Can someone help me

fatdaddy721's picture

I have a very good friend of mine that was married to a police officer they seperated shortly after the birth of their child almost 4 years ago, he told her he loved her but he just could not be married so about 9 months after he left he decided he wanted to come back so she decided she would try to work things out, well about 4 months after that he decided he didn't want to be married yet again so he made her leave and move back in with her parents he stayed in the house and she was left with no money no child support no nothing except the car she left in. Well he told her he wanted a divorce but would never file, so finally a single mother who was left twice with nothing was made to reatain an attorney and file for divorce from a man that did not want her or their son. So she filed and tried to settle out of court now keep in mind she was giving up everything all he had to do was sign divorce papers, she did not ask for any property or seperation of debt just child support which her attorney set at state guidelines. Well after going through mediation and he walked out her attorney drew up a settlemnet aggrement which he declined the child support was to high, so her attorney drew up another and once again he declined the child support was too high, well this happened five more times with the same answer the child support was to high, never through all this did he ask for more visitation with his son he just wanted to pay less child support. So now they are in court and her ex husband's most recent thing is he has accused her of child abuse, but he never called the police or DFCS he just told his attorney, now this is one of the best mothers I have ever seen. Now earlier in this post i said her ex was a police officer is there not something that says if a police officer suspects child abuse he has to report it. Thanks for any help

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Submitted by lifelongfayette... on Fri, 06/09/2006 - 5:26pm.

In regards to your blog, if I could offer some kind advise. Please use better punctuation next time because this posting was very hard to understand.
Yes, police officers are supposed to report suspected abuse. You could contact whatever department he works for and speak with his supervisor and go from there. And, continue to be there for your friend. Sounds like she is going through a tough time and will need lots of support.

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