Replying to the Moron's

Excuse my attempt to elevate your thought process by using humor - I guess I have to spell it out for some people. I do not have a problem with Law Enforcement going after petofiles - I do however feel this is a job that can best be handled by the GBI or FBI rather than a grand-standing Police Captain using city money for his own glory. If you can't agree with this logic - perhaps we need to start sending our Peachtree City Police to the Mexican border - I hear this is a problem area too!!

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masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 3:25pm.

a personal battlefield for some of y'all. Please discuss the issues but stop making personal attacks. You would be surprised to find out who some of the other bloggers are. They may be your Mom's neighbor who checks on her when you're out of town. Or who you sit next to at Church.

Please play nicely.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 4:11pm.

My neighbor that let's her dog doo in my yard?

ILuvFayette's picture
Submitted by ILuvFayette on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 2:15pm.

Correct me if I am wrong. But I'm positive that several times, I have heard on the news about someone being pulled over for a "minor infraction" and it turned up large amounts of drugs or even a person that is wanted on a violent crime (murder included) who has been on the loose. As for you thinking that running a stop sign is something that should just be ignored. Ask the families of a loved one that they have lost or are permanently impaired because someone "just" ran a stop sign if they are just ignoring that fact.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 9:04am.

I'm not big into lawbreaking, so they really don't bother me. But I do want to say, keep dropping the hammer on the lawbreakers that are around.

Submitted by 15zman on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 12:39pm.

Unfortunately due to the Gestapo type police work of Officer Brown and Chief Murry I will need to write this anonymously. Back in the day Police stopped crime. They did not harass local civilians for minor crimes. If a kid threw an egg at a house most likely the police officer took the kid to Dad and had him take care of it. Much to the displeasure of the Kid. I realize we live in different times and parenting has gone the way of Democrats but you get the idea. Our lovely Police department has TOO many officers already. Now they add 4 more so Chief Murry can now lock down our cart paths. The same cart paths that Realtors use as a selling point. You think it's smart to drink and drive a cart because a cart is so slow and most likely you won’t hurt anyone else? Well, guess again, Murry will have no part of it. Thanks for saving us from our dangerous stay at home moms playing bongo. I feel safer already. If you want Peachtree City to return to the lazy town it once was then call your council person and demand Chief Murry to go away.....and throw in Officer Brown as well.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 6:07pm.

Seriously would'nt you be more comfortable amongst your own kind??? You know the homies in River or Reeferdale? how about Griffin? You like crime you know you do, come on you are just amongst us few who read this thing .....go on you can admit it.
As long as people are being hurt in golf cart accidents(yes it has happened and one of our local citizens is paralyzied from the waste down because of it) drunk and underaged driver to boot. As long as we are continually threated by teens on the cart path, and incure vandalism, teens shooting fireworks on the cart path, home invasions, theft, and arson by teens 14-15 we do not have enough officers.
Here is what we do have toooooooo much of:
1 idiot parents who can't figure out birthcontrol, or how to discipline that mistake once it is here.
2 people who escaped from Reeferdale just so they could ruin this city, its like they have a bet going to see how quickly it can happen.
3 tooooooooooooo many section 8 homes
4 too many people who think their enormous interest only mortgage makes them better than anyone else, so they don't have to obey any traffic laws (they live in a big house, after all)
5 too many people who don't understand that drinking and driving kills (the perfect cure for this would be for our local judges to make it mandatory that everyone convicted of a DUI witness an autopsy of someone killed in a DUI wreck) It would be the only perfect punishment.
6 if you don't like our police chief MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!! Seriously those of us who are normal don't want you here!!!!!

Who is Officer Brown?

Submitted by 15zman on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 3:10pm.

Wow, and you call me an idiot?

Seriously wouldn’t you be more comfortable amongst your own kind??? You know the homies in River or Reeferdale? How about Griffin?

What do you mean? Are you suggesting I'm black and only black people feel this way? Wow, in this day and age too. Anyway quick answer to the last question. Officer Brown is the Barney Fife of the good ole PTC Police.

As for the rest, I won’t move now just to piss you off. By the way I don't really care if people get hurt on the golf paths. I don't need the government protecting me on a freakin' golf cart. If you’re so stupid to get that hurt on a golf cart then so be it. The way I look at it there is one less person in the gene pool. As for liking crime, if you got that from my blog you just prove even more how stupid you are. DUI was intended for motor vehicles. That's it... I don't need to police to stop me from drinking and mowing my lawn. Officer Brown is drooling at that idea. Chief Murry is standing by to give Brown a ribbon for it too. If I want to get on my horse and ride on my land drunk the screw you if you don't like it. I live in the land of the free not Canada. That’s why I spent time in the Marine Corp. Now I don't hate PTC I hate morons like you who buy in to the idea Chief Murry makes this town safer. Look at the stats or did you even think of that. No crime is going down. Overall crime is the same when Murry took over. The only thing Murry has added to is the docket at the court house. I would like them to stop drugs, stop thefts, violent crimes things of that nature. PTC Police are bored. That's why they do what they do.

You want to hear a story...this is true by the way: A person was hit head on by a drunk driver with a 101mph impact. The drunk driver was killed. Now THAT'S justice!! The other driver was in a state of shock chose to leave the scene briefly but then returned. He was injured and thought he needed to get to the hospital. Officer Brown (Fife) charges this person with leaving the scene of an accident, failure to report an accident, and DUI. In court they had to throw out the DUI because he was not drunk, they plea-bargained for leaving the scene of and accident and he pled guilty in failure to report an accident. The accident by the way WAS NOT HIS FAULT IN ANYWAY. He then was place on probation for 12 months and now has to report to AA for 17 weeks, a level one treatment. This decision caused him to loose his job because he couldn't travel. The company he worked for had to find a replacement so there were expenses in that process. So Officer Brown in his glory caused a local business unnecessary expense in looking for a replacement and the victim in this accident lost his job. Way to go PTC Police. Thank GOD you are out there protecting us from this evil presence of victims. You call this justice. Isn't it enough he was involved with the accident? Should we really go after the victims in traumatic accidents like that? If you think we should then YOU MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!! Seriously those of us who are normal don't want you here!!!!! By the way I’m 37 AND white AND a republican AND Catholic AND a business owner hear in PTC. Information so you don’t need to show how racist you are in the future. Lol…this makes me giggle.

Submitted by ole sarge on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 6:15pm.

A healthy dose of verbiage is usually recommended for giggly diarrhea.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 6:00pm.

I hate crime I'm a crimeist....I'm in my 30's and a northern transplant sooooo sooorrry to disappoint you and your preconcieved notions.
Ummm any way when do you get out of AA?? How many more weeks do you have left?
I'm glad you found another job.
See ya at Ynots

oh ya, I'm not related to any cops, but I do have respect for them.

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 8:49pm.

To Protect & HarrASS

Submitted by blabbermouth on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 9:20pm.

you got half of it right. protect. too bad they can't pick and choose who.

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 11:18pm.

I think they DO choose. When was the last time you saw Benz pulled over for 3rd brake light out or the random SUV given the "courtesy" stop for day time running lights out? Weigh that against the old pick-up w/ a ladder. I did see a p/u w/ a Maxwell sign pulled over on the parkway...I think for unsecured load. Kids are fair game.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 6:19am.

The sheriffs dept. and our police officers have choices to make everyday. They choose not to give warnings.
As citizens we have a choice too, we can choose to obey the law or we can choose not to. No one holds a gun to our head and makes any of us break the law, it is a choice we make on our own.
Be responsible with your choices, and then pay up when you make bad choices. Stop complaining when someone catches you making a bad choice.

Submitted by 15zman on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 3:16pm.

Sky the stupidity or shall I say naivety that spews from you key board is the most entertaining thing I read in a long time. Let me guess who you are....hmmm...50+ years old, female, grew up in PTC, family member on the force, probably live in Kedron Hills or Brealin. Gettin' close? Anyway, if you think for a minute the PTC police use their brains when writing tickets then I done debating this with you. It would be like debating with my 10 year old...Don't go away mad...just go away.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 9:03pm.

I just noticed this. Is it just me or does it seem that the people who are having problems with our local law enforcement agencies are all our left leaning Democrat friends? And these are the same people who have hated the pigs since the 60's. Any correlations here? Well, I guess I just set myself up for a butt whooping from Bladderq.

Maybe they profile for Lefties??? I've gotta feeling Highgreen will straighten me out on this one.

Submitted by 15zman on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 3:22pm.

Let's just see how wrong you are...

1. I don't have any problems with the police per se.
2. I'm a Republican
3. I'm Catholic
4. I'm a local business owner
5. I live in a 4,000 sq foot house
6. I'm very successful
7. I NEVER refer to law enforcement by the name "pigs"
8. I'm very successful (sorry did I mention that)

Read the Sky reply and get some facts....

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 9:32pm.

Maybe those of us who line up left of center value the free in freedom a little bit more than you & Rush. I am sure there were plenty of your type in '38 Germany happy with the order and the trains running on time. Oh, wait...ya'll don't want trains coming to town. I can whoop a little more if you like.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:15pm.

Why don't you learn what you are talking about before you start accusing people of being NAZI. Do you even know what NAZI stands for?

National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi.

Yea, Socialist. Lefties by definition.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 3:52pm.

Hitler rose to power as a "socialist", used an opportunistic disaster (the Reichstag fire) to consolidate political power and morphed into a fascist.

Bush rose to power as a "compassionate conservative", used an opportunistic disaster (the WTC attack) to consolidate political power and morphed into something very close to a fascist. Call it "fascist lite", if you will.

"La plus ca change..."

On a side note: The Nazis didn’t run as anti-Christian, but as more Christian than everyone else. They, too, adopted positions attacking homosexuality, divorce, and abortion. They, too, insisted that Germany’s Christian culture needed to be fostered and protected.

Hmmmmm....who espouses that philosophy here almost daily?

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 4:30pm.

Some so-called Christians backed him. Indeed.

Others were terrifed of him and fled.

Those that did not died by the millions.

Of the 11,000 million killed, 6 were Jews.

Hitler was in the New Age/Occult category in his beliefs. The Swastika is a religious symol. As was the power SS and other symbols. He used astologers and such in his decision making.

He is still looked up to in places like India.

Hitler was a socialist. Socialists are left wing, by definition.

Whatever makes you think all left wingers hold to the same beliefs you do?

Don't try to spin the facts away. He was a socialist, not a fascist.

It is so pathetic that liberals, like you, have to resort the the NAZI and Fascist name calling when you don't get your way.

Try dealing with fact in your arguments, instead.

Oooops! You don't have. And you deal with being disproven by calling people names or refusing answer.

You are one sad puppy.

Later, if you say something meaningful. Eye-wink

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 4:39am.

Some so-called Christians backed him. Indeed.
Others were terrifed of him and fled.
Those that did not died by the millions.
Of the 11,000 million killed, 6 were Jews.
11 billion killed and only 6 were Jews? Are you SURE you weren’t home schooled? *chuckle*
Don’t insult us with your implied “Christians were the victims of the Nazis” line. The Nazis killed two groups based on their religion (Jews and Jehovahs Witnesses), the remaining “undesirables” were classified as to what they were (Polish, communists, homosexuals, POWs) rather than how they worshipped. Only a handful of Christians were put to death solely for their faith, and they were almost exclusively Polish Catholic bishops and priests who dared to criticize the Nazi regime.

Hitler was in the New Age/Occult category in his beliefs. The Swastika is a religious symol. As was the power SS and other symbols. He used astologers and such in his decision making.
I won’t dispute that. Hitler had a knack, though, of using rhetoric to convince religious people to support him. Once he achieved power, he gave lip service to his “base” and as you said, dabbled with astrologers. Ronald Reagan was much more successful using this approach

He is still looked up to in places like India.
prove it.

Hitler was a socialist. Socialists are left wing, by definition.
Whatever makes you think all left wingers hold to the same beliefs you do?
Don't try to spin the facts away. He was a socialist, not a fascist.
By that line of thinking, Ronald Reagan should be remembered as a Democrat, because that’s where he spend his formative years. *shaking head*
The simple fact of the matter is, Adolf Hitler was the fascist leader of a totalitarian regime. You may, of course, choose to deny this fact. You have a history of denying facts that are contrary to your personal beliefs.

It is so pathetic that liberals, like you, have to resort the the NAZI and Fascist name calling when you don't get your way.
I personally get tickled the way you squeal like a little girl every time Germany 1938 is brought up. Hits a bit close to home, doesn’t it?

Try dealing with fact in your arguments, instead.
The irony of being lectured on the need for factual accuracy in my posts by the poster who has made the following claims in the past month:

    ”Science is a religion”
    “Ben Franklin was not a Deist even though he claimed to be one in his autobiography”
    “Excise taxes are the same thing as income taxes”
    “Adolf Hitler was not a fascist”

Oooops! You don't have. And you deal with being disproven by calling people names or refusing answer.
I agree that the word “ignorant” is all too commonly used as a pejorative. Sadly though, given your complete and utter inability to distinguish between fact and opinion, I cannot think of a more appropriate word to describe the vast majority of your posts.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 8:36am.

Basmati, you could not give a staight answer if your life depended on it.

The exact numbers are constantly argued. But the fact remains Christians, meaning those who did more than mouth work, were killed heavily, as well.

All your hatred of Christianity will not change that fact.

Spin it all you want, NAZI was a socialist party.

By the way, Hitler admired in India,

Of course, you will again not admit error. As always.

Run away and sulk.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 4:45pm.

Get over it and tell the truth for a change.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by Sailon on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 5:04pm.

Nazis were able to take over the German Government in the 30s because of the condition of the economy---brought on by the way Germany was left after WWI. The German people would have backed and followed almost anyone who said what Hitler wrote about, and said. They didn't want to live like they were and didn't want their kids to live like that. We learned that lesson and didn't make that same mistake after WWII by using the Marshall Plan. The poor Jews happened to be getting along better than anyone else and were proud of it. An example was needed and they were it. Now, I want to warn you about us, the USA. There are people here who, using fear, would do a similar thing, although I doubt they would select a group of liberals and kill them, if they could get such a stranglehold on our government. Watch out for the warmongers, the phone tappers, the internet interceptors, the gross spenders of the people's money, the oil companies and their backers, and of course the extreme right wingers and the extreme left wingers---both nutty as fruitcakes. We need to be the strongest military that exists here in this country, let religion be in churches, and stop supplying the world with weapons and starting overses wars that aren't necessary. Do any of you think our reaction to 911 has solved a similar thing from ever happening again? Afghanistan was sufficient if we had sent the troops there, not to Iraq.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 5:25pm.

Trying to tame it down while still comparing people to NAZIs is still a cheap trick, highgreen.

The Sovient Communist buried millions of Jews and Christians as well. Does that make them NAZI and not Communists?

Hitler was into racial purity. The Arian Race, per his Eastern Occult beliefs, is the superior future race.

He had breeding camps. The children were tested and killed if they did not meet genetic minimums.

He sorted through society and removed the less than perfect.

Every hear of Eugenics?

Jews and Biblical Christian were deemed a threat to the Reich, and thus were slaughtered.

And you want the see the victims of Hitler and Neo-NAZI? That is vile.

Who is the one spouting suppression here. You.

Keep religion nicely tucked away inside 4 walls. Never allow it in public or in government, even as a moral foundation to live by.

Look at yourself. You are espousing a path to the very things you decry.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:03pm.

I had family on one side that fought those Nazi bastards. My mother's family lived in Europe and lost everthing they had to those butchers. They spent years in camps and lived only because they weren't Jewish.

You are a piece of s*&t for even comparing our officers to the Nazi's. Shame the hell out of you.

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:09pm.

My Daddy only had 2 jobs in his life & 1 was bombing and the other textiles. Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it. The police everywhere violate the 4th & 14th Amendments and the courts the 8th. You generally can not afford the time or money to defend yourself for these "minor" infractions.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:18pm.

Isn't it funny how the rest of us have no issues with the law? What's your problem? You got convict tatooed on your head or something or did Fletcher Sams put a green sticker on you bumper?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:19pm.

Why do I have this feeling that you're an embarassment to your father and his honorable record?

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:37pm.

Don't assume anything about me and the old man. I think he was always a bit po'd about being put in the position of getting shot at by guys that wore a nicer uniform than him. I know after getting sent to the Pacific he didn't have any love for your favorite VP candidate LeMay.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:48pm.

say anything derogatory against your father. I respect every one of our WWII heroes and I've never met one that enjoyed the job he had to. They did it because it was the right thing to do and they believed in something bigger than themselves. Please, whatever you do don't come back here telling me that he thought we were wrong in our fight 60 years ago.

I do wonder about you though. If you had to choose sides. Would it be Hezbollah or the rest of the world. We already get the point that your not on the side of law and order.

Now stop dishonoring your father and the rest of the Great Generation.

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 11:01pm.

I never said anything against law & order. We disagree on what is law that leads to order. Hezbollah you say? Where did that come from and what did they ever do to you? Any ka-tu-sha rockets land in your 'hood? You want to start another thread on this country decades old miss-guided ferign policy? Thanks for being consistent in your bs..all over the place.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 11:15pm.

We disagree on the definition of what law & order is. I believe in the laws of our land though I struggle against some and try to get them changed throught the legislative process and NOT through the court systems as your side does. I'm convinced that your interpretation is that each is accountable to his own view or interpretations of the law.

Where did Hezbollah come from? Gee where did your comparing the law enforcement community to the Nazi's come from? If you can't figure out my analogy I'm sure everyone else can.

As far as your views on the decades old miss-guided ferign polcy goes...well... keep it to yourself. We already know what you think. The hate and debauchery in this world is caused only because the US exists.

Well...good night cop and good ole American Pie hater.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 9:29pm.

Thats what is so sad here. We have a whole generation of people who honestly believe they are entitled to do whatever they want. Their parenting was so permissive that they honestly are under the impression that they do no wrong. This is coming from some people who describe themselves as conservative republicans.
If they get a speeding ticket or a DUI, it is ALWAYS the cops fault(they targeted me) Gee ya think?! Maybe it was because you were weaving and speeding? Ya the Sheriffs Dept and PTC police have it in for you....they have nothing else to do in their free time.... ya thats it, thats the ticket.
These people are so deep in denial because obviously their parents never held them accountable for anything; and there were never any consequences for bad behaviour.

Note to all of you who are being picked on by the cops.....put down the crack pipe.....pick up some moving boxes and GET BUSY!!!
Can we put out a bigger You are not Welcome Matt for you people??

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 9:24pm.

Hey Git Real, weren't you the one complaining about Peachtree City's finest a few weeks back? You couldn't trust 'em to respond in a timely manner and that's why you got guns in every room in the house, ready to take the law into your own hands against the ever-present Riverdale Thugs that lurk outside your window?

"Judge Not Lest Ye Be PTC Guy"

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:22pm.


Now everyone will know I am doing something right if it irritates you that much! Laughing out loud

Leave it. Please.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:27pm.

As a badge of honor PTC. I think you might call that an honorable mention. It's definetly a sign of respect.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:14pm.

I am prepared to protect my family. The law enforcement community can't be everywhere at one time. The are here to enforce the laws and respond when needed and they can't stand guard outside my house. Therefore, I assume the responsibility of being the first response defender for my family.

NO I DID NOT complain about PTC's finest. I don't live in PTC. I do obey the traffic laws when I drive through there on a daily basis. And they're really friendly if you talk to them and wave to em too. They really like law abiding citizens. If I'm not mistaken we (us law abiding ones) are the ones who hire them.

Support Your Local Sheriff! And the PTC Officers Too!


Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 10:00pm.

I don't remember Git Real complaining about the police.

Are you thinking of the post where I was bragging about how fast the responce times are in PTC. I think it is awesome, but if we don't get more officers it will not stay that way. I think that is what some people are afraid of. And yes it is the fear of slow responce times, that has promted me to buy a gun(only one) Every room in the house thats a little much.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 6:48pm.

You haven't been this angry in a long time. Just chill out and let the morons comment. Sure, they should go away and will.

Brown is Sgt. Mark Brown - a great part of PTC Police.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 6:56pm.

Lets face it, this is pretty tame for me.
I don't get it, what is their beef with this Sgt. Brown guy? I'm always more careful in how I drive here, more than I am in Buckhead anyway. Maybe thats why I have not met this Brown guy yet, I take it he doesn't give out warnings?

Submitted by 15zman on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 4:13pm.

Absolutely warnings...Starting to impress me with comments like that. Remember Mayberry, Barney Fife. He didn't give out warning either. I guess I had a pretty good analogy of this guy.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 9:12pm.

Next time don't ride your bike on the sidewalk and Barney won't have to jack with you. "No Warnings" for what? What does one need a warning for? Any fool knows when they blow by a stop sign or they're speeding. Pay the ticket and be a man about it.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 7:31pm.

I guess with the reputation Sgt. Brown has then he must be earning his taxpayer financed paycheck. Or is that a "ticket financed paycheck"...heh..heh..heh!

Hey speeders and perps. Pay the ticket, slow down, and quit whining. I always make it a point to thank the officer for the job he does after he's finished writing me up. Thankfully, that hasn't been for a while.

Kitty Kat...what's wrong with my hairy legs? Would you feel better if I shaved my head too? You want me to look like a skin head or something. Come on girl...I got the Lion thing going here.

Submitted by 15zman on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 3:54pm.

If you "peeps" are soooo freakin' stupid to think I'm referring to real crime then go away. Geez.....Your just sooo freakin' stupid it drives me crazy. Name it...real crimes should be punished! Real crimes should be arrested. Sgt. (Moron) Brown does none of this. I have seen his arrest record. I'VE seen the cases he brings to court and if YOU saw them then you would change you mind as well. Oh maybe you wouldn't I forgot how FREAKIN' STUPID you are. Yeah, I wan anarchy. That's what I want. Yeah, I'm talking about DUI in vehicle, speeding down my street putting my kids in danger. Yeah that's the ticket...THAT's what I mean. Whew, Get Real you need to educate you self. You need to get the public records available at the court house. You need to go to court and watch some of these cases. It bogs down the system forcing the DA to make deal with REAL criminals because of the case load....oh yeah didn't think of that did you?? Let's see, 100 cases in court 90 of which are minor infractions. 10 violent, but the violent crimes can't be prosecuted with the vigor it takes because the system is dealing with Betty home maker with the tail light out, or Billy Bob who rolled through a stop sign. These tickets take time to write therefore they are not protecting us during the writing of these tickets and therefore are not protecting us to the best of their ability. If you don't go to court and get a list of the crimes this force is putting through the system then shut the F up. Until you do that you can't possibly comment. There I'm least until tomorrow.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 8:58pm.

I tried to read it but my eyes said....OUCH!

Submitted by allin on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 4:02pm.

Git Real has yet to make his formal appearence. You better hold on tight and be careful what you ax for.

Submitted by 15zman on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 4:07pm.

lol....that kinda made me giggle...

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 8:41pm.

or picked up my kid on some bogus charge. Go to Wed court & see the cases they bring.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 9:12pm.

Did they pick on you for breaking the law??? That is sooo sad.
You know if you lived in Buckhead or Virginia Highlands you and your little "angle wangle" would'nt have that problem, because those officers are too busy getting shot at to care about the little stuff; like vandalism and speeding. They probably will still pop you for DUI though so be careful coming home from Twist, and The Tavern. Oh and they have red light cameras at several intersections, so their officers have free time to get shot at elsewhere.

Submitted by 15zman on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 4:02pm.

Hmmm....I'll leave that one for everyone else. Last time I checked they were human. Well, except for Brown. He's Barney Fifes robot replicate. Cops NEVER make a mistake....NEVER?? Are you sure you want to make that stand? I'll give you one opportunity to change this opinion then you get the real fact from me. Which by the way you can corroborate via public records.

Submitted by Sailon on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 4:40pm.

What is this with this officer? This is not the first time that I have heard weird comments about an officer Brown, maybe for several years! Maybe if we had some more like him we wouldn't need to add so many officers every year? Unless he spends 80% of his time on trivia and 20% being where he should be.

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 9:24pm.

I've told the story before. At 8:30 one morning I was followed thru 3 stop signs for almost a mile to be pulled over for having 1 brake light out. I was cited for another infraction but beat the rap. No telling how many felons he missed on the highway w/ ladders and not red flag.
I also have my children's stories but I wasn't there but somehow I don't think my kid was "drag" racing the Mazda off the stop sign. I could be wrong.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 9:46pm.

Ya think?? I would be willing to bet your little "angel" was doing whatever the cop said.
As for your driving, I remember that story, you knew a cop was behind you and you blew through 3 stop signs anyway. Are you crazy? I really want to know why he gave you two chances before yanking you over.
I always look to see who is around before I break a traffic law:... like speeding, cutting across the gore, unsafe lane change, failure to signal lane change, talking on my cell phone, running a red light because I'm talking on my cell phone,( I know where all the red light cameras are for now) loud music blaring from my Hamon Kardon system, you know things like that. When I get pulled over for things like that, I don't argue with the cop, because I know he is right. I go and pay the ticket and be done with it....because I know I was wrong and I can own up to it. That is part of being an adult. Get with the program.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 8:45pm.

What some of you are forgetting is that the PTCPD didn’t write the laws you and your children are breaking.

If you don’t like it, work to change it.

Submitted by Sailon on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 2:58pm.

We have not progressed that far as of now. We don't hunt down a whole race for purposes of extinction. But we do maintain order in a fashion so much different than I remember 65 years ago, that it may seem that way sometimes. The job (or game as they now say) then for an officer of the law was to maintain order in his assigned area somewhat similar to what the Canadian Mounted Police did. There might only be one officer of the law, in a whole county, usually a state police officer, who managed by walking around. Sheriffs' were around but they only hunted moonshine and tended to the jail and courthouse. What happened might be like this: A kid, or a young man, might get drunk and destroy property, so the officer would be summoned, usually by someone in a vehicle hunting him down, the officer would spend a day or so in that area investigating the crime. Then he would tell the perp (tying to be modern) AND many of his relatives and many of his friends, that he expected the damage to be fixed or paid for before he returned to that area. If it didn't happen as he said, it wasn't unusual for one of the responsible people to be walking around with black eyes and bruised heads. Maybe just one of the relatives! Of course murder took about 2-3 weeks for a trial and penalty. There was so much respect and fear for these guys that crime was usually taken care of voluntarily. Now, it is done by young, inexperienced, people---going by the book. Takes a ton of them.

Submitted by 15zman on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 4:05pm.

Don't you think there is a perfect world between what is going on now and what you just described? You seem quite reasonable for an adult debate.

Submitted by Sailon on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 7:04pm.

Pedophiles, or petophiles, or sex fiends (as they used to be called)have already figured out how to avoid getting caught on the internet. How many has PTC caught in last two months? They find these unfortunate kids anyway they can. It is like the FBI stopping bank robberies---they have now given up on that and given it back to the locals. It should be a technical thing done by a special group who protect us against everything on the net, everywhere, not just here.

Submitted by Oh Boy on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 6:23pm.

Ok...points to be made here. I'm pretty sure I'm not a moron. Also, the "grandstanding Police Captain" I believe you are referring to is not a Captain, but the Chief of Police. If you are referring to the Captain over the unit, she's a "she", not a "he". Petofile is really pedophile. Sorry, but I'm still not finding the humor in child pornography, having sex with children, writing tickets etc. The correlation between the Mexican border "problem" and pedophiles is pretty much lost on me...but then again, pretty much everything you have said is lost on me. If you do not like PTC, then please go away. The majority of us like it just the way it is.

ILuvFayette's picture
Submitted by ILuvFayette on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 4:43pm.

Best handled by the GBI or FBI? What do call the job that the Peachtree City PD is doing now, mediocre? If your child was a victim of one of the sickos out there, I bet you would be singing a different tune! Oh, and by the way, they are pedophiles, not petofiles, they don't go after your dog or cat. They go after your child!!!!

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