
fatdaddy721's picture

Well this is America the place where anyone is free to become a citizen,but here is my view.If your gonna move here learn the language why should i have to learn a new language just to continue doing a job I have been doing since I was sixteen, why should I have to learn a new language just to order a hamburger from Mcdonald's or Dairy Queen, why should I have to learn a new language to go into a gas station and get gas. Give me a break people they come here illegally and get jobs but no money goes back into our economy trust me I am in a business where I hear alot they send the money back to mexico to the wife and kids and grandma. They come here put no money into the economy but yet they have children and those children then become my problem because now they are entilted to welfare because they had kids, and then when the time approaches oh yeah education while you and me pay the school tax. You come here live high on the hog because you do not pay taxes but you march on the streets that my tax dollars pay for and carry a flag of a country that you do not even want to live in anymore and protest because you feel like you have been treated poorly, then you try to protest again but you carry the American flag this time but it's funny all you changed was the flag not the language, then there is the issue of a spanish National Anthem well maybe at sporting events,parades,and etc. we should devote a time to sing it in many different languages, maybe I could write the Italian version considering thats where my ancestors are from but no I do not have to do that because when my ancestors moved here they learned the language we do not speak Italian in my family anymore but maybe I should when i do not want my boss to know what I am saying about him. I think I have said enough there will be more of this to come

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Submitted by Lawdawga on Mon, 05/29/2006 - 6:13pm.

Wow !! You have it exactly right, and it is refreshing to see it said so succinctly. I agree 100% with you. Thank you for the interesting reading.


Submitted by did not know on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 10:45pm.

What happens to all the educated Swedes, English, German etc, who could contribute something,have played by the rules of the "quotas " from their country to ours? Are they just shoved back cause we are making room for these a$$%%%%5s? The only people who gain from letting all the Mexicans become US citizens are them and big business. We get nothing. I worked all my life and never drew the first unemployement check. There are millions like me...why should we 'give' them something they have not earned or deserve?

Submitted by did not know on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 10:50pm.

to this country, usualy come in kilos...and ruin our children.

fatdaddy721's picture
Submitted by fatdaddy721 on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 8:31am.

Your right thats my fault i should have re worded the do not pay taxes thing because they do they just claim so many exemptions that they barely pay anything, I do landscaping so I know when hire someone all the things they do to try to get around paying taxes it is all common knowledge to mexicans they all know how to get one over on the government, but that wasnt even my point about that my point was is that they are a burden on the economy.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 3:56pm.

A burden indeed. Fully agree.

As I said elsewhere, a 22 year old of one of my customers claims 10 dependents.

Now. Would you not think that should spark investigation?

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

fatdaddy721's picture
Submitted by fatdaddy721 on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 6:19pm.

yes it should spark investigation, but like i said earlier they want to march because they are treated so poorly, what do you think would happen to me if i was 22 and claimed 10 exemptions.

fancypants's picture
Submitted by fancypants on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 7:52am.

I'm all against illegals, but I want to set the records straight:

MOST illegals do pay taxes. Better yet, they pay taxes on their real/fake social security cards and don't file for a tax refund because they are illegals and don't want to get caught!

ANYBODY can go and get an official social security card issued by their local office. A friend of mine received one after having been here for only 2 weeks (he now does have a green card to work here).

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions about the illegals!

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 8:01am.

Yep. Getting a card is not hard.

But, most also claim many exemptions. And they use far more services than they ever paid for.

That stat for Los Angeles, I believe it was, is that 44% were paid in cash, thus not paying anything in.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 8:03am.

Last I heard was that their bill gave eventual legal status to almost all illegals here. Even convicts, if they had family here.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

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