P---ermanent S---hutdown C---hallenge

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So the plant is to be shut down now...not sure if it has already been closed or if they can work during the 5 days they have to appeal the decision. Well, tonight it is raining at the plant, I am about one 1/2 mile away from them so I know. Rain, the most pleasant sound you can listen to, and one of the most familiar scents in nature. Wow, what a great feeling to be able to open the windows so we can listen and smell the rain, without the onions right now anyway. Earlier I went out to brush our dog and the smell was pretty obvious, the rotten onion/garlic odor is hard to forget after smelling it enough times. Anyway, we are gracious that the EPD listened and is concerned enough to take this course of action. Just for the record, I have noticed a few large vacuum trucks going to the facility in the a.m. when I am on my way out to A-Town.

Since my last posting there have been a few nights that the smell was very obnoxious and seemed to be more pungent than before. Less nights but stronger odor seems to be the case. I have also seen a number of large dumpster trucks going in that direction as well. They all wore a very well known pair of initials that we all have seen in the past. I would have some pictures as I did take pictures when I drove by to prove where the trucks were going. But I was afraid to stick around long enough to get the vacuum trucks or the dumpster trucks pulling into the driveway that branches off to the left when entering the facility. I wonder what was in those large dumpster trucks that left the plant every afternoon. And more than what is in them, who are the people that are going to be affected next by those ominous blue trucks, Someone in Cherokee county, Savanna or maybe some one in Alabama. Would be interesting to see...

That about wraps it up for this report, sorry if it was boring to anyone...just want to let everyone know what is going on right in PSC's backyard! Hopefully the amount of rain tonight is more acceptable to the plant employees who continue to say that the smell will go away after a strong rain. And according to them, the few showers we have had in the last few weeks were not strong enough to overpower the mysterious and elusive propyl mercaptan magnet that has managed to secretly root itself into our bodies, dreams, grilling, well water, noses, porches, decks, cars, and tonight, for the very unpleasant surprise, even the dishwasher [ great 8-{ ].
Good night and thank you for listening.

---{PSC neighbor}---

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Submitted by Sailon on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 9:48am.

Shouldn't we find out where this onion company sent those trucks they refused and others that left there, so we can warn the places they sent them? Or doesn't the state do such things? I know the company wouldn't.

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