Rude snobby people at PTC WalMart

christi's picture

I was just at WalMart in the school supply aisle. It was very crowded. I was walking down the aisle with my cart. A lady left her cart several feet in front of me, walked right to the front of my cart, looked at me, grabbed something off the shelf and proceeded to turn her back and read it. I stood there waiting for her to move and she just stood there! I finally said "excuse me" and she took a few steps to the side without even looking at me or saying sorry or anything! I was baffled! What makes people think that they have to right to be so rude?!

I know this is petty and not important but I'm irritated.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 1:17pm.

I finally said "excuse me" and she took a few steps to the side without even looking at me or saying sorry or anything! I was baffled! What makes people think that they have to right to be so rude?!

Just curious- did it occur you to, maybe, ask her this? There is a strong possibility, as in many cases, that someone may not be aware, regardless of how obvious it may seem, how their behavior affects others. When confronted with such behavior, why not ask "Is there something wrong?" Might answer your question better than asking a group of anonymous people on a message board who did not witness the event. Who knows? Your "offender" might post a separate message about the woman in Wal-Mart who cut her off with her shopping cart.

Submitted by ajoj72000 on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 11:39am.

Everyone in this city is rude! I have met very few people in Peachtree City with any type of manners at all. The children are rude because the parents are rude and the parents are rude because they think that because they have money they can walk all over who ever they want. I lived in Peachtree City from the time I was 12 on and I can tell you I am being completely honest when I say that just about every person in this city is just as rude as the next. I thought for a while that it would be great to raise my children here and then I saw how rude kids here seem to be and I decided that I would rather raise my kids anywhere but here. It is the same story over and over in this city. Whether it be people wondering why people are so rude or wondering why kids are getting shot or doing drugs the answer is the same; money controls this city. My advice, get the heck out of this place while you can and to those of you who are displaying this behavior, it is obvious that money can buy you everything but class! Oh and to the person who I am sure will tell me to move out of Peachtree City if I hate it so bad, I dont live here and this is one reason I do not!

Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 4:43pm.

It is sad that all of their credit card debt can't seem to buy these people manners or class.

Submitted by Sailon on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 2:37pm.

The word doesn't particularly mean bad manners or even not putting others first in a confrontation. Rude means rough or unfinished or startling. A better word for people who want to be first or don't want to move for you or won't look at you when they need to do so, is selfish. Me, number one at all times. Sign of weakness or meekness if they give just a little. Same people who buy $5,000 worth of liquor or trash a year and contribute $5.00 to the poor.

Submitted by RubyBegonia on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 2:54pm.

Rudeness is the (apparent) disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behaviour. To be unable to align one's behaviour with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable would considered rude.

There is a spectrum of the severity of what I would consider rude.
Impolite, Faux pas, inconsiderate, offensive, obscene

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 12:05pm.

A ton of people in PTC are not loaded.

If you believe all are, your really are not in touch with reality.

Just a note on that point you made.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Mama-Hopeful's picture
Submitted by Mama-Hopeful on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 11:56am.

Peachtree City is a great place. Yes, some of the people are rude but there are some like most of my family that are not. I am from the north and I find that southerners are more rude. In the north if we have a problem with you or a situation we confront it. Whereas, people from the south just talk bad behind others back and complain to everyone else about what happened. You have a problem address it. Don't go home and complain. Tell that rude person to screw off and walk away, if someone gives you the bird wave to them with a big smile on your face. Don't let other people piss on your day.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 12:08pm.


Trying to be polite to my face while working against me, behind my back, is the height of being a jerk.

Bring it out in the open, where we can talk about it. Don't try to hide from me and pull me down via others.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 11:50am.

ajoj72000, I have a very differnt opinion of PTC. I moved here in 1995 for my last Army assignment at Ft. McPherson. I have found the people here very friendly. I have found a nice church and have had my children involved in Cub Scouts and now Boy Scouts.

I have volunteered in several community groups. I guess I just hang around with positive people. My wife and I have taught our boys manners. They respect their elders, say please and thank you as well as sir and mame.

Sorry you see the glass as half empty. My only regret about PTC is the addition of all the big boxes and development on Hwy 74. Do we really need the Avenue and all those places to eat?

Submitted by ajoj72000 on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 12:18pm.

I am not saying that all Peachtree City residents are rude. There are some adults and children that were taught manners and respect. I grew up in a small town where everybody knew everybody and I was not used to coming here and having people treat me the way I have been treated since day one. In school I was picked on just because I did not wear the most expensive clothing or drive the nicest car and it just upsets me that people allow their children to act like that but, I can only expect that from the children whos parents act the same way. True, there are people here who are very nice but in my opinion they are hard to find. Just like you, I consider myself to be a positive person and my mother taught me well just as you are doing with your children. If only all people taught their children to be respectful then it would be a different story but that is not the case. I do not see the glass as half empty, I see the truth and that is the amount of disrespect from people here in PTC.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 12:11pm.

We have noted that as well.

Those who do not volunteer or work with others are the first to complain, demand things and tell others how to live. And will not be courteous in stores.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

christi's picture
Submitted by christi on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 11:50am.

My husband used to tell me when we first moved to Coweta county that people are snobby and rude in PTC. I thought that he shouldn't classify the whole city that way. But the longer I've lived here and come in and out of PTC every week, I do have to agree to some extent with what he said. It comes from examples like rude drivers not letting you out, to people giving you downcast looks in the stores, etc.
No, not everyone in PTC is rude and snobby but they do have more than their fair share. It is such a shame because my mom is asking my advice on which part of the area she should move to from Florida. I thought PTC would be a wonderful place for her but the more I think about it, the more I'm not so sure.

It is a danger to these people who think that they are better than others, when they really have no idea what kind of money or lifestyle another may have. The people that have been ALLOWED to have financial prosperity by God, can have it snatched away in an instant because they have chosen to use their status to look down on and mistreat others.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 12:15pm.

We are very well aware of a number of people with money who think they are superior because they have more money.

Absolutely not true with all. But most assuredly with some.

They have no people skills and no softness.

But, to be fair, there are also poor who have 'you owe me' and 'get even' attitudes.

We don't need either extreme, but have both.

It is a shame.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by RubyBegonia on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 10:37am.

I have come to the realization that PTC has rude snobby people not only at Walmart, but just about any where you go! As one poster commented, many people have moved to PTC from the Northeast and think they are superior to southern people....I think that is true. Rather than go in some of the shops at the Avenue where I have been ignored or scanned from my head to the tips of my toes by some minimum wage clerk, I shop online and have UPS deliver the items to my front door.

Submitted by 30YearResident on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 10:00am.


It has long been known that some of the most rude people in the county live in PTC. This is most likely due to the transient factor of the area... mostly from the Northeast, who think that all southerners are just dumb, ignorant hillbillies, and therefore they feel superior to them (us). Or, they just grew up having folks being rude to them, therefore they feel it's their turn to be rude to others. Who really knows, but you can expect that attitude from some around PTC. (not all, there are some really nice "yankees" living there. Smiling )

A good response to a rude person is just an innocent question, "You must be from PTC."

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 10:54am.

No geographical area has a lock on rudeness.

Some, not all, of the most rude we have met are old Southerners who think they own the South.

We have actually walked up to some, said, "Pardon me." to ask a question, to see their smiles drop and have them walk away or say, "Oh, you're Yankees."

Or, in a HOA meeting, talking about community services, be told, when you cite the Declaration, a contract all must abide by, not allowing what they want to do, that this is the south and we don't do things that way here. If you don't like it move.

But when you tell, in return, they signed the contract as much as we did, so you are not doing it, they get all snarly about Yankees.

OK for them to try to override our rights, not alright to expect them to live up to the contract they signed.

We won.

Just knock it off, if you are either not aware of both sides of the coin, or are unwilling to see it.

The definition of Southern Politeness, many of us have learned, is to be polite in your face and snarl behind your back. And always do what southerns want, right or wrong.

We will be much better off when we see each other as PTC residents, and stop subdiving by regional origins.

By the way, we are from the Mid West, which is very different from the Northeast, East, Western and West Coast.

This thing of their being Southerners and Yankees only is foolishness.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

ExExPatriot's picture
Submitted by ExExPatriot on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 10:40pm.

Hey christi, - I wish I'd been there - I miss that from Germany, woulda felt like home. Smiling

That really describes the way things are usually done over there. It's not actually being rude and as an American it took a bit of getting used to. But if someones shopping cart is in your way, you just push it aside and continue on, nothing is said.

I gotta say, it probably wasn't me who was so rude at WalMart because I've been a different gender as long as I can remember. But after being in a country that does that for so long, and sometimes as distracted as I am anyway, it is something that could happen to me, without intent to be discourteous.

So I would say to chalk it up someone asleep at the shopping cart push bar - maybe even one of them auslanders that don't know about decent manners.
Besides, there's more than enough great people in PTC to easily make up for the odd misunderstanding.

Now let's go fix global warming.

tedkara's picture
Submitted by tedkara on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 5:26pm.

Dear Christi,
I know you were just venting, I do it from time to time, too. I do it ESPECIALLY after braving Wal-Mart...I hate that place and everything about it! If you're from PTC, please come to our new haven...Target Smiling

Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 5:29pm.

They have always been the best. Best in quality and in how they treat their employees.

Submitted by ole sarge on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 5:43pm.

Target is strictly for women. Most men would not even be seen in the parking lot.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 6:03pm.

Personally I have no problem shopping a Target.

I get the impression that ole sarge wouldn’t think twice about taking out a machine gun nest single handed yet you probably couldn’t drag him into a Victoria’s Secret.

Sarge, you aught to try it sometime. It’s nowhere near a painful as you might think. Other than your wallet taking a direct hit.

P.S. the Victoria’s Secret catalog comes to the house addressed to me.

Submitted by ole sarge on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 6:18pm.

Lucky guy!

Submitted by Choice on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 8:00pm.

Victoria's Secret in this thread is pertaining to another store that specializes in the world's most glamourous bras, sexy sleepwear, lingerie and swimwear.

However, the true "Secret" is Queen Victoria's personal physician, Sir Russell Reynolds, prescribed Cannabis for menstrual cramps.
I guess it's not a secret anymore.

Yours Truly

Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 7:25pm.

Like you don't know.

slider's picture
Submitted by slider on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 3:02pm.

PTC WalMart does not have a lock on rude people. My experience has been that Fayetteville WM has more people shopping that think they are the only one on earth that matters than PTC . By a wide margin! That said... Greet the world with a smile , and kill these self centered people with kindness. It will get you far.
I always enjoy being (sometimes overly) nice to these people. Sometimes it dawns on them that they are jerks. The look on thier faces in priceless. If they dont get it, at least they see that other people in the world are pleasant.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 3:09pm.

Just comparing the Wal Marts of various counties around, and over the years we have lived here, we have shopped them all. The PTC one is the best.

Fayetteville would be second and probably Newnan third.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

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