Get Involved. Boy, that's just scary.

Another blogger, one that I respect for his use of "facts" (even if I don't agree with his opinions), PTC Guy, reminded the populous online that I was a leader in the "Anybody But Brown" group. That can be said, and I won't necessarily fight it, but before that, I actually had a purpose way back when.

I was a member of the "Dar Thompson for Mayor" group. People seem to quickly forget that one. When Dar was not elected, I looked at the two candidates left and made my decision.

Here's my major gripe about the blogosphere and "opinions" posted in and around here.

Is Harold perfect? No. Is Steve perfect? No. Am I perfect? Well, of course I am Smiling

But, as I stated multiple, multiple times before, my goal is to enjoy a government whose "elected leaders" not make a habit of calling Fox 5 before trying to solve issues with the professional staff, fellow elected officials and other citizens of this City.

An irony that I have seen over the years here is how every time Fayette County made the news, it used to be about a severe thunderstorm warning, and even then it was like we were "so far away" from metro Atlanta we didn't count.

I know there will always be problems and issues. I don't, however, need to see them leading the 6:00 news. We're NOT that big of a town - Steve Brown used (and still uses) the media in a symbiotic lovefest. He gets his name in the paper; the press sells papers. That's my beef with the man. For all the good he did, he did it at the expense of other good people, people who helped to build the foundation of this town (yes, this crumbling, faltering town, but that's not their fault - it's yours.)

Why is it your fault? Did you not realize that YOU were asleep at the wheel? You moved into town, settled into your life, and let all these "horrible" decisions happen without actually speaking up. This anonymous soapbox seems to have released the feelings of many - well how about you stop being anonymous and make yourselves known?

Should folks be involved? Certainly; it's your right and responsibility. I have been to many council meetings where I was the only one in the room, other than City staff. That's the thing that bothers me the most. Put up or shut up! Make yourself known; get involved "officially" instead of throwing barbs from the cheap seats.

Or do you really care at all? I don't think many of you who blog here actually do care, else you'd be truly involved, maybe even running for office yourselves. But I'm sure you couldn't take the heat.

Here's tonight's poll, specifically for those who enjoy to blog a lot - feel free to leave your blogger ID when you respond.

Are you willing to put your money where your keyboard is?


Wow, people really ARE stupid!

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PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 1:11pm.

It is a strawman argument to keep saying you backed Dar.

Once Dar was beaten you became an avid Logsdon backer because he was not Brown.

I brought up and issue, all you could say is he is not Brown.

So, yes, I agree people need to get involved. But I most assuredly state how you got involved was destructive.

You did NOT vote issues. You voted personality. And I most assuredly warned you about Lodgsdon, but you did not care.

Enough said there.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 6:36pm.

...Yes, I'm back. My exile is over. Time to get this over with.

PTC Guy...whatever. Yes, I voted personalities, not issues. Because the "issues" weren't being answered the way I thought they should be by either candidate. I stated before and I stated again who I voted for first and why. He didn't get elected. I wanted to make sure the incumbent didn't get in. I think there were a bunch of us like that.

And we have it so bad now? Do you honestly want to sit here and tell me that any of these things WOULDN'T have happened if any other person was in the mayor's seat? Please - who's the naive one here?

Anyway, I really want to go away from these topics, and I'm going to. I'm tired of this "it's so horrible" mentality. Ya know what, MOVE. Or better yet, GET ELECTED YOURSELF. Apply for the vacant positions at City Hall. Get on the bus, already. Do what you do, PTC Guy, stay involved in your homeowners' association, but GO TO MEETINGS.

I still don't see anybody rushing out and saying "I'll go to a council meeting" or "I'll get involved". Instead it's the anonymous bashing of "lies" and "developer interests" and "illegal doings".

Let's see your proof. Solid proof that there is anything against any law currently going on in Peachtree City's council or government? What's that, you say? I'm having trouble hearing you...perhaps you CAN'T DO IT!

Quote chapter and verse where the lies are. Then tell me how the mayor single-handedly caused any of these "lies".

I think I've said something like this before, and I kinda like the statement it makes:

You people want to have your cake, eat it, not tip the waitress and then tell the chef how to do his job.

Wow, people really ARE stupid!

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 7:55pm.

OK. Let us move on. But in doing so I expect you to be as critical of Logsdon as you were of Brown in what he does.

Mr. Personality may not be seeking headlines, but, as I said, he is the King in the Tower who does things in secret. Makes up his mind before input is made and states how it should go first.

Do you think that is a good Mayor?

Forget Brown. Is that the sign of a good Mayor?

I believe Logsdon has mishandled many things. The CSX fiasco with him already backing The Seasons prior. And more.

Do you really think Logsdon is doing a good job? Yes or no?

Fair question.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by pandora on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 6:04am.

I know, you weren't asking me, but I still see major improvements over the recent past.

Submitted by Jones on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 1:44pm.

I would love read your examples of "major improvements" Pandora.

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 8:56am.

Mr. Jenny honey, you’re about as hypocritical as they come. You’re little Mr. anonymous and you tell people to make them selves known. And the news coverage happened at the expense of good people, come now Mr. Jenny. I will say one thing; I admire your tireless support of those law-bashing development authority boys. I only hope my friends will be as loyal when I decide to commit illegal activities.

Vote Republican

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 6:52pm.

you seem to have all the answers, so I figured you wouldn't mind telling us who you really are when you run for office...

"tireless support of those law-bashing development authority boys." Wow - got any proof on that?

Please tell me how dumb I am. I appreciate all inane really, I do!

Submitted by johenry on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 4:17pm.

I guess idontknow (appropriate name) didn't read Scott Bradshaw or Doug Warner's comments in the newspaper.

Warner admitted to making decisions behind closed doors with no vote and then whined that, oh yes, he was on Peachtree National Bank's board, but he didn't get paid a lot (like that makes a speck of difference). Or maybe you were talking about the fact that there were no records, which is also illegal, so no one can prove anything.

But not to worry, Mayor Harold is bailing them out. Par for the course for Logsdon. What a disgrace.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 5:24am.

Well said. I do remember your analysis of city politics and leadership last year and agree - then and now. The only thing we disagree on is Dar - who I see as sort of an empty (warm-up) suit. Nice guy, but not the right business background for mayor.

But aside from that, you are exactly right. We need quiet honest leadership that understands the nuts and bolts of real issues and the long-term effects of decisons instead of the immediate impact something may have in the press. Brown may have been right about some things, and while he may have had the ability to identify a problem, he did not (and does not) have the analytical or people skills needed to be an effective leader.

While I strongly supported Logsdon, it doesn't appear he is up to the job either, but at least he doesn't have Channel 5 on speed-dial so his mistakes are not broadcast all over Atlanta.

And in response to your question, yes I put my money, time and effort where my keyboard is. I have run for office, managed campaigns, donated thousands of dollars to local and statewide candidates and have attended and spoken up at many city council, planning and recreation meetings. Not many have done all that and their input is certainly welcome here, but if all they do is complain without offering of themselves or at least providing a solution - shame on them.


Submitted by Reality Bytes on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 6:54pm.

Thank you for actually giving a crap enough to do something about it.

Please tell me how dumb I am. I appreciate all inane really, I do!

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