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What do you really think?Thu, 10/20/2005 - 1:57pm
By: The Citizen
E-mail us your pithy opinions, your short takes on life in Fayette and environs, your gotta-get-it-off-your-chest questions or sound-offs. E-mails only to [email protected]. Put Free Speech in your subject line and include your contribution as the body text of your e-mail. No signature required. No phone calls, faxes or snail-mail letters, please. No personal attacks on private persons, but just about any aspect of public life is fair game. 688 comments | read moreFreeSpeech for 02-24-10The last three health inspection grades for the Fayette County Jail are 99, 97 and 100. I can’t find another eating establishment in Fayette County with an average this high. What are my options if I want an extra clean place to eat out and don’t want to go to jail? FreeSpeech for 02-10-10Anyone else notice all the new crosswalks in town? They connect to about a four-foot pad of concrete. What’s up with that? FreeSpeech for 01-20-10We too were dumbfounded at the installation of unused and expensive crossing signals by Ga. Highway 314 and Kenwood Drive. But then we thought maybe this is in preparation for a walking/biking trail into Fayetteville. Wishful thinking? FreeSpeech for 01-13-10Just over two months ago the voters of Peachtree City decided they wanted to carry on the theme of “change” and elected what was certainly to be a new and improved City Council. After just one meeting of the new council, it’s apparent that they have every intention of keeping their campaign promises of taking Peachtree City back to the good old days, when Kmart reigned supreme as the only big box in town and there were no traffic lights for miles and miles on the city’s highways. Mayor Haddix has an agenda, and he doesn’t want to hear any more from the citizens; he has heard enough. Now our new City Council will be doing all they can to run new businesses (and their tax dollars) out of the city, but likely not very far. Soon these very same voters will be taking their business to Coweta County and shopping at the new stores just beyond our borders. How long before our taxes go up, Mayor Haddix, because you and your council minions lack the vision to see that putting stores just west of the county line rather than just east of the county line will not ease traffic congestion on Ga. Highway 54, it will only extend our drive to the stores we want to patronize by a few hundred yards? Luckily, we have Mr. Imker and his budgeting genius to save us. FreeSpeech for 01-06-10I want to thank Cleveland Elementary School for posting “Merry Christmas” outside of their school. Finally, someone is not afraid to say it! All you hear these days is “happy holidays and holiday party” and everything else except “Merry Christmas.” Thank you, Cleveland, for your example. FreeSpeech for 11-04-09I have come to notice that there are a great number of cars from other states here in Georgia. I have repeatedly seen the same cars week after week, month after month. A person has 30 days to change their license plates as well as their driver’s license when moving here from another state. I cannot see where it would be a problem for law enforcement to pull over a car with out of state license plates to check to see how long they have been in Georgia and if they have moved here to ticket them if they have been here for 30 days or more. There seems to be a great deal of “lost tags” or “tag applied for” driving around. Stop these vehicles to see if in fact this is the case. You may also want to check on those “dealer tags.” This might help the municipalities with their financial shortcomings by enforcing all of the above. FreeSpeech for 10-07-09[What do you really think? Email us your pithy opinions, your short takes on life in Fayette and environs, your gotta-get-it-off-your-chest questions or sound-offs. Emails only to [email protected]. Put Free Speech in your subject line and include your contribution as the body text of your email. No signature required. No phone calls, faxes or snail-mail letters, please. No personal attacks on private persons, but just about any aspect of public life is fair game.] FreeSpeech for 09-16-09Bost Hogg, being the loser in court on the silly recall hearing, should not only have to pay lawyer fees but also pay for the judge. And by the way, why are we taxpayers paying extra for this other judge? We have judges on salary that should have heard the case. Why we paying FreeSpeech for 09-02-09How sad for Terry Garlock. He served admirably in Southeast Asia, but didn’t receive a ticker-tape reception when he returned from Vietnam 40 years ago. Apparently, he lies awake at night cursing the Woodstock attendees (many of whom were Vietnam vets) who had fun one weekend while he was away serving very nobly for an ignoble cause. His ire is misdirected. Instead of criticizing a few music fans who didn’t share his views, he should be angry at the Presidents who invented a incident to start the war (Gulf of Tonkin attack), lied to the American people about our progress (Tet Offensive), lied to Congress about escalating the war (bombing Laos and Cambodia), and sacrificed over 58,000 brave American soldiers for a cause they later abandoned — as well as rogue soldiers who sullied the army’s good name by committing atrocities (My Lai). Instead of being proud of his own personal sacrifice, Mr. Garlock must vilify his peers who didn’t serve with him (perhaps for cowardice as he suggests or perhaps because they saw the futility of the struggle that he couldn’t). The sad conclusion for Mr. Garlock is that he devotes so much time to revisionist history to prove that America’s cause was heroic when he need only rest in his own knowledge that he acted heroically. Thank you for your service Mr. Garlock; get some peaceful sleep. FreeSpeech for 08-19-09When a tree falls on my property during a storm, I have to hire a company to remove it. When a tree falls on a Fayetteville city councilman’s property, he has city workers and city trucks to remove it. That’s your taxpaying dollars at work. FreeSpeech for 08-05-09I see where Gloria Furr is running for a second term as councilwoman in Tyrone on a 4-NO platform: NO vision; NO plan; NO progress; NO problem, Grace will tell me how to vote. FreeSpeech for 07-29-09My son had to go for a special job for his company in Holland. As it would last four months, and being a single father, he needed to take his two kids with him. He went to Starr’s Mill High School to look into keeping the kids’ school books so they could keep up with their class. He was refused even though he offered to pay a deposit or outright buy the books. Two friends of my 15-year-old granddaughter wanted to come to the U.S. for a visit, part of the time school starts here. My son went to Starr’s Mill to see about the two girls sitting in a few classes. He thought the girls could be invited to take a few minutes and tell about their country and answer a few questions. My son was told the girls would not be allowed on campus. I am very ashamed of the school board and administrators. Are they so strict that allowances can’t be made? FreeSpeech for 07-22-09Could the missing signs and the walking signs in Peachtree City be one and the same? Okay, Kroger, your redesign sucks enough to stop traffic and taxes. It’s only a matter of time before before someone gets run over trying to into or out of your newly re-designed store in Fayetteville. You have people running into each other trying to get into and out of the exit doors, and if you park near the entrance doors, you take your life in your hands getting back to your car. FreeSpeech for 07-01-09Yard sale season is upon us. Everyone loves the opportunity to make some money if they’re holding a sale, or finding a treasure if they are the buyer. But, as a frequent yard sale attendee, I have noticed increasingly people being inconsiderate in the way they park, often times making it difficult for through traffic or for homeowners to exit their own driveways. Many times, I have witnessed a lot of careless driving including speeding, pulling out of a space without looking, not signaling, etc. Have fun at yard sales this summer, but please remember common courtesy and safety. FreeSpeech for 06-17-09Poor Horgan, being branded unethical by Eric Maxwell. The only thing I can think of more incredible would be if Monica Lewinsky went on a teen abstinence lecture tour. FreeSpeech for 06-10-09Thanks to the people next door to me for waiting until 9 p.m. at night to do yard work. It’s always nice to hear a grown women berate her son with F-bombs while my family is trying to enjoy a quiet evening. It’s also so refreshing to see the kids out of school walking around the neighborhood all day and night dropping F-bombs to each other, while yelling lyrics to rap songs. It’s always nice to listen to the kids today who spew slang around and could care less about the younger kids or families around them who don’t care to hear that language. Don’t dare ask them to watch their language for fear the parents will come down to your home ranting about how you dared to request they act like civilized human beings. Hey, one last thing: Pull your pants up! FreeSpeech for 06-03-09Share the road works both ways. Why are adult bicyclists so arrogant? - - - - - - - - - - - - “I’m sorry, officer. I know my tag has expired, but I’ve been so busy lately being responsible to the voters of Fayette County, I haven’t had a chance to get it renewed. I was going to get a new registration last week, but I met this businessman on the street corner and spent the money on a bag of his wares. What? Driving under the influence? I thought I was parked. Please don’t search my truck. You’re not going to give me a ticket, are you? I’m a Fayette County commissioner. I thought county commissioners were above the law. What the heck. I’ll still get re-elected. My slogan for the next election will be, “If you take a toke, give me your vote.” FreeSpeech for 05-27-09Just a thank you to The Citizen Newspaper. In your May 13, 2009 Free Speech section, it stated there were no “end school zone signs” on Grady Avenue in Fayetteville. It’s funny how the signs were not there the morning of May 13, but by that afternoon, there were two brand new signs installed. Free Speech can get things done. FreeSpeech for 05-13-09Anyone who calls the Bible a “fairy tale” does not have enough intelligence to be making public statements on this or any other forum. FreeSpeech for 05-06-09At a time when it seems that bashing local law enforcement is the in thing, I was really proud of three Peachtree City officers who were evidently on their way to Fayetteville on the morning of April 29 in their patrol cars. They came upon an accident at Ga. Highway 54 and Brandywine Boulevard in Fayetteville and immediately took control of the situation, assisting with traffic control and helping those possibly injured until the Fayetteville officers, medics and fire personnel could arrive. Thanks, guys! You made me proud to be a Peachtree Citizen. FreeSpeech for 04-29-09Listen up: The drought is over, the drought is over! Or, should I say the 2008 Phony Excuse To Raise Our Water Bill is not valid anymore. So, Fayette Water System, how about retracting the almost 10 percent increase that we have been forced to pay. What is your new justificiation for this ridiculous increase? FreeSpeech for 04-22-09What good does printing off my own postage at home do for me when I still have to stand in line for 20 minutes to hand the package to a person? I have never seen people move as slow as they do at the Peachtree City Post Office. FreeSpeech for 04-08-09Customer service means just that: servicing the customer. I worked my first part-time job while still in high school in the mid 70s at a fast food restaurant. The rule was very simple: when a customer is at the counter, all personal conversations end until the customer has been served and has left the area. Now, when I go to almost any and every establishment that provides “customer service,” not only am I subjected to the personal conversations of the employees, but, at times, they will even turn away from you to make eye contact with the coworker, leaving you with your hand extended with your money, waiting for them to turn around to take your money. This happens at all the fast food joints, Walmart, Publix, Kroger, Hobby Lobby, Best Buy, etc. I am fed up with this, but, I hesitate to complain on the employee with times being as they are for jobs. And, I actually blame the management staff, as they are responsible for training the employees in proper business etiquette. So, I had to vent here to get this off my chest. FreeSpeech for 04-01-09Say goodbye to global warming and hello to global flooding. - - - - - - - - - - - - To the spoiled, snooty coffee-drinkers of Fayette County: I am not the dirt on the bottom of your shoe. You will receive premium service when you stop placing your order as if you are the most vital customer to our establishment, and start talking to us like we are more than the scum of the earth. So, next time you order your medium half-decaf with cream and sugar, remember that you are no more special than the customer behind you, and you certainly are no better than me or my coworkers. FreeSpeech for 03-25-09Attention law enforcement: If you are going to stop someone for “speeding,” how about stopping folks for not having their headlights on in the rain? Both are against the law and can be just as dangerous at times. As an added bonus, more people drive without their lights than speed, so look at the extra revenue you could collect. FreeSpeech for 03-18-09In times like these, where everyone is having a hard time financially, people losing their jobs, homes, etc., it should be against the law for a utility company to turn off someone’s gas until every possible route has been taken to make some sort of payment. Did you know that even though you can get natural gas through Coweta-Fayette EMC, they’re only the “billing” department of Atlanta Gas Light? Did you know that Atlanta Gas Light does not knock on doors to see if you were by chance able to get the money to pay the bill before they turn your gas off? Did you know that even when you make payment to get it turned back on that the Public Service Commission allows the utility companies five days to turn your gas back on? It doesn’t matter that you have infants, school-age children, if it’s 30 degrees outside or not. It’s a shame and disgrace for the PSC to allow that to happen when people can’t even take showers, have heat or cook without their gas. It’s almost like they’re punishing you for not being able to keep current on your bill, even though you’ve lost your job. Shame on you, Atlanta Gas Light. Shame on you, EMC, for allowing your distributors to do that. Shame on you, PSC, for giving the utility companies the right to hold your money and not turn your gas back on for five days. FreeSpeech for 03-04-09How much has the Fayette County Board of Education spent on “climate surveys” at certain schools. The bigger question should really focus on what they are doing with the results. Clearly, something is not right in that particular school. However, to do the survey without taking corrective action as to the results is a complete joke and waste of time and resources. Furthermore, failing to respond appropriately only worsens the already low morale. Needless to say, that’s the last thing needed during these times of hardship. When appropriate action is taken, everyone will be asking the million dollar question: “What took you so long?” By the way, the specific survey in question deals with the administration at Cleveland Elementary. Come on, guys, wake up and smell the coffee. Better yet, live up to the role of a leader at the county level and do what all the clues have been telling you to do: Take action and clean it up. Hint: just look at the high turnover rate. FreeSpeech for 02-25-09Who’s the bright bulb in the county, city, state, whatever, that decided to leave the green turn signal for people to turn left onto Ga. Highway 74 from westbound Ga. Highway 54 at the intersection of 54 and 74 when the traffic going eastbound on 54 has a green light? The eastbound 54 traffic has a red turn signal. What’s up with that? Their bright thinking almost caused me and numerous other vehicles at that intersection today to have a major collision with cars turning left onto southbound 74, with me being in the middle of it. My car and several others were traveling eastbound on 54, had a green light to go straight on eastbound 54, eastbound left-turn lanes had red light. We kept traveling forward when all of a sudden, several cars traveling westbound 54 turned left directly in front of us onto southbound 74 because they had a green light also. I guess it’s going to take several people getting killed at that intersection before something is done, I just hope it’s not me or any of my family. They’ve stopped the left turn onto northbound 74 when eastbound 54 has a green light, why not take it a step further and STOP the traffic turning left onto southbound 74 when eastbound 54 has a green light? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. FreeSpeech for 02-18-09pith·y: 1. Precisely meaningful; forceful and brief: a pithy comment. Seems that Free Speech is anything but pithy lately! ![]() |
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