William Murchison: Playing the race canard

William Murchison's picture

It being a free country and all, no one has to have a “conversation” he doesn’t want to have, a fact that explains our long-standing non-conversation on race: the one we’re going to continue not having, never mind the pundits and Barack Obama.

Matt Ramsey: Statement on Senate Bill 458

[Editor’s note: Re. Matt Ramsey (R-Peachtree City) emailed the following statement Wednesday afternoon:]

Thomas Sowell: The audacity of rhetoric

Thomas Sowell's picture

It is painful to watch defenders of Barack Obama tying themselves into knots trying to evade the obvious.

Some are saying that Senator Obama cannot be held responsible for what his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, said. In their version of events, Barack Obama just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time — and a bunch of mean-spirited people are trying to make something out of it.

Cal Thomas: Tribune Media Services

Cal Thomas's picture

BOSTON - Following Sept. 11, 2001, a day of infamy on which nearly 3,000 died at the hands of terrorists, The New York Times began publishing the names and pictures of the dead. I made a deliberate effort to look at those pictures and to read the names and hometowns of each victim. I wanted to identify with them as much as possible.

Walter Williams: Is Obama ready for America?

Walter Williams's picture

Some pundits ask whether America is ready for Obama. The much more important question is whether Obama is ready for America, and even more important is whether black people can afford Obama. Let’s look at it in the context of a historical tidbit.

Rick Ryckeley: The art of misspeak

Rick Ryckeley's picture

There once was a time when a lie was a lie. That time is no longer. When I was a boy, somehow the line between truth and outright lies has been blurred. Seemingly, nowhere is that line less defined than in the political arena of today. Caution: you have entered the world of misspeak.

Sallie Satterthwaite: Scissors to the rescue

Sallie Satterthwaite's picture

This will blow away any surprise factor for shower and wedding gifts from me for the next couple of years, but it’s worth it to snare the perfect gift without spending a fortune.

Scott Bradshaw: Somebody tell Sonny to veto this sucker

Senate Bill 276 will result in increased automobile insurance premiums for Georgians and should be promptly vetoed by Governor Sonny Perdue.

Cal Thomas: ‘Typical’

Cal Thomas's picture

I am a typical white person, as Barack Obama might say, and did say, about his white grandmother. Like the Rev. Jesse Jackson, I, too, have crossed the street to avoid a group of young black men who have a certain thug-in-the-hood look about them. Am I a racist? Only if Jesse Jackson is a racist. In fact, we are prudent.

Ronda Rich: Bare-legged women

Ronda Rich's picture

The other day I was digging through a box for one thing or the other when I ran across a picture of my best pal, Karen, and me when we were in junior high and on the student council together.

Matt Ramsey: Tax cuts, budget, schools dominate

With spring finally here, tax cuts continue to be a topic of discussion in the Capitol halls. This [past] week, the House and the Senate finally reached an agreement on the Fiscal Year 2008 Amended Budget and the House passed our version of the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget.

Sen. Ronnie Chance: FY 08 budget passes

As the Senate moves closer to the final gavel of the 2008 session, the news at the Capitol this [past] week was the final passage of the Fiscal Year ‘08 amended budget.

Father Paul Massey: Ask Father Paul ...032608

Father Paul Massey's picture

Dear Father Paul: Last week Christians all over the world celebrated Easter ...Christ’s resurrection from the dead. As a Christian, I accept Jesus’ resurrection by faith, but a number of my friends do not. Is there any real “proof” that Jesus was indeed raised from the dead?

Larry Elder: Obama: From valiant to victicrat

Larry Elder's picture

Billed as an “important speech about race,” presidential candidate Barack Obama condemned some of the remarks of his pastor, Jeremiah Wright. But Obama refused to denounce the man himself, considering him family. Commentators gushed over this “groundbreaking,” “stirring” speech about the “state of race relations in America.”

Robert Novak: Finance’s “New Day”

Robert Novak's picture

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Federal Reserve’s unprecedented bailout of Bear Stearns was crafted not at the White House or Treasury, but in secret by a New York central banker whose name is unknown to Washington power brokers and was a Clinton administration presidential appointee.

Matt Towery: The most dangerous topic: Race

Matt Towery's picture

As a pollster, I truly don’t care who wins the presidency. I can’t allow myself to do that. This makes my former Republican colleagues angry and Democrats suspicious.

Father David Epps: What happens when we forgive

Father David Epps's picture

What happens when we choose to forgive someone, even if they have not asked our forgiveness nor admitted their fault?

Michelle Malkin: Say Goodbye to the Glowbama Mystique

Michelle Malkin's picture

Barack Obama — the self-anointed soul-fixing, nation-healing political Messiah — has lost his glow. That is the takeaway from the beleaguered Democratic presidential candidate’s “major” speech in Philadelphia this past Tuesday.

William Murchison: No week for weak candidates

William Murchison's picture

There is perhaps one advantage worth noting in having a long, looong presidential campaign: You get to see the candidates react to a variety of circumstances. Though, from Barack Obama’s angle, that’s not precisely an advantage.

Thomas Sowell: Obama’s speech

Thomas Sowell's picture

Did Senator Barack Obama’s speech in Philadelphia convince people that he is still a viable candidate to be President of the United States, despite the adverse reactions to statements by his pastor, Jeremiah Wright?

Walter Williams: Peace-loving Muslims

Walter Williams's picture

All of us should give some serious thought to some of the ideas contained in an article circulating the blogsphere titled “Why a Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant.”

Terry Garlock: ‘Is ‘Winter Soldier 2008’ another snow job?

Terry Garlock's picture

I’ll admit for starters I did not attend the gathering last week in Silver Springs, Md., titled “Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan — Eyewitness Accounts of the Occupations.”

Cal Thomas: Obama and the bigot

Cal Thomas's picture

In his several explanations and denunciations of his longtime pastor, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama asks us to believe that he never heard any of the sermons in which the Rev. Jeremiah Wright denounced and asked God to damn America.

Ronda Rich: Easter: Its traditions, memories

Ronda Rich's picture

Two rather disturbing things happened during our family Easter last year, both of which I hope can be corrected this year.

Matt Ramsey: Car tax cut bill allows vote on amendment to ban ‘birthday tax’

Last week, the House crossed the 30th day of our 40-day legislative session. This is the day that a bill must have passed at least one body in order to have a chance of becoming law. With some changes to the legislation that fell short last week, the House of Representatives had a second opportunity to vote for the largest tax cut in Georgia’s history.

The Citizen: Credit panic and Wall Street troubles: Government’s chickens have come home


When a private company screws up, there is no shortage of people demanding more government intrusion in the marketplace. But when the government screws up, they don’t call for less government. They call for more.

Dr. David L. Chancey: Empty tomb declares you matter to God

Dr. David L. Chancey's picture

Two ladies in Massachusetts gave new meaning to the term birthday bash recently. A child’s birthday party at a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant was cut short after a fight broke out between two mothers. Police said the mom of the nine-year-old birthday boy apparently became enraged because the other woman’s son was “hogging” an arcade game.

Sallie Satterthwaite: Mt. Pilgrim turns it around

Sallie Satterthwaite's picture

God strikes again!

In September of 2006, I introduced you to a tiny church that was struggling to stay alive. Mt. Pilgrim Lutheran Church has sat alongside of Ga. Highway 85 since about 1840, and was struggling with an average attendance of five members out of a congregation that numbered 77 on the books.

Linda Chavez: Iraq War could help GOP win in November

Linda Chavez's picture

A funny thing happened on the way to the election: Many Americans had a change of heart about the war in Iraq.

No, I’m not talking about the large numbers of Americans who now think that the United States should never have gone to war in the first place, or those who want the troops brought home immediately.

Robert Novak: Governor Bloomberg?

Robert Novak's picture

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The disgraced Eliot Spitzer had hardly resigned as governor of New York when Republican strategists began calculating a return to power in Albany via New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

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