Dog Repellent

Get Real's picture

Help me somebody..please. I have an obnoxious neighbor that has the ugliest dog in the world and he let's it run wild and he doesn't much give a rip that it hangs in my yard and leaves piles all the time. He can't even take a hint when I take my blower and blow the feces back across the street into nice little piles around his mailbox. Animal Control is a joke and I just can't get the nerve to take his dog out.

So...for my peace and sanity can anyone give me an idea how to make an inexpensive repellent that will last. A home brew I guess you would call it. Please don't send me to Pikes for the ten dollar and a couple of handfuls junk they sell. But if there is something that I could spray or put out that wouldn't bankrupt the wallet I would be grateful. Yeah..I know...antifreeze. Don't want to go there.

Perhaps I should take a (((EDITED))) in his yard every evening and leave the white paper laying around. Funny...he would be fighting mad wouldn't he? What's the difference?

Hate to have to sic the Lion on him. It would be worse than a pit bull.

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Submitted by RubyBegonia on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 3:12pm.

We also have a "dear" neighbor who walks her dog on a leash to our yard in the wee hours of the morning and late at night for potty breaks! The dog is a German Shepherd.....nasty big piles! I have asked her many times to pleae stop and she informed me that urination and dog defecation was good for grass and shrubs, so I suggested she treat her yard with the stuff and she told me I had Hell in me and needed serious counseling.

I keep a supply of rubber gloves, which are cheap and every time I see her dog's potty habits in our yard, I pick it up, walk accross the street and sling it all over her front walk way, door, and drive way. I have mixed cayenne pepper with amonia and sprayed in the area which does work if the dog is brought out when the scent is still fresh. The dog hates the smell of amonia and cayenne! When it rains, I have to spray again. Also, I have tried a product called Liguid Fence and it works really well, but is expensive. This product does not wash away when it rains, but you need to reapply frequently. I even tried placing little signs in the yard that state the yard has been sprayed with pesticides, keep off grass......didn't work.

The only remedy/repellant I see in the future is our dear neighbor moving or the death of her dog and neither is likely. She just moved to Georgia last year and her dog is young.

fancypants's picture
Submitted by fancypants on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 11:07am.

Didn't they just pass a new law that you can shoot first if attacked and then ask questions? Just shoot the d@$# dog and say it attacked you.

Of course us guys with the inside track will know it was a poop-attack, an attack non the less!


Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 05/07/2006 - 8:01pm.

Since this idiot neighbor of yours seems to be stupid beyaond belief talking to him won't work, here are some good ideas. Follow the principle of what "goes around comes around". If you have an old plastic bucket take a shovel load up the droppings for a couple of days add a little water. Then late at night or early morning spread on his steps or outdoor grill or both. Leave a note (not hand written of course ...typed or letters cut from the paper) We don't want to get charged with making a terroristic threat, do we? Let this careless idiot know that he left something on your property, and you thought he would want it back. For the dogs sake please keep calling the animal shelter it sounds like he will get hit by a car if you don't. If you keep calling them I have found that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Sun, 05/07/2006 - 11:03am.

If it really bothers you, get with him, be honest, and let him know how you feel. Other than that, keep throwing the little gifts back into his yard.

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Sun, 05/07/2006 - 8:20pm.

I'll pass on collecting pooch feces. Cow manure I can {{{{Edited}}}} is just plain nasty. I like the blower method. I've tried the polite conversation method Dawg and the clown had the nerve to tell me it was good fertilizer. And as his dog pee'd in my yard he further informed me that was what helped make some of the green spots in my yard. I mean reasoning with him would be like trying to reason with bladder boy. Hey bladder...Rush who?

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 05/07/2006 - 8:35am.

There are some effective animal devices sold on the Internet.

Our cat likes to eat Christmas Cactus. We got an indoor Scraminal unit. Works like a charm. Cat will not go near that area now.

Problem is any animal life will trigger it. And it is LOUD!

There is another type that, when triggered, attacks the animal with a stream of water.

But, again, it will attack any animal and people. Could go through a lot of water and get yorself soaked.

There are some powders that claim to work. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

Hope that gives you some ideas, if nothing else.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by frogger on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 7:19am.

Neighborhood Pests That Roam Free:

Pests That Chase Your Car:

Pests That Soil In Your Yard:
Relocate to owner's front door

hope this helps,


PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 8:48am.

That is most assuredly not an answer.

For every one pest you get rid of you will kill dozens of birds and other wild life.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

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