Candidates are a traffic hazard!

priusowner's picture

As I drove North on Hwy 74 today, the first candidate waving to the voters was Dan Tennant. Nothing unsual, just the normal office seeker showing his face trying to drum up support.

A quarter mile down the road, traffic slowed and there seemed to be an accident by the new church. Suprisingly, it was a gagle of people and Harold Logdon! I hope there were no fender benders after I drove through.

I see this as a potential escalation like a version of the cold war arms race. The next thing you know, families and friends will be growing is size until we have gridlock!

Harold, I'm glad you have a lot of friends, but you were a traffic hazard today, please hold a rally somewhere else.

All other candidates, please do not follow this example!

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Submitted by dar on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 8:30pm.

So many people have asked me if I planned to be on Hwy. 74 with a banner waving to people. My answer, absolutely not.

I have said all along, and I have ran my platform on the simple fact that I am not a politician. These people, my friends, are politicians. If I can accomplish what I say I can accomplish why would I try to convince someone that is driving by in a automobile. I would like to think I give our citizens more credit than that...they are going to decide an election because someone is waving to them? It's only my opinion, but I would like to believe my platform has much more substance than getting a vote because I'm waving and holding a sign.

Just my thought...and I'm sticking to my promise. I prefer to be proactive and not reactive.

please get out and vote.

Dar Thompson

Submitted by Investq on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 9:56pm.

I have to give you credit for a good response on that, Dar.

birdman's picture
Submitted by birdman on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 5:32pm.

Funny, you don't mention Steve Brown standing out there. He was there yesterday and he is there today. That ok? Maybe you just missed him.

Submitted by Joe Swanson on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 10:14pm.

Mayor Brown was greeting motorists much of the day, I believe. Maybe you can catch him tomorrow. It's really a good opportunity for voters to stop and talk and feel like their elected officials are accessible.

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 10:16pm.


It's a really good opportunity.....

to swerve.


Joey Jamokes's picture
Submitted by Joey Jamokes on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 10:22pm.

idon'tknow...ya gotta at least put up a graphic of a vehicle like the Prius owner did next to your post. Actually that was pretty funny.

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 10:25pm.

How do you do that (the picture thing)!

I'm just good at typing....

Joey Jamokes's picture
Submitted by Joey Jamokes on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 10:28pm.

I don't know, idontknow, but I am convinced that all of modern man's problems can be solved by a right click ona mouse (or something). Anybody know ?

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 10:30pm.

Figured it my dump truck? Figured it's appro-po (or however you type that).

priusowner's picture
Submitted by priusowner on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 6:33pm.

I turn off 74 at Dogwood and drive through Fayetteville, so I do not share the entire Hwy 74 experience. I only report on what I see. No alterior motives from me, unlike some here.

birdman's picture
Submitted by birdman on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 7:31pm.

I apologize then. However your comment seemed to attack Brown's two major opponents, Tennant and Logsdon. As you have probably noticed that is a typical Brown tactic. Attack the opposition on inconsequential items. So I thought it important to put out there that Brown was also standing on the side campaigning. Truth is, that is a successful practice in Fayette County. Tennant and Brown both did it in the past as did Judge Edwards. It actually works quite well. Wait until tomorrow. He who fails to stand on the road will lose votes. Just part of small town politics I guess.

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