Rapson named CFO for Sandy Springs govt.

Tue, 11/01/2005 - 7:12pm
By: John Munford

Peachtree City Councilman Steve Rapson has a new job, but he’s not exactly sure what all the buzz is about.

Rapson is no longer chief of staff for Fulton County Commission Chair Karen Handel. Two weeks ago, Rapson started working as the chief financial officer for Sandy Springs, which will become the state’s seventh-largest city when it officially becomes incorporated Dec. 1.

Rapson has left his former job with Handel, who is running for Georgia Secretary of State.

Rapson said rumors he heard over the weekend may well explain a recent blog posting on The Citizen’s Web site alleging that he was about to get into more ethics trouble. Turns out, the rumor going around town was that Rapson was going to be the Sandy Springs city manager, which would require him to move there.

That’s not the case, said Rapson, who posted his home and cell phone numbers on the Web site to answer anyone’s questions about the issue.

By Monday afternoon, Rapson had only fielded one such inquiry, leading him to a conclusion about the authors of the online posts who tried to discredit him.

“They just want to be able to trash people,” Rapson said, noting the lack of callers wanting to discuss the matter.

Rapson insists he hasn’t been keeping his new job secret, having announced it at a recent Peachtree City Kiwanis meeting, and meeting with a variety of state government officials as he works towards laying out the financial framework for a city that will have more than 90,000 people.

Rapson said the commute ends up being about 10 minutes more each way from his Peachtree City home than his previous job.

Rapson said there are many similarities between Peachtree City and Sandy Springs, particularly in terms of the high education level of residents. There are also a number of top-level officials of private corporations living in both cities, he said.

Rapson himself is working for CH2M Hill, the private firm that has been selected to run Sandy Springs government. Police, fire and 911 services will be provided for the first six months through a contract with Fulton County, Rapson noted.

Although Sandy Springs will be more than twice the size of Peachtree City, it will start out with about a dozen employees including a city manager, city clerk, judge and others, Rapson said. It’s possible the city may start its own police, fire and EMS service after the contract with Fulton County expires, he added.

Rapson said this new position was too good for him to pass up.

The only catch? Rapson will be reporting to a seven-member City Council.

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Submitted by John D on Sat, 11/05/2005 - 3:19pm.

It isn't by accident that Secret Squirrel & Hamster are rodents is it? Squirrels steal dog food, hide in attics and stay up in trees where you can't reach them. John wears a BUM shirt and tapes public meetings. What "do you do" with the tapes from those meetings? Never mind I really don't want to know.
Hamsters look cute but in reality are nasty little creatures. Carol doesn't even live here anymore but I suppose her bitterness can't be contained by State lines.
Do either you (John or Carol) think anyone takes you seriously anymore? How someone can have a conflict of interest working for another city in another county is beyond reasoning. Please do us all a favor and go back up your tree, back underground or back under your rock.

Submitted by Investq on Sat, 11/05/2005 - 7:04pm.

A great President once said: "A man who shows dishonor to his family will show dishonor to the public office he holds."

Submitted by dumdum on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 7:34am.

Our Mayor Ralph Moore has not only put shame
only his family, but to our City. DUI .173

JWM's picture
Submitted by JWM on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 7:06pm.

Whatever happened to Ralph Moore's case? I know many people may get a DUI but it can't help a politician.

Submitted by ttownconcerned on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 8:52pm.

Don't worry about Ralph getting an alleged DUI in Union city. He's still good enough for Barry Amos in Tyrone.

Submitted by Investq on Sat, 11/05/2005 - 7:07pm.

And can you say...Xfactor/Nikki/Ghetto/Greg Tennant Madison ?

ghetto's picture
Submitted by ghetto on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 9:03am.

As I said before I live outside of PTC I have my own opinion and I am free to share it with everybody...I haven't really responded to any of the mayoral issues...All I have done was just to point out lies by cowardly people that make up stuff. That Paul Letter to the Editor really steered me the wrong way because I know Dan, Robin and Shelby very well, and no matter what happens in the election there will still be a hateful man Paul that continues to try and make up things about Dan that aren't true, and who has a history of a short temper and documented physical abuse of children...So I'm just sitting back and watching all of you PTC residents get on your high horses and I'm just laughing at all the time that you people could spend doing something (anything) for your community or for your children, so get off the computer and go teach your kids how to ride a bike or something...I'm going to sit down like a normal family and eat breakfast with mine, so I won't be checking this board for about 10 hours...Get out and go to Church, if you don't already...One thing is for sure, all of the candidates will be at church this morning...

H. Hamster's picture
Submitted by H. Hamster on Sat, 11/05/2005 - 11:12am.

Sure, you'll get elected and I even think you'll doa good job in Sandy Springs. But how long is it going to take for some of that 7 member council to come up with the obvious conflict of interest between your day job and your PTC council job? And when they do - which will you choose? Correct, you'll quit council and we will have a special election - I'm predicting next summer is when you'll quit.

How much will that cost? The good news is we will get to have all this fun again next year with a lot of the same people from this election - the ones that lost. That may be the time for the kid to shine.

secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Wed, 11/02/2005 - 8:44am.

One has to wonder if Steve Rapson can focus on the message as opposed to the messenger. Overtures asking the public to call you are quite charming but they are irrelevant to answering the questions posed here in a public forum. Why would you rather address these issues in private rather than here where all can read your words? Do you have something you don't want on the record? Do you just want to "no comment" and hope the questions about your ethics violation go away?

It's sad that you construe the motives of people posing questions about your public actions as a desire to "trash people." Have you not realized that your actions on the council are not personal? Do you normally take questions about your council work so personally? Sorry, Steve, but I think these questions about your ethics problem are public and your answers should be as well. One is only left wondering why you won't discuss them publically.

Congratulations, however, that the allegations that you "[were] about to get into more ethics trouble" is totally false. I'm sure we all agree: the existing ethics violation conviction is enough- for you and for your constituents.

Thanks- and still waiting for you to take advantage of this wonderful public forum The Citizen has created to see your answers to last week's Candidate Forum questions. Sorry you weren't interested in responding to this week's forum...

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