There was "ONE"

Yes, there was one candidate who made no promises regarding taxes. Yes, there was a candidate who found a way to generate money for the city which would help lighten the tax burden. Yes, there was one candidate who promised not to accept pay, until he showed value. And yes there was a candidate who refused to accept contributions from the big companies and power brokers. I remeber him asking Logsdon over and over again...where's your tax plan, show us your tax plan. I wonder which cadidate it was?

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JGF9148's picture
Submitted by JGF9148 on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 11:21am.

I'm voting for the "ONE" with spell check...............

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 11:09am.

The boy is downright ar-ro-gant!

I was dead-on with the post I wrote.

Vote Republican

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 9:03am.

Dar Thompson and Steve Brown both made those demands of Logsdon. Unfortunately, many of us were too busy listening to Fred Brown compare Logsdon with God. Remember Logsdon's campaign mailer that said he couldn't debate Brown because he had to clean his gutters.

Even Cal Beverly wrote that Logsdon was all fluff and no plan. I think he called Logsdon "the empty suit."

Vote Republican

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