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FreeSpeech for 05-13-09Tue, 05/12/2009 - 3:13pm
By: The Citizen
Anyone who calls the Bible a “fairy tale” does not have enough intelligence to be making public statements on this or any other forum. - - - - - - - - - - - The school zone speed limit is 25 mph on Grady Avenue in Fayetteville. I abide by this speed limit every weekday morning. However, when driving across Grady Avenue from Ga. Highway 85 to Ga. Highway 54, there is no school zone end sign. I’m all for ticketing school zone speeders, but where is the end line on this avenue? The city police are in this zone a couple of days a week writing tickets. Ticketed speeders, you just might have a defense. - - - - - - - - - - - In these troubling times of high unemployment, low home prices, and a global recession, there is one piece of good news: Peachtree City Mayor Harold Logsdon has decided not to run for re-election. Now if we can just get council members Boone and Plunkett to follow suit. - - - - - - - - - - - I must agree, the city is starting to look shabby. Every where you look the weeds are three to four feet high. The medians are overgrown with weeds and vines. No mulch! Finally around our subdivision entrance, the lawn/weeds were cut only to have the clippings plastered into the stone wall. Maybe you want to train your day laborers you pick up down at the corner. It upsets me to see these foreign workers doing a lousy job, and the former city workers are out of a job. - - - - - - - - - - - Peachtree City is really replacing American workers with Mexicans. Every crew the subcontractor brings to town is all Mexicans. I have to agree with the those complaining about the mayor and council using Mexican laborers to cut the budget. For someone who claims to be a diehard Republican, Mayor Logsdon is sure doing a lot of un-American things. The mayor doesn’t want to secure our southern border, because he wants to hire them all and kick Americans out of their jobs. We need some concerned-about-America kind of leadership in this town. - - - - - - - - - - - Why so many weeds in Peachtree City? Hwy. 74 is looking bad. Hwy. 54 is looking bad. Yes, I understand we just had road construction completed on Hwy. 74; however, can someone please tell me why the weeds haven’t been mowed as yet? Is this a Peachtree City issue or state issue? Also, Peachtree City eliminated some 23 maintenance workers whom I thought did a fantastic job keeping our city beautiful. They’ve now contracted with Tru-Green. Where is Tru-Green and what are they doing? Does Tru-Green’s statement of work include care of subdivision entrance ways that do not have homeowners associations? Do they realize they must use weed whackers and not just heavy-duty lawnmowers. Help! - - - - - - - - - - - PTC could have saved a lot of money by not putting the sound barriers on south Hwy. 74. The grass will soon be taller than the sound barriers. I’m beginning to wonder if TruGreen has any working lawnmowers or weed wackers. Maybe we should bring in the goats, like one of our former mayors suggested. - - - - - - - - - - - With the unemployment so high, I wonder which are the companies that are hiring illegal immigrants in Peachtree City. Everyday we see several women dressed in red tops and black pants, several men wearing green tops and khaki pants; it looks like these are uniforms. Why these employers don’t consider first Americans or people legally here? - - - - - - - - - - - Dear Mr. Haddix, every time I read your posts, I found something is missing, sort of hollow. I finally figured it out: a platform. Mr. Haddix, what is YOUR platform for mayor? Tell us your plan and vision for PTC. Instead of referencing the magical “three” and everything those “evil” people have done to Peachtree City, all while being puppets of the all-powerful developers, why not lay out your platform? Tell us the your plan so we can start to the process of deciding if you are the right choice for mayor. Taxes: Are you planning an increase? Balancing the budget: How will you do that? And with an anti-development policy, how will you manage the budget in the future? City services: How will you maintain them under the current budget constraints? City assets: Are you going to sell some? What is planned with the money you raise? Anti-development: How will you handle the developers? Are you going to disband the planning commission since there will be no development? Job creation: How many jobs do you envision creating during your term of office? New business: What is your plan to bring new business to PTC? How are you going to attract new business to town and what type of businesses? What is your plan? Please tell us. - - - - - - - - - - - Can someone please get some help or instruction for officer #819, the occasional traffic control for Starr’s Mill at Ga. Highway 74. You can always tell, from over a half-mile away, when 819 is working. The lines back up for well over a quarter of mile in both directions, often when there is little traffic coming out of the school. It is often backed up to the daycare, and you almost can’t get out of Peachtree City. When you pass the school driveway, the line coming from Ga. Highway 85 is even longer. The permanent scowl and the lack of urgency bespeaks someone who is not happy being assigned this duty and is hoping poor performance will negate having to do so in the future. All other units pulling that duty do a much better job of maintaining equivalent flow. - - - - - - - - - - - The Lone Holdout in the Ellicott case shows how the perpetrator of an exceptionally horrible crime might well be saved by the “beyond a reasonable doubt” burden of proof merely because the crimes are unimaginable. Holdout had and still has some lingering incredulity that was shared (until somewhat recently) even by some judges in Fayette County. How could anyone do acts this evil? Holdout could not believe it. Some acts of evil are indeed incomprehensible. A good example is the holocaust. With the foreman and the majority for guilty the start of Day 2, Holdout was still in doubt even until Friday afternoon. At that point he was all alone, a position he wondered he might be in when deliberations began. Holdout was persuaded by the defense counsel’s relentless repetition of the fact that aside from Mrs. Ellicott’s testimony and the photographs, there was no corroborating evidence. But need there have been more? Apparently so in the mind of the Holdout. He could not believe someone would stay. He knew no woman who would endure it twice. He had heard fictitious charges raised in divorce cases. He wanted testimony from an expert in the field of domestic violence to explain how a woman could possibly endure the violence and stay. The “Stockholm Syndrome” reaction in hostage and/or abuse situations, for example, is one explanation of the domestic violence cycle in which women stay despite repeated episodes of abuse. It is not unusual to see women bonding with an abuser as a strategy for survival and for a means of making some psychological sense. However, our prosecutors do not have the budget to compete against lawyers whose teams bill $1,000 an hour plus. Mr. Sellers probably did not have the resources. Much of the evidence contributed to the Holdout’s disbelief: the emails from the wife to a friend, that he knew no woman in Fayette County who tolerate this even twice, her testimony sounding (to him) like a scripted woman’s rights book, that the sheer magnitude of the allegations was unimaginable. To Holdout, Ellicott was guilty of abusing a crazy woman. The more important question: Did he make her crazy? Like child molesters, domestic abusers are not apparent; they fit in. They hold jobs. They rain terror at home. When Judge English gratuitously (and perhaps injudiciously) commented that Ellicott probably would have done his wife a favor by ending her life, he was wrong. In the end it was her children that was her only concern. Judge English was right that the trial ended the life of a monster. But can we trust the bureaucrats to insure that he serves any more than five or six years? Pray that Pam and her children heal. - - - - - - - - - - - A traditional Memorial Day ceremony will be held at the Fayetteville City Cemetery, just west of the Old Courthouse Square on Hwy. 54 on Monday, May 25. The one-hour ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. and is for all residents of Fayette County. Everyone is encouraged to bring lawn chairs and blankets. The event is sponsored by the American Legion Fayette County Post 105. In the event of rain, the ceremony will be held across Hwy. 85 in the American Legion Log Cabin. - - - - - - - - - - - We were in for a treat this past weekend touring the gardens the master gardeners had on their tour. One garden even had a musician. An organic farm with chickens. In Fayetteville, they had this huge plant sale and free gardening related demonstrations. Great prices on the plants and everyone so helpful and friendly. - - - - - - - - - - - This is to the reader who responded to the 50-year-old man who had worked hard all of his life and was complaining about Obama’s tax and spend agenda. Get a grip on your emotions and start dealing with facts. You blame your president’s desire to raise taxes on hard workers on Bush’s mistakes, proving that you have fallen for the smoke and mirrors of the left hook, line and sinker. If you want to know how liberal tax and spend social programs have helped the poor, then look at any major city that has been under Democratic control for years. Decay, rot, drugs, crime, hopelessness and financial ruin abound. Republican cities consistently have less crime and poverty, are more fiscally sound and have higher student test scores. So go ahead and blame Bush and ignore these stark facts. After all, it is the fashionable thing to do right now. That makes good sense. - - - - - - - - - - - According to independent research, Republicans give many, many more dollars than their Democratic counter parts to charitable donations. The difference is that Republicans believe they can better decide who really needs the money by managing it themselves. It makes the recipient more accountable and is more likely to be used as a real hand up and not an addicting hand-out. You, on the other hand, believe big government should confiscate it and then dole it out to the folks of their choosing, corrupting the voting pool, making potentially productive people dependent on government instead of themselves and creating an environment of system abuses. The government, after all, would know better how to spend our charitable dollars than mentally inferior soon to be human subjects of their kingdom, right? You have proven once again that humans need to come with an emotional override button as standard equipment. Or you could just exercise some of the gray matter in between your ears and look at facts — and the Constitution as well. And by the way, I am not Republican. - - - - - - - - - - - I used to be a frequent letter-to-editor writer to this newspaper. I, along with Timothy Parker, and others, just decided to back off and watch the GOP and its extremists fill the pages with xenophobia and trash talk. Some others have come forth to occasionally contradict, and have done a good job. However, now it is plain to see that the extreme right, and the foot soldiers of Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, and Hagee are now self-destructing. All one has to do is get away from Fayette County and away from the geopolitical isolation of the South for a while to see that the good old boy politics of the Republican South is indeed a dying breed. You did it to yourselves. You failed to keep up with the times. They have changed. About 2 million years from now, there will indeed be a great discovery of petroleum in what used to be known as Fayette County. The biggest biodegradable mass of dinosaurs (political) were finally able to contribute some means of worth to civilization. A bit late, still polluting, but at least better than swine flu. - - - - - - - - - - - A response to the anti-South Obama lovers from last week. Perhaps all of us misguided Southerners are not enlightened enough to join the psycho dictators, hate America first, spread the poverty, be nice to the terrorists, zero solutions, creative tax extortion, blame Bush, bankrupt future generations, weaken our defense, phony sack of recycled speeches, and I love socialism club of the messiah mafia. If Obama had any common sense (and cared about Americans) he could have fixed the economy in two weeks. Hint: Fair Tax and small government. Go forth and educate yourself. - - - - - - - - - - - To the starry-eyed Obamabots: Despite your head buried in the sand attitude of the great and wondrous Obama, it is on “Obama’s watch” (to borrow a phrase from the ultimate water-boarder, Ted Kennedy) that we have the highest unemployment rate, the highest deficits, the highest number of foreclosures and highest number of business failures we have had since that other big spending uber-lib, FDR, was in ‘da house. No matter how much you rant, scream or tantrum about some disastrous course that “W” put us on, it will not alter the truth that Obama is Bush times 10. Despite the leftist cry of “illegal war,” the UN and Congress approved everything and over 30 countries participated in freeing the ungrateful Iraqis. Contrary to the glorious and glowing reports of a great G20 summit at which Obama was to rally the Euro allies to our side, all he got was the finger and a “go pound sand” response. Now Obama has unilaterally bombed Pakistan. We must have missed the UN resolutions and Congress voting on that. What a disastrous course Obama has put us on. We are spending 10 times the money on the same stuff that you obamabots flailed so vehemently about. Do you know obama is continuing to employ Halliburton? Do you realize how much money Halliburton will make from Obama’s illegal war in Pakistan? Despite the fingernails on the chalk board screeching of the libs about Bush, the disastrous course Obama has put us on will be generationally ruinous. Despite the leftists’ shouts of Bush and lobbyists, you’ll never change the fact that Obama has hired double-digit numbers of lobbyists for his campaign-promised lobbyist-free administration. Plus criminals, liars and tax cheats. So, no matter how much the left whimpers about Bush, it will be 10 presidents from now before the mess Obama is creating can be corrected. Obama lied, people died. Obama lied, the economy died. What a disastrous course Obama has put us on. - - - - - - - - - - - Something is not right in the sport of NASCAR racing. I have always been a fan but never had a particular driver that I was interested in until the last few years when Carl Edwards came on the scene. Edwards is clearly one of the best if not “THE” best driver in NASCAR today. Last year he proved it by winning more races than any other driver in the sport, yet he still was not named the national champion. This year Edwards can’t even get close to winning a race in spite of his outstanding ability. He starts far back in the pack and moves quickly to the front only to be intentionally knocked out of the race by a driver with less ability or he makes a pit stop near the end of the race and just sits there until he has no chance of winning. Edwards is not one of the old timers that everyone knows, so he is being pushed to the back of the scene in spite of his superior ability as a driver. I always thought NASCAR was the one clean sport in America, but now it’s quite obvious that it is not. - - - - - - - - - - - The economy improved slightly and the greedy oil industry executives started immediately to destroy it again. Gasoline prices jumped 20 cents per gallon overnight on top of a 10 cent per gallon increase last week. The oil industry is largely responsible for the financial meltdown in America and they are starting up again as soon as we see a faint light at the end of the tunnel. They will destroy this country. login to post comments![]() |
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