Read between the lines

The Caldwell and Furr blog brigade on this site is like Colonal Sanders watchin the chickin house,,,,,,

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Submitted by chipyoung on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 4:43pm.

Seems like Caldwell and Furr want to hide the real surveys from Shamrock Park,,,sounds like Dunn and the Sheriff again,,,This survey was meant to find out what ALL the citizens would like, not just the Grace and Gloria show,,,I bet most were filled out by the neighbor alliance group and some by legit citizens,,,so they need to provide the council will those surveys so they can really be looked at. I do agree with what was in the paper about the outcome,,,needs to be just a nice grassy park with see I am not such a bad person either,,,,

Submitted by Don Rehwaldt on Sun, 05/07/2006 - 9:16am.

I had to read cya1st's blog to realize that the writer's handle and his script is synonymous. "Cover your a--,1st. Good choice!

Submitted by did not know on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 7:30pm.

Everyone knows cya1st is you or your wife... the only people on this planet that could ever think you are right. Shall I remind you that all the survey sheets were put in a pile up at town hall and Judy Jefferson, Gloria, Barry Amos...etc were all there. You could have come to, it wasn't a secret. I could have come...anyone and everyone could knew about it. Bary Amos even tried, and did, disqualify some of the surveys because they had checks and not numbered 1-5. No one objected despite there was a lot of shoe leather used to get those. So you see, he wasn't really on the side of the surveyors. I will repeat to you, and maybe if I go slow will sink in. There was no big conspiracy....Once upon a time, 3 60ish women set out door to door to see what the...TAXPAYERS [do you remember those people?] wanted. The....taxpayer... were so touched, some of those joined in and helped...There was no Homeowners alliance out to get you, or no little green men, going door to door, just a bunch of nice people. I do believe I know what you are up to...that little postage stamp of ground up there that you are mudding up will be ...THE PARK...and you are hoping Greg Dunn and Lisa don't get reelected and you can polish you act and go back after Shamrock to build your library. This time try not to yawn in their faces so much like you did last time. That was...REALLY...STRANGE..and very distracting to everyone. Give up aint gonna happen, and give up on being reelected. I also want to remind you that you won by was it 18 or 20 votes...and your wife has never run ...against...anyone. Glora and Grace won by a landside...Now...let me help you..if all these people voted for them and you barely made it...don't you think you should shut up and quit looking so stupid. THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN...AND IT WASN'T FOR YOU!

Submitted by chipyoung on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 8:52pm.

Its not that hard to do what is right for the citizens,,,the problem is not too many of us vote or go to the meetings. The facts sure seem to get skewed during the process. the media is really bad about getting that facts straight,,guess they cannot sell papers that way. Just seems like some of the so called leaders of these groups are not in the real world. You have to look at all the facts and work together with everyone and hopefully you are able to do the right thing....problem is,,,you will can never make everyone happy. The recall on Sheryl was really just vendictive on several people, she should have sued everyone that signed that recall since it was thrown out of court,,just someone using the loopholes in the election laws to make a point,,there is the same reason that Grace and Gloria should be recalled, if you dont agree with their vote,,,this is the way we vote. I think they are doing an ok job so far, but the jury is still out...They do disagree with the status quo a lot, sometimes that is good, but to just put forward your personal agenda and trying to take all the credit for the Shamrock Park is not good either, Politics kills a lot of good will that people will do for the community over time,,people just get tired of the crap you have to put up with and just give up on a great project,,,The Shamrock park will get a good makeover soon, like the survey said just clean it up and use it for green space,,,put the library over at the rec building area and put that behind you and go on,,,I hope the citizens use the park when it gets finished. Well good luck on getting it done,,,

Submitted by did not know on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 10:21pm.

You are even worse than I ever gave you credit. Oh how we wilt when someone is on your tail. You can back off and pretend to be someone else, but no one would have made an argument for you, much less the lame one you just put up...this is the are whoooppped! Not by anyone but yourself. Don't open your mouth too much more and we will look over you...two...and not recall...but shut ...up! And quit insulting the best thing that has happened to this town in awhile.

Submitted by did not know on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 10:25pm.

just go away...I heard you like your home in Yankee land...give back to your people...they will respect your 'gift' more than we do. Go away..and take your tribe with one will protest...go away...

Submitted by did not know on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 10:30pm.

that Dunn and Wells know your plans as well as everyone here? I know you are taxed by the Delta thing....but if I were you...I would try to mend bridges at Delta/Song and leave the rest alone. You seem to be no more than a team leader of sorts at Song...worry about your new job if you get one, at Delta.

Submitted by Tracy Young on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 5:31pm.

They do not want to hide anything, they just dont want Smola to manipulate the date to suite his needs. In fact, Grace said she would give him the data and sent him an email saying she would. The downside of it all was that Smola doesnt want them now, for whatever reason.
The survery was filled out by many different citizens. The Alliance was used to help distribute the surveys. There are not 500+ members in that organization.
I never implied you were a bad person. I do disagree with you approach to debating an issue.

Submitted by Tracy Young on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 10:28am.

The main difference between my post and yours is that you do not have any facts. You are simply trying to debate the situation by attempting to minimize the citizens input. I pointed out serveral things that proves that Lee, Smola, and Letourneau do not care about Tyrone. If you dont agree, tell me why! Those 3 only care about their agenda and will do anything to develop Shamrock Park into the town's municipal complex.

Also, why dont you tell us who your are? I am not ashamed to tell you who I am. A healthy debate can only begin by knowing who you are.

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