BoE, DA to crack down on illegal students

Tue, 06/20/2006 - 5:37pm
By: John Thompson

Facing voter heat over out-of-county students attending Fayette County schools, the local school board has decided to beef up enforcement.

The message delivered Monday night: If you knowingly send a student illegally to a Fayette County school, you could be facing jail time.

Assistant Superintendent of Operations Sam Sweat told the Fayette County Board of Education how illegal students would be dealt with this fall.

One of the biggest changes is that District Attorney Scott Ballard has agreed to prosecute parents of students who are found guilty of false swearing on an affidavit.

“Our district attorney is really stepping up to the plate,” Sweat said.

Ballard is holding a press conference Friday with some of the county’s chief law enforcement officials to outline the procedures that school officials hope will curtail students from enrolling into the school system.

Sweat said the system is in the process of modifying the model ordinance from the state to use this year. The affidavit will feature several places parents or guardians will have to sign and emphasizes that false information could lead to a fine of $1,000 and at least one year in prison.

Another change starting July 1 is that parents who signed affidavits last year will be required to sign the new form. All affidavits will now be housed at the Lafayette Educational Center, which will make it easier for the system to track the students, instead of scattered among the county’s schools.

“This whole issue is very frustrating to us,” said Sweat.

Last year, the system removed 98 students from the system who were attending illegally. School officials said it costs about $7,300 a year to educate a student, so the total cost to the system is $715,400.

“With local tax dollars funding 50 percent, you’re looking at a strain of $357,700 on our taxpayers,” Sweat added.

Sweat invited school officials to the Friday press conference and said he would update the board on the process through the year.

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Buckwheat Rules's picture
Submitted by Buckwheat Rules on Wed, 06/21/2006 - 11:38am.

Cautiously optimistic is how I'll describe my feelings about this. While it sounds really good, I need to be convinced it's not just "window dressing" as a result of it being an election year. Something you just didn't conjure up over a round of golf with the DA.

I'm not so sure the riff-raff from Clayton County even thinks of "going to jail" as a threat since they've 1) either been there before and didn't mind the meals and caught up on some sleep or 2) have other warrants that are far more important to worry about.

You want to impress me FCBOE? .... Proof is in the pudding. Walk the talk ... but just know that until I see these vailed threats carried out and in print, it's all just talk. I can assure you, the 98 you caught last year is just the tip of the iceburg.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 8:31pm.

If the school board will be diligent in pursuing the education moochers and Ballard will indeed do his job then let's give'em all some great big attaboys. We will probably have to wait until September or a little later before we start seeing actual results. What I'd like to know is if the culprits will be printed in the "police blotter" listings. If so that should also give us an indication as to whether the school board and our DA are really doing their jobs or not and serving the citizens of Fayette County.

And just think. If our District Attorney Scott Ballard is busy chasing and prosecuting moochers then he will have less time to spend in South Georgia trying to get pedophiles off the hook.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Wed, 06/21/2006 - 5:44am.

I meean Sam Sweat, not Scott Ballard, although that is a nice touch. Turning this over to Sam was a good move. You can see he already has a plan in place with real punishment and the bonus is that he's fobbed off the discipline portion of his plan to the DA. Good job, glad you are being serious about this. It will be interesting to see how many kids from last year don't sign up this year.

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