The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, June 7, 2000

Patrick Henry would be ashamed of us

We are becoming a nation of rule by mantra.

Poolside fun must include watchfulness
One Citizen's Perspective

With school out and the hot, humid days of summer vacation settling like a cloak on our communities, there is but one thing on our minds — swimming. Here in Fayette, we are teeming with children and lots and lots of opportunities to beat the heat in backyard, neighborhood and community pools

Spamming the globe, from L.A.
Laugh Lines

I am traveling to Los Angeles as I write this and the world news looks the same on this side of the country. Over here, though, more of it passes you by while you are in your car stuck in traffic.

Letters to the Editor

ARC, GRTA and Sen. Price are unresponsive

Thank you for the informative letter from Charlie Harper (“ARC density story: Candidate Harper knocks Sen. Price on earlier ARC, GRTA support”) on the May 24 opinion page, and the follow-up by Peter Pfeifer (“Last week's letter distorted Sen. Price's voting record on ARC, GRTA”) on May 31.

What's real story on Price's votes on schools, GRTA?

Re: State senator's voting record still distorted.

PTC's ARC reps are voting for higher density; is that what citizens want?

What does the Horizon Metro Poll (AJC, May 25) conducted by The Marketing Workshop mean for Fayette County?

Price's rebuttal is disingenuous, leaves out several key facts

The voters of the 28th Senate District deserve an honest campaign based on issues. The issues I raised in my letter of May 24 are real, and are having a direct effect on the quality of life in our community.

Truth-telling now a no-no in PTC

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave

Rosie knows best for all of us

So here we have Ms. Rosie O'Donnell, a woman enjoying a career far beyond what would be expected given her marginal talents, advocating the removal of guns from the hands of law-abiding citizens.

`Expert' advice on changing PTC density should be viewed with caution

When I contemplate all the goings-on with the annexation dream here in my city, I'm often reminded of that country cowboy DJ Moby-in-the-morning (paraphrasing with apologies) when he says, “I don't even know what's in Spam, but when I think about it, maybe it's best that I don't know.”

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