Wednesday, June 7, 2000
Rosie knows best for all of us

So here we have Ms. Rosie O'Donnell, a woman enjoying a career far beyond what would be expected given her marginal talents, advocating the removal of guns from the hands of law-abiding citizens.

Rosie O'Donnell, who used her show to ambush Tom Selleck because he dared to have an opposing view on the rights of gun ownership. Rosie O'Donnell, who said that “The only life that is important to the NRA is white, Republican life.”.

Far be it from me to defend the Republicans (or the Democrats), but were this statement somehow changed and made by a Republican (or conservative), it would be seen for the race-baiting it is.

Now we find that Rosie has armed her children's bodyguards. With guns. With legally obtained guns. With the same kind of legally obtained guns that she would deny you and me to have.

Only in the surreal worlds of Washington, D.C., or Hollywood can such thinking be seen as anything other than hypocrisy.

I used to think that Rosie was an innocuous sort who would be on the latest liberal bandwagon just to keep her face in front of the public. Save the whales, Save the trees, etc. I now know better.

Rosie is the worst kind of liberal: the elite, effete snob who talks about the common good of people while making sure that she is not tainted by the common person.

The arrogance of Rosie and her pals goes to the heart of the debate, and the soul of the nation: “I am a liberal, you are not. I know what is good for me... and what is good for you. What is good for the goose couldn't possibly be good for the gander.”

Protect your freedoms and rights. All of them.

Danny Lucsko

Vice Chairman,

Libertarian Party of Fayette County

Peachtree City

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