Fayette wins if Dunn is reelected to board

Tue, 06/20/2006 - 5:49pm
By: Letters to the ...

On Tuesday, July 18, 2006, the primary election will decide the future for Fayette County for the next four years.

Greg Dunn does not have a Democratic opponent for the November election. If Greg wins the primary then we, the citizens of Fayette County win.

However if he loses it will be the termination of the firm adherence to the county land use plan.

Gifts offered to receive exceptions or variances will negate the land use plan. It would be like opening the flood gates once these exceptions are made. Our quality of small community life could be adversely affected.

Who wants to see how many houses can physically be squeezed into an acre of land? Do we want the congestion of other metro areas?

If Greg is not elected: we will lose the great contacts at the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). Prior to Greg being elected we received little state and federal money which must be funneled through ARC. If you don’t play in that arena you lose.

Greg got our county projects into the long-range and short-range transportation and water plans. You don’t establish these types of relationships overnight.

Our county budget went to “zero base budgeting.” County departments now have to defend the expenditures of taxpayers’ dollars and program for future projects. We now have a capital improvement plan. You can actually see what the county plans to do with our tax money.

None of this was accomplished prior to Greg Dunn’s term as county commissioner.

Do you really want to go backwards, before the days of accountability and the planned use of your taxpayer dollars?

I support and encourage you all to vote on July 18 for Greg Dunn.

Donna Groover
Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by Vernon on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 10:33am.

If Dunn is re-elected, Fayette County will see more years of a Dicatatorship reign. I will vote against him.

JJSXU's picture
Submitted by JJSXU on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 9:11pm.

In a dictatorship only one votes count. The last time I check we had 5 commissioners all have an equal vote, one commissioner is a former major of PTC, who on many issues voted with Dunn!!!

No, the Chairman does not dictate the adgenda, that is DONE by all the Commissioners and the County Manager and County Staff. (Check it out)

At the same time you can check and see that Van, (Who is with the Lord), Linda and Peter have VOTED against Dunn.
That is the factual record. Folks need to read the minutes or attend the commission meeting. They even have one at 3:00 on a Wed afternoon for those you can't make the evening sessions.

New housing permits over the past 10 years --- down, down, down!!

I know a banker and a lawyer could find continued adherence to the Fayette County Land Use Plan counter productive to what is required to put bread on their collective tables

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 8:29am.

I am voting for Maxwell.

I hate ARC and have been angry about us every getting stuck in it.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by fayetteobservers on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 9:31am.

Fayette County Commissioners debated leaving the McIntosh Trail Regional Commission to join the Atlanta Regional Commission.

Dan Lakly lead the fight. He urged us to join with Atlanta.

Peter Pfeifer's picture
Submitted by Peter Pfeifer on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 12:51pm.

www.gaepd.org. Detailed information on the drought can be found at www.georgiadrought.org
FYI. It doesn’t matter any longer whether you like the ARC or not. It also doesn’t matter that Dan led the fight to put us in the ARC (over a decade ago).

What does matter is that State/Federal mandates that the ARC MUST “Plan” our roads and that all State & Federal funds MUST pass through the ARC to us. Coweta County, for example, is not a MEMBER of ARC. They don’t sit on the Board. They are included in the Atlanta Metro Area for transportation so ARC does their Plan as well. Member or not, Fayette County’s Transportation Plans and Money would go through the ARC.

If you don’t like that, contact your State and Federal Legislators and tell them. I do.

The fact that Fayette is now a “Player” in ARC and that our Commission Chair, Greg Dunn, is the Chairman of the Transportation Committee of ARC means that “finally” Fayette gets some of our own State and Federal money back (Chair of the SMALLEST County in ARC is head of the Committee that controls the LARGEST amount of tax money!).

The current ARC Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) calls for over 70 MILLION of OUR Tax Dollars to come here.

The simple truth? “Can you stand the truth?’

Take away Greg OR Linda, takes away OUR Chairman of the ARC Transportation Committee. Take that away and we LOSE. The bulk of OUR money will begin to flow BACK to the larger counties in ARC where is was before Greg got involved.

If you think any of the current Commissioners, or any who are running, have the time, ability and are up to this task, maybe some could in three or four years again. But Greg can do it NOW and he does do it NOW.

More TRUTH for those who read this Blog. Generally, Blogs are very useful and educational. In the present, and in the future, they are critical counterweights to the mainstream media.

This one? Lots of people who are simply shooting (or SHOUTING) their mouths off. Lots of opinion, very few real facts. For those of you who DO provide good information, thanks.


bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 7:16pm.

Peter, are you suggesting that this county can never replace Dunn, ever?

Where is the chairman, and the rest of the council, when it comes to public transportation?

That topic was rated third in the county transportation plan as great interest to the people that live in Fayette County yet there’s no mention of it in the final plan that was submitted to the ARC.

Submitted by 30YearResident on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 6:56pm.


You were a pretty nice guy but in 2007, you're not going to have the benefit of being the swing vote on the Greg, Linda, Peter commission lock any longer. If I were you, I'd start repositioning myself for the new board and start being more of a centrist. Otherwise, prepare to be defeated at the end of your term.

Just my opinion.

Submitted by doc on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 7:37pm.

Okay, give me a chance to re-compose myself before I pun on that.

PP, having someone represent us at ARC who probably makes everyone there despise Fayette County government is not appealing to me. I'm sure Dunn is being the same arrogant King there as he is everywhere else. I can't imagine him doing much good compared to the damage he is most likely causing.

Give me someone who will focus attention on Fayette County without the ego trip of trying to run the world according to Dunn.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 7:06pm.

Like he says - reposition, Peter and look ahead.

Horgan and Chapman a duo for sure - vote with them and you'd be crazy or perhaps immature.

Frady and Maxwell, an uncomfortable duo, but you could ride their coat-tails to another term --all the smart money will be betting on Horgan's opponent and you'll see the real action in that election on that seat.

Your likely opponent is a female from PTC. A realtor of all things - get ready.

Keep under the radar and you'll be fine.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 2:14pm.

I don't care for Dunn for more than his position on ARC.

Frivilous lawsuits, outing undercover cops and thinking that his position makes him the supreme entity over all in the county also are strikes against him.

I have not been a screamer. But neither will I back down when garbage is spewed.

Many more are beginning to catch on, after the Logsdon election, that the Good Ole Boy system and King in the Castle types need to go. They are actually starting to examine candidates and elected officials.

Status quo is not always a good answer. Nor is 'anyone but' voting.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 1:30pm.

YOU SAID: More TRUTH for those who read this Blog. Generally, Blogs are very useful and educational. In the present, and in the future, they are critical counterweights to the mainstream media.

This one? Lots of people who are simply shooting (or SHOUTING) their mouths off. Lots of opinion, very few real facts. For those of you who DO provide good information, thanks.

MORE TRUTH PETER: "Truth" to you would be anything said that agrees with your positions. "Shooting (or SHOUTING) their mouths off" would be anyone that disagrees with your version of the truth. Come on Peter. This blog has brought out so many facts and untruths and provided a forum for people to solicit responses in which we can each further research our positions. I have changed my opinions on positions due to my analyzing the input folks have contributed. Then upon further research I formulate my opinions on subjects. As a former supporter I have learned enough from these blogs to become wary and skeptical about the performance of our commission. No Peter...I don't think of you as an evil nemisis. I do however think you and the one you follow are provide poor management and leadership.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 06/22/2006 - 5:49am.

I think I will trade in the arrogance of Dunn and take my chances with Maxwell. After all, Maxwell is not running for Chairman, simply County Commissioner. If Maxwell wins, Frady is the chair. Dunn on the other hand is running for chair since if he's reelected, they'll have to give it to him and 4 more years of his preening while he prepares himself for a run at U.S House would be unbearable.

Here's the new line up -
Frady, chair
Pfiefer, lame duck
Chapman, Horgan's buddy
Horgan, Chapman's buddy and next lame duck
Maxwell, voice of reason

Not too bad, except for Horgan, who is already there, but that too will pass.

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