They come, they go,

eodnnaenaj1's picture

can someone help me remember some of those who have left this blogging sight. I know the natural left, as well as aggressive. However, there was a more recent person who left and I can't remember who it was. Seems they had worked in Oklahoma with the pipeline, the farewell was something like "been here long enough, will be traveling on down the road and would not look back".

Sometimes I need a program to keep up with who is who.

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 1:48pm.

Whatever happened to:

H Hamster
Peter Pfeifer

The Natural & Just Asking were the same Janet

Agressive Progressive was a spoof and had to be reigned in by that Get Real guy.

There are many left on here with multiples monickers and they come and go depending on the subject at hand. I'm sure many more will be named and we'll go...oh yeah..forgot about that one.

Submitted by Harvey on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 3:21pm.

So don't go parkin sideways at the ball field or putting too many yard sale signs in your yard. I should have said you're yard to see if Highgreen was still around.

SSM signing off now. Gotta go see some people who have too many cats. No offense.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 3:30pm.

Glad you didn't run off. Where can I find that ghetto blaster blaster? I know you've got all those super secret gadgets available to you somewhere.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 4:10pm.

My stuff not good enoufgh fur ya?

I can take out an entire parking lot.

Just askin.

Submitted by Harvey on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 3:37pm.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 4:35pm.

Thanks. I still wanna ride shotgun in the whirly bird.

Submitted by Harvey on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 4:49pm.

Wanna go lookin for rice guy in it. We can reload the buckshot with Basmati rice and just pepper him for fun.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 5:01pm.

Don't wanna get rid of the rice boy or hurt him. We need to keep a few reminders around of why we have to keep up the fight against communists, terrorists and fairies.

Do you get the feeling he really doesn't like me? Oh well...I'll just sit here and await his next {{GIRLY}} slap.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 2:21pm.

Hamster was pretty much election, I think.

Peter is lurking in the shadows thinking about 2 years from now.

Kohesion came unstuck and fell apart, I think.

As for Git Real Agressive, who knows? Maybe a fur ball got to him.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 2:08pm.

I'm not the world's biggest or best, by any means, blogger; so sometimes I need a little Blogging 101.

Help me understand who is this Git Reay Guy that he knows everyone and everything, and often refers to "working" for the blog site! Nice haircut, but who the heck is that guy? Ohhh, guess we'd all better be careful or he might blow all our covers!

Help me understand,hasn't there been a highgreen on here recently? I thougt I remembered correctly he/she/they/it had left, and I thought he made the fare-the-well I referred to, but hasn't he "looked back".

Submitted by SoCalMama on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 1:59pm.

I'm just me and I don't hide behind any other name. Smiling

Crackin' cases & Raisin' kids

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