Mowell House

eodnnaenaj1's picture

I've said it before, sometimes I have to work and I miss things. What will be done with the old Mowell's house now? I had truly hoped it would not be demolished as it is a part of history. What are the plans for it now?

Also, was the bandit ever caught?

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 10:17am.

The house was moved behind the City Cafe and Eric's office. It will be renovated and made into more offices. I think that is Bob Barnards project. Not sure. But it was not demolished.

I think CJ gave it to the city. Not sure who or what is paying for it. Probably us taxpayers somewhere along the line.

slider's picture
Submitted by slider on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 6:39pm.

I hope they have better luck getting that house mover to do what he is paid to do than I did. He should be run out of the county!

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