) to seat every student, and it is sometimes necessary to begin "lunch" in the morning.

I should know as I was teaching in a middle school that was built for 1,500 students but actually had 2,100. We had 31 trailers and a trailer cafeteria. Even with all of those trailers, teachers still had 35-40 students in a class.

As the trailers could not hold that many desks, if all of the students showed up to school, then students sat on the floor or stood. Also, even with the two cafeterias operating, four lunches were still necessary. Therefore, first lunch began around two hours after school began.

Before you call someone a liar, you should be sure that you have all of the facts correct. Just count your blessings that you live and go to school in Fayette County, and pray that development here doesn't get so out of control that you experience just what I am talking about.

Jennifer Switzer

(Fayette County educator and former Florida teacher)

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