County to consider Sheriff's new budget

Thu, 05/04/2006 - 4:20pm
By: John Thompson

Oh, what a difference a judge’s order can make.

Just hours after Judge William Ison ruled in the Sheriff’s favor, the County Commission started budget hearings Wednesday morning.

As the County Commission read the day’s paper and grumbled about headlines, Chairman Greg Dunn emphasized that Judge Ison also ruled the county did have the right to get rid of any property. In his order, Ison ruled the Sheriff’s Department does not have to go through the county for purchasing items or use the county’s shop for vehicle maintenance.

Traditionally, during the budget hearings, a representative from each of the five divisions of the Sheriff’s Department appears before the county Commission and requests that the division’s budget be approved.

But this year, only Wayne Hannah from the traffic division and Linda Jones from administration entered the conference room at Stonewall Avenue.

The County Commission has also decided to evaluate the Sheriff’s budget this year.

“Based on the judge’s ruling, it really doesn’t matter what we do,” said Commissioner Linda Wells.

On Monday morning, at 8:30 a.m., the commissioners will consider the sheriff’s department budget as a whole.

“We can just set amounts for items such as communications equipment and after it goes to him (Sheriff Randall Johnson) we have no control as to how it’s moved around,” Wells added.

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Submitted by Dalmation195 on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 6:42pm.

Come on guys, you need to get real! Why would we want any record of the cars that the drug task force uses to be anywhere near an open records act? Don't you guys realize that each time law enforcement comes up with a new way to stop crime, the criminals get more creative with ways to get away with it?

There are some items with in our local sheriff's department that need to be held close to the vest. For instance, undercover cars, and the cell phone bills of the very officers that are protecting us. Doesn't it make sense to you that enterprising people could use the law to their advantage? Why would we put ourselves in that position?

The upcoming budget hearings will be interesting. Watch carefully to see if the "Three Muskateers" try to retaliate against the sheriff's dept via the budget. It is now the only item that they can actually control in relation to the sheriff's dept. It is time for the BOC to grow up and do the business of the county and represent us in a dignified manner. In other words, it is time for some civility in our politics.

Come-on Greg, Linda, Peter, Herb and Robert, start to work together to do what is right.

Gotta go back to the beach!

Submitted by robert m on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 9:04pm.

dream that the "three musketeers" won't attempt to retaliate in allowing the sheriff's budget. These clowns should never be underestimated. Everything they do demostrates their unworthiness to represent the citizens of this great county in government.

Greg Dunn trying to salvage a wee victory from the judges ruling is comparable to a drowning man grasping for a straw. In stating that the county retains the right to dispose of assets in the custody of the sheriff he failed to tell you that funds from disposing of any assets acquired with federal or state drug money reverts back to the sheriff's account and control.

Everything they are doing now is out of desperation.

Submitted by sicktiredinfayette on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 2:04pm.

The Chairman has issued an imperial directive to have win and loss re-defined in all county purchased dictionaries. When you lose in court, you use the Fayette County edition of the dictionary to support the idea that you won. No matter how you spin it, DUNN LOST. He lost in the frivolous and expensive fight to limit our right to post political campaign signs and now lost the frivolous and expensive fight to make the sheriff identify to all drug dealers the make, model, and VIN number of the undercover cars he buys. Who would have thought that the sheriff with 25 plus years in office would have been right? Everyone except the Chairman and his minions, that’s who.

Please, please understand how very much is riding on the upcoming election. Chairman Dunn insists that all the fights he has started are for the best for the county taxpayers. If that is true, then why is it that the county taxpayers are the true clear losers? Even the Chairman can’t spin that one.

Submitted by Sailon on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 2:38pm.

Are you saying that dope dealers keep up with what cars serial numbers are (I don't know why they would want to get close enough to read those). We have professionals to buy things, not politicians, let them do it.

Submitted by justaskin on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 2:38pm.

This is quite and inflammatory statement. How are county records going to be made available to drug dealers etc? Is someone in the county giving out this information? If so, who would that be? How are county residents losers?

What is all this about a sign ordinance?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 7:05pm.

This is why we need the challengers to win. Get rid of these clowns - Dunn and Wells who are going to keep the sherriff case alive even after the judge has ruled. It is tedious. Just like the tedious people still fighting the civil war.

Vote 'em out. Anyone would be better.


Joey Jamokes's picture
Submitted by Joey Jamokes on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 8:35pm.

Well, Get Real, looks like Dunn & Co., are hardly gonna go the humble route. They are gonna hang on and try to Naturalize this into a victory. ("At least we still get to sell stuff ! ") No chance that they will be good losers, heed the judge and move on.

And Princess Wells ? She sounds whinier than Heather Locklear losing Richie....

Good suggestion by Mudcat though. Maybe Greg can get with the Rebel re-enactors and re-enact Judge Ison's ruling. You know--- the guys who do the Civil War battles over and over again like it might come out different.

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