It's election day!

I have a confession to make. I don't take advantage of the chance to early vote because I get a little excited about voting on election day. There, I said it. I'm a dork.

But it's election day now! And I voted. So now there's the long wait until returns come in. How shall I fill the time?

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Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 7:07pm.

To the tune of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”

These blogs have seen some gory,
ugly smearings of Ms. Wells
Little bastids like “Git Real”
made her campaign a “living hell”

They have thrown out accusations
(and their grammar really smells!)

Their proof cannot be found!!

Glory, glory to John Wieland!
Change the area’s land use plan!
All the builders have a new friend,

Jack Smith will just rezone!!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 7:25pm.

Very good Rice. You hands down win the bad limerick contest.

I'm sure Linda appreciates your waiting until after the polls close before you openly support her. She did a good job of keeping her Democrat / Liberal friends muzzled to the end.

Bass Rice....I gotta ask. When did you meet my grammar and what are you doing sniffing up a little old lady?

Submitted by snark on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 7:15pm.

Okay, that's pretty funny. Smiling

Wrong, but, you know. Funny.

Submitted by snark on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 12:58pm.

How about a bad limerick contest? I'll get us started.

There once was a staid C.P.A.
who wanted Wells out of the way.
But he got a late start
and his campaign lacked heart.
Let's hope he'll still carry the day.

Submitted by Fayetteresident on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 2:39pm.

There once was a lady
who was kinda' shady
that worked with Commissioner Dunn.

In the meetings she'd slip
the finger with a flip
and she thought she'd have her some fun.

But the people grew smart
'bout the gal with no heart
twelve years was too long for this city.

Now the people have spoken
the amigos are broken
Peter's gone next, what a pity!

Submitted by snark on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 3:57pm.

Look at all the poets here.
We have such a talented group.
So easy you make verse writing appear.
But I know it's not all duck soup.

Submitted by snark on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 1:00pm.

I guess you're all off working. On election day. Not a patriot among you. Smiling

ExExPatriot's picture
Submitted by ExExPatriot on Thu, 08/10/2006 - 1:21am.

A blogger named Snark tells us all,
He just wasn't quite on the ball.
He claims hes a dork,
Can he not find that cork?.
Some wish he'd say nothing at all.

Why do I thnk I'm going to regret pressing that submit button?

Submitted by snark on Thu, 08/10/2006 - 9:57am.

Why do I thnk I'm going to regret pressing that submit button?

Because your cadence is off?



there once was a moonbat named ex
decided the people he'd vex
he typed on and on
such a tedious drone
each post looking much like the next

G35 Dude's picture
Submitted by G35 Dude on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 1:10pm.

Twas election day
I ran into a ninny
they told me then
they'd vote for McKinney !

Submitted by snark on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 1:44pm.

But that is not a ninny, sir
'tis truly a full-blown nut.
A ninny would vote for a Dem, t'be sure.
But not one all covered in smut.

Submitted by snark on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 4:47pm.

There is little doubt that Linda Wells got every single one of her supporters to the polls. She will have held up Greg Dunn's ouster as a reminder.

If you're a Jack Smith supporter and you haven't voted yet - you should get out there. Every single vote could count here.

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 6:16pm.

I told my kind and wonderful spouse that the runoff was next Tuesday - one less vote for Linda.

Now some verse:

Mighty Greg looked to knock the sheriff down
To court he went with a great big frown

Greg lost his race
He's been replaced

Sheriff laughed at Greg's feable run
He donned his shirt saying "Dunn is Done"

Is Linda gone tonight as well?
Will the voters cast a magic spell?

Not to at all verbose
I think it'll be awful close

Later we'll hear if Linda got her due

Vote Republican

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