How dangerous a gamble is Eric Maxwell, lawyer?

Tue, 07/11/2006 - 4:58pm
By: Letters to the ...

Another letter from Peter Pfeifer, private citizen who is a county commissioner, not from Peter Pfeifer, county commissioner.

What do we know about lawyers and about lawyers as elected officials?

We are all too familiar [that] people sue for ridiculous reasons and are successful too often. Some people, typically the tort/trial lawyer, get wealthy doing this.

We currently have a trial lawyer running for Fayette County Commission. Eric Maxwell. I don’t know Eric very well personally. I’ve seen him at various events, talked with him a couple of times and that’s about it.

What I do know about Eric are his actions in the past and his statements as he runs for office. Let’s look at two.

I don’t recall seeing it myself, but there are many witnesses to the personalized license plate he used to have on his Corvette. The plate said, “ILLSUE.” I guess that some might think that’s funny? I don’t.

Another thing I know about Eric is that he sued us. I say us because he sued Fayette County, and that is us. The taxpayers.

I have a question for Eric and for those of you who support Eric. He sued us, joining with a billboard company. If they had won, we would have unlimited signs everywhere and billboards on our county roads, just like other counties do.

Now he’s running for office. If his reason for his lawsuit was truly that he’s “defending his constitutional rights” (where have we heard that before?), why have we not seen one hint of this from his campaign, on his Web site, campaign materials or statements?

He has not said, “Fayette County, vote for Eric Maxwell and I will support getting rid of our restrictive sign ordinance and make Fayette County more like other places.” Why not? He has NOT said, “One of the causes of high legal fees for you is lawsuits like mine.” Why not?

The democratic way is supposed to be, in our society, make your statement and let the people decide. For others, the way is to get a judge (another lawyer) to decide for us.

This is how we get some of the ridiculous rules and laws we have. That, to me, is the antithesis of “the democratic way.” I think that this “rule by judges” is one of the greatest ills in our society.

If Eric did things the right way, I would respect him. If he did that, and was successful, I would have to think again, maybe the people really want their sign ordinance changed.

And, lest someone blow this into more than I intend, I do not dislike or mistrust all trial lawyers. There are many who are the kind of people I respect, and like and would (and have) voted for.

It’s the ones who are like those in the above stories, those who belong to the ACLU, those who want to let convicted sex offenders live next to school bus stops that I have my problems with.

Is Eric that kind of lawyer? I don’t want him as one of my elected officials so that I can find out the hard way.

Peter Pfeifer
Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by 30YearResident on Wed, 07/12/2006 - 4:01pm.

You sure are sounding desperate and going into full attack mode at the request of your handler. Can't he fight his own battles, or does he always hide behind you and his wife?

What about the dentist with the license plate "2TH DK" ? Is he promoting rotten teeth, or making a light hearted statement on what his profession addresses?

If I were in your position, I think I'd sit back and keep my mouth shut. I realize you New Yorkers (okay, New Jersey, New York, same difference), have your fraternity and think all southerners are ignorant, tobacco spittin', overall wearin', barefooted red necks with 15 year old wives and 6 birddogs on the front porch, and you have to come down here and "show us how it's done", but some of us actually graduated from grade school.

Most of your blogs have indicated your arrogant attitude (probably echoing your handler), and your disdain for the voters.

Peter, voters have memories. Hopefully, you won't waste any money in qualifying next term, let alone buying signs and advertisments.

In my opinion, you need to consider retiring from local Fayette County politics Peter, I think you've burned your bridges for the sake of your handler.

Submitted by allend on Wed, 07/12/2006 - 11:40am.

You continue to disapoint me. Don't come whining to us on these blogs if Maxwell wins and you become a powerless fifth wheel.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 10:55pm.

I don’t recall seeing it myself but I was told that Peter Phifer said that Eric Maxwell said that he was for something that I could write a blog about.

Peter, you’re still an AZZ!

I don’t recall seeing it myself, but I'll comment on it.

“I don’t recall seeing it myself,” but Peter Pfeifer is Greg Dunn’s lap dog.

Yes Peter, that is your political future that smells like toast!

Peter, don't go away mad, just go away.

Submitted by tonto707 on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 9:33pm.

should back off, he has put a hand full of hickeys on Dunn's rear.

And don't we all know the tag "ILLSUE" really belonged on Dunn's Lincoln? And Pfeifer will never tell you that Eric sued the county to protect our constitutional rights, ie, the right to free speech, which Dunn's unconstitutional sign ordinance would have forbade.

Yes, Pfeifer is desperate, but he can kick back the last two years and be a spectator.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 9:57pm.

Gotta you place or plant a handful of hickeys. I have learned something as a neutral observer here (beings I'm voting for the Duck). If I'm going to run for office I do not want Peter covering my backside. For more reasons than avoiding a "handful of hickeys). Handful Of Hickeys....Hmmmm....would make a good monicker for Peter wouldn't you say?

Peter...honestly dude. Your verbal assaults are about as effective as those that Janet blathers about. Is that really you Peter or are your either one of Janet's multiple personalities or just her sock puppet?

Submitted by lwmythng on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 9:24pm.

Peter, what little respect I had for you is gone! I had to read your letter more than once to convince myself that YOU would resort to such acid. How desperate and sad you are!

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 7:00pm.

Speaking out like that is nice. Pretending you are a citizen while you write that nonsense and not a county commissioner reminds me of Steve Brown. Remember him? Now I'm, mayor! Now I'm a citizen! Now I'm back to being mayor.

Stop it Peter. You are looking like a fool.

Submitted by lifeinptc on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 6:59pm.

Peter thinks people are still reading his letters.

Submitted by Fayetteresident on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 6:17pm.

Peter, if you really wanted to write as a "private citizen" you probably shouldn't have used your real name, because it just looks like the same old "last desperate attempt" to save your boss.

You admit that you DON'T know Eric Maxwell, but you're willing to believe second hand information you've heard, no doubt from Greg Dunn, and insinuate that you don't trust or respect him. So what if he had a tag that said "ILLSUE"... he IS a lawyer... That tag should have gone to Greg Dunn because it fits his nature.

You want to talk about Eric Maxwell suing "us"??? Well, if I was backed into a corner like he was, I WOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME THING! And so would most anyone else!

And then you have the nerve to call Eric a "liberal" that would, "let convicted sex offenders live next to school bus stops"... COME ON PETER! The mud you're slinging is only winding up on you!

Submitted by Sailon on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 6:26pm.

It is an established fact that conservatives and trial lawyers don't go to the same fund raising functions. Even Bush, a neocon, tried to bind them up earlier in his career. I really can't see what difference it makes for electing a local commissioner. Some few trial lawyers try to ride on the center of the fence rail since much of the money is located with conservatives, but they know they aren't wanted, and are resented. Some of them need to be---they ruin TV.

Submitted by lifeinptc on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 6:42pm.

I don't want to be preumptious but does that mean you endorse Greg Dunn?

Submitted by Sailon on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 7:50pm.

Don't even know him. Will likely vote for Eric since he wants it. I just state facts, but I vote for whom I like and trust regardless of party. It is stupid to do otherwise.

Submitted by lifeinptc on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 7:59pm.

Is it me or is it an odd night. I'm agreeing with people who previously have not agreed with me. Sadly, I'm not agreeing with Cal.

Submitted by Sly Fox on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 5:19pm.

You will be a complete nonfactor for the next 2 years. Ride through Fayette County and look at the homes with Eric's signs in their yards. The king has alot of signs also, but they seem to be on vacant land or on the right-of-ways. The king goes down with only 20% of the vote.

Submitted by kevin king on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 10:57am.

When I read Peter "citizen not commissioner" Pfeifer's poorly supported broad stroked attack on trial lawyers he does not know and had not met, I felt he needed a smack down. Apparently several dozen hands have already back slapped him post haste. Thank you all, for having common sense that, for some strange reason, this elected official lacks. A mind is a terrible thing to waste Peter.

Hack King

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