Sam Chapman and John Daly

H. Hamster's picture

Sam Chapman is running for County Commissioner and in his own mind - Chairman.

John Daly is running from his past and wants to be a champion golfer.

Sam and John have never been seen or photographed together - are they the same person?

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Submitted by Honestly on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 2:51pm.

$100,00+ is too much for anyone to spend on an unnecassary pissing contest I don't care who you are. And since you asked that figure came from Janet (or the natural, whatever)

It's hypocritical when it comes from 3 who claim to be so fiscally responsible and dillegent at holding down spending.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 7:03pm.

Breath of fresh air, new blood, time for a change - all those tedious slogans. But really, he could shake things up and for sure he would not be fueding with the sheriff.

I may vote for Sam.


Submitted by justaskin on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 8:08am.

Have you ever spoken to Mr. Chapman? Have you asked him for details on what he would do differently? Let me know when you hear please.

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 7:08pm.

And for some of the same reasons you mentioned Kitty. Shake things up a bit, new blood, breath of fresh air. Plus if my undercover rodent friends have it right Sheriff Johnson is plugging him and may have had much influence in his choosing to run. I'm still researching him but so far so good.

Submitted by justaskin on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 8:11am.

Can you tell me what Jack stands for in this election? Have you had him express his opinion on any of the issues that he would face as a commissioner? If you find out would you let me know please? Are you sure that Jack would be new blood? How would that be the case? Has he not been connected to the power structure in the county longer than even Dunn or Wells? Do you think that it is a good idea to elect people solely on the basis of their endorsement by the sheriff?

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 8:32am.

Your using the same arguments that Robert used when Linda ran against him. Don't you get it. Linda and Greg had their chance. We are looking at our options. If Linda and Greg did such a spectacular job then why has everyone had enough of their so called leadership. I'm just askin??????????

Submitted by justaskin on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 8:44am.

Does that mean that the arguements are invalid? Linda and Greg had their chance to do what? Hold down taxes? Hold development down to keep pace with infrastructure growth? Use the land use plan as it is intended? Not bow to the pressure from developers and other interest groups? How is that bad? Don't you think that all this nonsense with the sheriff has skewed the bottom line here? Are elected officials supposed to do "spectacular things" or are they supposed to be good custodians of your tax dollars? Have they not done that? If not, where do you see some "spectacular" shortcomings?
Enlighten me please.

By the way, who is Robert? When did he run against Linda Wells?

abeautifulday4us's picture
Submitted by abeautifulday4us on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 1:22pm.

justaskin asks: " Are elected officials supposed to do "spectacular things" or are they supposed to be good custodians of your tax dollars? Have they not done that? If not, where do you see some "spectacular" shortcomings? " Plenty of examples.

No one with a scintilla of rationality would debate the huge waste of hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorneys fees and these losing battles that the Commission wages with whoever refuses to kneel and kiss the ring. Whether it is the Sheriff with law enforcment or Tyrone with sewer its the same response. Only a diehard supporter like Natural would not concede this point. And why doesn't the commission put those huge professional contracts like the lawyers out for a bid? That is wasteful.

How about the courthouse? We now know that there are showers for the judges, marble floors, bullett proff glass every where, on and on on.

And how can you justify our tax bills increasing every year. And don't give me that crap about assessments. We get hit with assessment increases and sometimes a millage rate hike too.

Submitted by justaskin on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 2:18pm.

Why are you saying that there have been "hundreds of thousands of dollars" wasted? Where did you get that number? Is it in some official document that you could share? Do you know for sure this is true, or are you just repeating what others have speculated about on in this blog? If you have proof can you share it?

These legal contracts are huge? Compared to what? In house counsel? Other firms from the outside? Other jurisdictions? Do you know if they have been put out for bid or not? If you have any data beyond speculation don't you think that everyone here would like to see it?

Didn't you make the point about the courthouse and the judges showers under another name weeks ago? Do you think that bullet proof glass is a bad thing in a courthouse? Have you asked the police or the judges about that? How about the courthouse employees in Fulton County? Would you like to see a repeat of that tragedy here in Fayette for the sake of saving money? How much is the life of someone in the courthouse worth compared to the cost of security measures?

Do you live in one of the cities? Are you sure that the millage rate that you are referring to did not come from somebody other than the county? Do you know the difference?

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 11:52am.

Yes - The Sheriff nonsense has skewed the bottom line. My bad on who Linda ran against. Sorry on that one. My taxes have gone up every year. For the most part the land use plan has been held to. I have credited the commission on that one. I do resent their arrogance in the their witchhunt of the sheriff. The violation of the open meeting act. The waste of our dollars pursuing this mess. And being so consumed with their power that they feel the need to interfere with the Sheriffs office. There is a reason law enforcement is kept seperate from the politician commissioners. I have lost my trust in they have served long enough.

Submitted by justaskin on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 12:22pm.

Have your county taxes gone up every year? Are you sure that it is not your taxes from the schools? I do not know if you live in one of the cities, but haven't those taxes gone up every year? Did someone not say recently here that the millage rate was rolled back again and that the county budget has gone up an average of only 1.6% over the last five years? Is that not much slower than inflation? Did not the majority of that money go to the sheriff?

I am not clear on the open meetings act violations? When did that occur? Who was there? Why have you lost your trust?

Did you not just say that they had done a good job of controlling growth and the budget? Have your services from the county suffered in any way? What (besides the money spent on lawsuits) would you like to see cut from the county budget? Do you know what percentage of the total budget was spent on the sheriff/county dispute? I would also like to know who the expenditures for legal fees for Fayette County compare to other counties in the area of comparable size wouldn't you? Don't you think that would be interesting information?

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 1:23pm.

My County taxes have gone up every year. My school taxes have gone up every year. Where you get 1.6% I'd like to know. You know very well about what open meetings violations. What difference does it make what percentage of the total budget was wasted on suing the sheriff? What is the total dollars? I don't care how much the other counties spend Greg of Peter or which ever one you are. Greg I think. Don't use other counties as justification for your foolishness. Why should you have another chance?

Submitted by justaskin on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 1:49pm.

Exactly how much, as a percentage have your taxes risen due to the county budget? Did someone here not say that the total amount of the lawsuit cost was about $100k on a total budget of about $60 million dollars? Does that not work out to about .001666 of the budget. How does that math workout, about $.90 per citizen? Is that not about 1/3 a gallon of gas?

Do you not avail yourself of the budget information on the county website? Where else would I look if I wanted to know that information? Did you know that it goes up more this year because of a state mandated increase in the cost of living increase afforded all employees? How does the commissioners prevent that kind of increase?
Did you think that citing costs from other counties was justification?
Did you not understand that comparisions would yield information on how well the county actually manages that budget component? Does every issue you bring up have to be negative?

How did you decide that I am Greg and Peter who(??)

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 2:29pm.

It's only $100,000.00 or .001666 of the budget. Ohhhhh...that makes me feel better. Greg, it's easy to spend and waste others people money isn't it. Have you ever been employed by anyone besides the government?

And Greg/Peter. It's the negative issues that need to be brought up.

Submitted by justaskin on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 2:44pm.

What did you read that indicated that there was any attempt to justify expenditures? Do you think I brought it up for anything more than clarity? Do you have any information that would refute what I said? Don't you think that throwing out a bunch of numbers that are not true is irresponsible?
Do you think that your irritation with the situation justifies lying about it?

Why do you persist in calling me Greg? Don't you know that it is not likely that he would respond to you like this? Why do you assume that I do not have years of experience in the corporate world? What makes you believe that? Would several decades of corporate not government experience satisfy you? Is that enough? Is that not more than you yourself have?

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 3:03pm.

Why do you think anyone would buy your crap about your not justifying expenditures? Do you not think I am quite clear as to why you brought it up? Do you not think thay I have information that would refute what you said? Do you not get the proper impression that I do have a problem with you just throwing out numbers trying to skew the issue.

Do you think I'm really that irritated or do you not think I expect spin from a politician or other political hack?

Why would I not persist in calling you Greg? Don't you think for a moment that no one would buy your assumption that he would not respond to me like this? Becasue I can tell that you have been more of a dependent of government than a financier of government? What makes you think I would think otherwise? Would you believe that I won't buy your assumption of decades of corporate experience unless I find out that you are Janet and not Greg? No it is not enough because do you think that we have not forgot that Justakin popped up right after your failed The Natural took a severe {{{Edited}}} whooping after trying to justify the commissioners open meetings shenanigans. Do you not think we really know you are the same Greg/Janet/Peter character? Do you not think that maybe I employ many people and provide above average salaries and that I have a skill of sorting government hack verbage from corporate producer verbage? Do you think you sill little question sessions are going to validate yourself or intimidate those that care enough to question you and your motives? Do you want to go on with this? Do you not know that I have the time and the resources to bicker this out with you? Do you not know that you are setting yourself to expose your arrogance with your justification of your actions as commissioner that have so offended so many? Do you really want to make it harder on yourself by trying to defend such nonsense? Do you realize that I am making about as much sense as you are at the moment and I hope I do not have to respond but will if I need too?

Submitted by snark on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 2:51pm.

Am I reading the same post over and over and over from you, justaskin?

Or are you making the same post over and over?

Submitted by 00 on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 3:10pm.

Do you not know Windy that you should not question my authority? Do you not know that Greg is the Savior of the county and you should kiss his ring? Do you not know that $100,000 is nothing when your talking taxpayer monies? Do you think you are better and more mentally equipped to take on the commissioners. What do you think you will gain from this futile exercise? Do you not think that Greg and Linda are shoo-ins and all are wasting their time by challenging them? Do you not understand how frustrating this is for justaskin because if I could I would come off these pages and put a hex on you?

Submitted by snark on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 3:14pm.

And here's something I do know. If Janet gave us the $100,000 number and her alter ego is willing to cop to it as well, we should probably assume the real number is a lot bigger.

Submitted by Sailon on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 12:38pm.

Yes, my overall property taxes have gone up every year considerably over the inflation rate.
However this is not the way to view efficiency here. As in business, shouldn't volume allow for reduced taxes for everyone instead of increased taxes? A 125,000 count of people in Fayette should not cost twice or three times as much as 50,000 did just a few years ago. (inflation adjusted). Some things don't need to be duplicated: one council, one mayor, one sheriff, etc. I venture that all employees work at about 50% efficiency rate now as opposed to 75% just a few years ago. They can't be canned or disciplined except for a three witness murder. We build building that are unneeded and expensive since we have the money.

Submitted by justaskin on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 1:27pm.

Did you read my post carefully highgreen? Did you not see me ask Get Real if his county taxes (not your overall taxes)went up? Did you think my question refer to overall taxes? Beyond that question I am not sure what you are saying, do you? Are you seriously suggesting that all the governments in the county combine into one? Do you really believe that, despite the perceived efficiency, that this is a reasonable and practical solution? Can I pose my question again to you? Did your COUNTY taxes (all that the county commission can control) go up?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 7:13pm.

I am not sure what you mean, but my old spinster smut detector starts vibrating when I hear the words "Plugging him" Am I right to be concerned?

By the way, are you really a cat?


Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 7:22pm.

Oooops. Maybe I can hurry and edit that. Something like...Putting a plug in for him. Well maybe not.

No Kitty I am not a cat. The picture is very deceiving as it make me look small. Actually I sit about 4' tall and am formally know as the "King Of The Jungle". A LION that is.

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