High gas prices and Bush’s Texas oil buddies

Tue, 04/18/2006 - 4:47pm
By: Letters to the ...

I just filled up my vehicle this morning and I can only hope that some day the United States will become as smart as Brazil.

I saw a program on the Discovery Channel about Brazil being totally free of foreign oil. They don’t import one drop.

We could be that way also if Bush wasn’t kissing up to his rich Texas oil buddies.

I want to live to see the day when the U.S. is on methanol like Brazil, and all the oil company executives and their families are starving on the street corners.

I would tell you what I would say to them and where I would kick them, but I would be arrested. You will just have to use your own imagination.

James Bishop
Fayetteville, Ga.

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Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 4:19pm.

I've heard if you think it's hot and humid here, wait until you get there. Smiling As far as Ethonol, I can't wait. It costs more to ship/store and only has about 80% or less of the energy of a gallon gasoline. So you'll pay more for it and not go as far. Not the answer. Maybe fine for Brazil, but not for here.

I will say this, folks will be watching what they are driving and how far if gas keep climbing. It is still not quite at an all time high when adjusted for inflation.

Submitted by Islewood on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 4:53pm.

Ah,what a solution.

Submitted by 1bighammer on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 4:09pm.

NOT! Why can't people see that Bush doesn't control the oil problem. Is he friends with the oil company executives? Yes, I'm sure several of them are frinds or acquaintances of his. What does that matter? Can he say," Hey why don't you guys lower your prices, people sure would appreciate it", and it do any good? NO! Its all business, revenues and profits. What a buddy might have to say has no bearing at all!

Submitted by Islewood on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 4:39pm.

Oil, schmoil, I don’t think Bush can control anything. I bet the poor schlemiel even has to wear depends.

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