Has this Forum changed your mind?

Richard Hobbs's picture


Has anything that has been posted on this forum changed the way you voted in this last or any past election?

If yes, please explain how it has changed your mind, and please be specific as to what information actually changed your mind. I know you can create a new screen name and come back here and make several supporting comments to evidence your position that this blog has real influence, therefore, I'd ask for hardcore evidence of what was said that made you change your mind.

If no, please explain as well.

My premise is that anonymous comments made online regarding subjective opinions has little if any relevance to the vast majority of people.

Open opinions of known individuals can have an effect, but only if they have a reputation that can command such authority.

I believe though, that hard core facts, tend to sway the voters in blogs such as these. As I mentioned, Buckhead, who proved Dan Rather's documents were false, helped bring him down, but those were facts, not subjective rantings and ravings of people with too much time on their hands.

So I welcome your objective opinions.

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bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Wed, 08/09/2006 - 6:53am.

"The Unmaking of a Senator: How Bloggers Pulled It Off"

Weren’t we told that bloggers couldn’t do this sort of thing?


PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 10:53pm.

What is being missed here is exactly what I actually said.

What I said was that bloggers like Buckhead, made a difference, not by the constant rants and raves that his blog had against Kerry and the left wing media, but from what he did, proving Dan Rather's documents were clear forgeries.

Hey, Hobb's. Don't go trying to reinvent history and yourself. Here is what you actually said against my Forum Power blog.

There is one thing to suggest that the national blogs such as opinionjournal.com, powerlineblog.com, even littlegreenfootballs.com might have an effect on politics and another to suggest that this website made any real difference. It could make a difference, but I don't believe it did.


However, this little website is just an entertainment tool and nothing more.

Now Flydecajon just told you the printed article had a vote for Dunn and Wells set, but this blog forum informed and changed the vote.

Don't go rewriting what you said.

The facts show what you are up to here. And it will not work.

PTC GUY's rants and ravings, along with most on this list from both sides, made no difference in this election, with the very one exception that I stated clearly was the defining factor, that being when bloggers actually list FACTS. PTC Guy's research proved that the last minute attempts at casting doubt on Maxwell was in error. I knew it Eric's actual history, so it didn't change my mind, but I'm glad that the FACTs were brought to your attention.

Brought out by this entertainment only blog forum. Not by you, the printed newspaper or anything else.

And not by myself alone.

You accuse us of ranting and raving, to serve your own purposes. But it worked. As it worked in changing minds on Stormwater. As it worked by other in other areas bring out facts.

All on this entertainment only blog.

Your political spin babbling here has done nothing but tick people off and bring out more negative comments about the local Republican Party and Wells.

Your plan backfired and now you are trying to spin your way out of it. Won't work.

I specifically and repeatedly stated that FACTS are what make blogs effective, not the harmonious and orchestrated whining and moaning about being against the status quo.

No. You repeatedly called us ranter and ravers, said blogs do not change minds, called this an entertainment only site and said only the big, national blogs might influence people.

Let me ask you this, prior to this information being brought to your attention, did this constant haranging from both sides help you make up your mind, or did it sound rather juvenile. I felt is was just a constant banter and no real debate save the very few times that someone provided something of real unbiased and objective proof of a fact that might be used by a voter.

It is a noncategoried blog system here. Not divided into serious and nonserious categories and forums as Bulletin Boards are.

Hundreds or thousands come daily to lurk. Figure out the impact and meaning for yourself.

Therefore, your change of opinion came about exactly because of what I said, that FACTS led you to change your vote, not the banter of surfers who have too much time on our hands. PTC Guy and Git Real and I can argue back and forth, but the truth is that voters dont' care what I think, they care about the facts. And no matter how witty, or funny, or surreal Git Real and PTC Guy are, they, nor I, effected this election. The facts provided to the reader may have contributed, but the riduculous blogging did not.

Oh, no. Don't try to semantically the blog. The blog was the media in which the facts were presented. Not in the printed paper or other media, but on the blog.

So, the blog enabled the change.

Do not try to reformulate you claims prior.

Again, thats my opinion for which I expect to be properly horsewhipped for.

For trying to rewrite history and reposition yourself, you most assuredly deserve it.

But a waste of time, since you seem incapable of admitting you were wrong. So this post was made for the sake of the other readers.

You replied, as you did, in my Forum Power blog. It blew up in your face, figuratively.

Then, not learning, you posted this blog. It went boom again.

I really don't care if you don't like my writing style. But the others 'get' the point and see what you are up to.

And of course, even knowing the fact, as you admitted, the claims against Maxwell were lies, you still backed Dunn and Wells.

Why? Because they are members of the local Republican Party, are active and have earned the right to be elected. Like when it was Dole's turn, right?

And you don't get it why people are turned off by the two major parties.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by Flydecajon on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:13pm.

In the same Citizen paper I saw Hobbs name giving Maxwell money not Dunn. I would only assume he wanted Maxwell.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:18pm.

Yet, did he not say he voted for Dunn and Wells?

Am I wrong here?

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:00pm.

I really can't believe you are this aggitated at me.

So let me surrender and acknowledge your assumption to the throne of all that is important.

If it weren't for you and Git Real, and a few other anonymous posters telling us what their confidential sources have said, then we would not know how to vote at all.

You really have made a difference. Go pat yourself on your back and ignore my earlier comments. You shouldn't waste your time arguing with me. You should be out there proving how effective you are in winning this next election from behind the computer screen in your office.

You go get'em PTC Guy.

There, does that feel better.

Now see, there I go being condesending. I hate it when I get like that. But being called Dick for the umptenth time by Git Real, just hurt my little old feelings.

Seriously, drop the subject and I will too. Find some facts and post them and forgive my transgressions as I'm sure you will since you are a real Christian.

Submitted by Flydecajon on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:05pm.

Guys that one is not right. Lets keep it within the lines.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 12:40pm.

Changed ones mind on anything?

During the Mayoral election the issue of Stormwater arose. I as an advocate.

At least 3 people, who began as avid anti Utility, were given evidence and facts they otherwise would never have seen.

The changed to pro Utility.

I have been persuaded on some issues to change my thinking, as well.

As for the political issues, I was undecided on Wells, Dunn and Peter. But materials, posted here, made my vote solidly against them. And, in turn, I became a voice against them.

Now, as for the false issue of anonymous posters. That has been tried before, and failed.

People use nicknames to avoid being harrassed. And it has happened too many times, from the Internet, to be subject to dismissal.

Open opinions of known individuals can have an effect, but only if they have a reputation that can command such authority.

Get over yourself.

Now one needs to title and position to be meaningful?

Facts speak for themselves.
Suddenly snail mail, emails, and more start, hitting them.

Nicknames are the standard, not the exception. And forums have far larger memberships than blogs.

Why? Because blogs were never designed to carry large topical discussions. Forum are.

The issue remains the facts, not the poster's name. If the facts are solid, it matters not a speck who they come from.

As with the claims of Maxwell being a developer, and citing the Sec. of State site.

I went there, pulled up the data, gave the link and copied and posted the data, here, that refuted that claim.

The evidence spoke for itself. It matter squat who posted it.

But it proved the Dunn's were lying.

And other materials posted proved Peter was lying on issues as well.

Facts speak for themselves.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 1:34pm.


You are hard to figure out.

As I mentioned repeatedly, I don't believe this forum's constant rantings and ravings had any real measurable differences in the elections. However, as you read my premise, I did say that factual information provided online can be useful. But the slant that the bloggers who are anonymous have little if any effect at all.

I also don't pretend to weld any authority or power visa via my opinions or endorsements. In fact, I believe just the opposite. It does appear that you believe that your contributions have made "the" difference and I find that rather naive.

True, you did provide some factual information that deflected the accusations that Maxwell was a developement company, but you did that by actually providing FACTS. Your rantings alone, along with the numerous other posters, have proven to be nothing more than one man's opinion, if in fact you are a man. For all I know you could be a little school girl from Austrailia.

So again, I just think that we don't need to take ourselves so seriously. If you have an opinion of substance, with measured doses of factual data, then submit it for Cal to run in the newspaper, where it will have the greatest impact. But don't expect this constantly changing community blog to have any real effect. It reminds me of when we had recess in school and the kids would be arguing back and forth on the playground. Sure it was loud, sure it was emotional and pronouced, but at the end of the days, it was forgotten.

Get over myself, ain't nothing to get over. My opinion weighs the same as yours, which I contend is a smidgeon more than nothing.

So hows the weather down under?
(Oh, and as to anonymity, I'd say it cost your some business. I was intrigued by your knowledge of HTML etc., and I was looking for someone to hire to help me with one of my sites. I tried to find out who you were but I finally gave up. You probably didn't need the work but I was honestly gonna give you a buzz.)

Submitted by Flydecajon on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 5:47pm.

Richard, after reading the Citizen's Wednesdays edition before the election, I was convinced I would vote for Greg Dunn...Following this campaign for a few weeks before the election it seemed neither candidate was doing a smear campaign so I would vote for the incumbent. I also thought Greg was doing a decent job.

After reading that specific edition and then reading all the other citizens responses in outrage for these alegations that Maxwell was a Developer. They all proved he was not, and the people he listed were not developers either.

I thought to myself it was the last paper before the election and Greg Dunn had crossed the line into dirty politics, guess he was losing, I do not know. Either way the blogs explaining that Maxwell was not a developer and Greg was smearing this election. Also many points he was not doing a good job with our tax dollars. I went with the slogan "It is time for a change"

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 9:55pm.

What is being missed here is exactly what I actually said.

What I said was that bloggers like Buckhead, made a difference, not by the constant rants and raves that his blog had against Kerry and the left wing media, but from what he did, proving Dan Rather's documents were clear forgeries.

PTC GUY's rants and ravings, along with most on this list from both sides, made no difference in this election, with the very one exception that I stated clearly was the defining factor, that being when bloggers actually list FACTS. PTC Guy's research proved that the last minute attempts at casting doubt on Maxwell was in error. I knew it Eric's actual history, so it didn't change my mind, but I'm glad that the FACTs were brought to your attention.

I specifically and repeatedly stated that FACTS are what make blogs effective, not the harmonious and orchestrated whining and moaning about being against the status quo.

Let me ask you this, prior to this information being brought to your attention, did this constant haranging from both sides help you make up your mind, or did it sound rather juvenile. I felt is was just a constant banter and no real debate save the very few times that someone provided something of real unbiased and objective proof of a fact that might be used by a voter.

Therefore, your change of opinion came about exactly because of what I said, that FACTS led you to change your vote, not the banter of surfers who have too much time on our hands. PTC Guy and Git Real and I can argue back and forth, but the truth is that voters dont' care what I think, they care about the facts. And no matter how witty, or funny, or surreal Git Real and PTC Guy are, they, nor I, effected this election. The facts provided to the reader may have contributed, but the riduculous blogging did not.

Again, thats my opinion for which I expect to be properly horsewhipped for.

Submitted by Sailon on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 6:25am.

Rather said just last week that he still believed the guard letter was real and original. The republicans found a stooge to say it wasn't, you know. Bush cheated while he was a guardsman and should have been court-martialed, as did many others. I suppose Thomas Jefferson and George Washington had no slave children and had no slaves, can't prove it.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:01pm.

See Spin, Spin, Spin, above, for reply.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 10:36pm.

Why would someone with your intelligence and position in life stoop so low as to even respond to someone as irrelevant as PTC Guy or myself. Unless you are just as pathetic as you claim us to be. If you have such a problem with us and our postings then why are you compelled to give us so much credibility by taking us on. Unless lowering your self to our level gives you some kind of a superiority rush. Richie....are you by chance dealing with the "little man syndrome" in your life/

Submitted by Flydecajon on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:17pm.

As Casey being left behind as she should not living here in the county. We are just having some fun. but the fact is I did read the smear article and changed my mind here on this blog. DUNN IS DONE. if you did not see it on the front page of the paper with the sheriff!!!Nice and yellow isn't it? Casey go home.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:20pm.

Getting that point across to Richard.

But I am tiring of trying.

Bed Time for me.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 10:47pm.

Taking it personally aren't we?

Again, my point is and still stands. Its my opinion. If you don't like it, well thats your perogative, but since this blog rarely has any facts and only opinions, then you and PTC guys premise that these Blog's massive opinions helped "change" the election is somewhat at odds with logic.

Because my opinion is being shared and is being dismissed by you, which is okay, in fact, its absolutely normal for you to continue in your own opinions until the FACTS change your mind.

Thats all I've said. You and PTC Guy or any other blogger might feel like your opinions have some merit above mine, and thats fine. But I don't happen to think it does. Sure, you're amusing and so is PTC Guy but its still just rantings and ravings, to be used for entertainment purposes only.

If you find some real facts, and you want to share them, then by all means, I'm listening. PTC Guy did do that to dispute the allegations that Maxwell was a developer, and I'm told he presented some facts about the storm water debate, but other than facts, these posts are nothing more than clanging cymbals.

Sorry if that hurts your feelings. But hey, thats life.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:13pm.

You were given proofs the blog did made a difference in how people voted and thought about issues in Fayette County.

Yet, you still cling to the claim the blog does not, based on your rhetoric and desired outcome.

Our ranting and raving, as you call them, contained facts. Your, so-called, intellectual presentation contained none. And refused to change in the light of facts given to refute you.

You cling to Wells because she is a party member wbo is active and has 'earned' the right to be in office.

Now, who is the one illogically ignoring evidence and clinging to disproven premises? You.

Sorry if that hurts your feelings. But hey, thats life.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by Honestly on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:35pm.

I apologize for interupting such indepth and important debate but I thought some might want to know. We just returned from a long week in Tennessee and what was formally known as the State Champion Fayette Bulldogs are now to be know as the Southeastern Champions of AABC baseball and have advanced to the World Series of AABC (Kiwanis field) baseball. One of the few times that has ever been done in Fayette County baseball.

Go Fayette Bulldogs!!!! An awesome week of good fundemental baseball and 12 good heros with three good coaches. I'm sure Michael Boyland will enlighten us more but for now I'll list the heros and their coaches.

Head Coach; Mike Brooks
Pitching Coach; Mike Ashley
Outfield Coach; Tony Knowles
Score Keeper; Mark Grove.

#1 Joseph Johnson
#3 Jack Grove
#5 Taylor Jenkins
#7 Garrett Knowles
#10 Kyle Dearing
#12 Hayden Jordan
#14 Clay Brooks
#21 Jeffrey Ashley
#22 Justin Torro
#25 Tanner Dingler
#27 Jake Marchman
#30 John Gronka
#25 Tanner Dingler

Way to go Bulldogs!! Good luck in the World Series!!!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:42pm.

Well done boys.

But the Hero line is a bit much. Hero's are firefighters, Law Enforcement Personel, Paramedics, and our Military. Great baseball players OK. But Heroes? Please don't demean the title. Baseball is only a game.

Great job boys and congratulations on your hard work and success.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 11:08pm.

Yeah Richard. You got me all figured out. This is all about a chip. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. Taking it personal? Well...maybe...nah...that's not it. I just consider the source. I am however, waiting for you to counter the facts that have been put forth in the case against your girl Linda. I don't know what kind of lawyer you are but it is obvious you wouldn't make it as a defense lawyer. We've stated our facts and they have been printed in the Citizen and verified by the courts regarding Linda's involvement in misusing her power and initiating several frivolous lawsuits against the sheriffs department.

Come on Rick. Hold Linda to the same standards you would hold Clinton to. If you don't then your verbage is as useless as thatof which you accuse me of.

Hurt feelings? By you? You pride yourself a bit too much. But I guess it comes with the job.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 2:33pm.


You are hard to figure out.

Not really.

As I mentioned repeatedly, I don't believe this forum's constant rantings and ravings had any real measurable differences in the elections.

Yep, you said it. And you have been told that because you declare what you don't agree with ranting and raving does not make it ranting and raving.

Can you learn some manners and just say you don't agree, instead of having to attach declarations of ranting, raving, people with reputatons and all the other elitist garbage to everything you say?

That is what you do not get. Every time you say something you are saying you are superior.

Just state your case and pretend you are talking to equals for a change. Being whatever you are does not make you superior.

However, as you read my premise, I did say that factual information provided online can be useful. But the slant that the bloggers who are anonymous have little if any effect at all.

But you had to attach the demand the poster had to be of known reputation. Which is false, since any post putting forth a link to facts can be verified, even if the poster is pure scum.

I also don't pretend to weld any authority or power visa via my opinions or endorsements. In fact, I believe just the opposite. It does appear that you believe that your contributions have made "the" difference and I find that rather naive.

Then your perceptive skills are flawed. Or this is an effort to 'kill the messenger.'

I am but one voice. My facts and statements are read with others to help others form an opinion of their own, whether I am viewed as acceptable or not.

On the Stormwater, I was the leading voice with the most knowledge. On Fair Tax, I am not and defer to those with more knowledge. On other topics I don't know enough and ask questions.

True, you did provide some factual information that deflected the accusations that Maxwell was a developement company, but you did that by actually providing FACTS.

And I said my point was made because of the facts. Not because of me.

You are trying too hard here to discredit me. Which reveals ulterior motives are at play.

Your rantings alone, along with the numerous other posters, have proven to be nothing more than one man's opinion, if in fact you are a man. For all I know you could be a little school girl from Austrailia.

My, my. More condenscending remarks. Attached to egotism and arrogance.

So now, I may be a liar. Thus you may be Linda in disquise.

You really want to go down that road?

So again, I just think that we don't need to take ourselves so seriously. If you have an opinion of substance, with measured doses of factual data, then submit it for Cal to run in the newspaper, where it will have the greatest impact. But don't expect this constantly changing community blog to have any real effect.

And again, you post as if it is foregone fact you are correct?

Keep talking. You don't understand the more you say the worse you look to others, since you cannot let your pride just talk without making statements of arrogance.

It reminds me of when we had recess in school and the kids would be arguing back and forth on the playground. Sure it was loud, sure it was emotional and pronouced, but at the end of the days, it was forgotten.

Keep talking. You are making an impression on the readers they will not forget soon.

Get over myself, ain't nothing to get over. My opinion weighs the same as yours, which I contend is a smidgeon more than nothing.

You really are a novice at this. You don't have a clue what you are doing to yourself.

What you interpret as my getting bent out of shape is actually egging you on to show the depths of what you are.

You have so much to learn to be a forum poster or real blogger.

So hows the weather down under?

Getting your kickers in a twist, are we? Laughing out loud

(Oh, and as to anonymity, I'd say it cost your some business. I was intrigued by your knowledge of HTML etc., and I was looking for someone to hire to help me with one of my sites. I tried to find out who you were but I finally gave up. You probably didn't need the work but I was honestly gonna give you a buzz.)

I am suppose to believe that?

Want to see some of my work? Then go to the link in my profile. Look around. Check out the charts in the End Times Link.

See what you are missing. Eye-wink

Try just being human and polite. See how people talking to you will change. That was a good piece of advice. Try it.

It is not what you said that got the issues going. It is how you said it. And that means a ton on a site where the person, in totality, are their typed words.

Thinks about it. All people see are you words. No voice tones, no body language or any such thing. Just your words.

Obviously you are smart. Learn to be wise.
Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

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