Pavilion - Target

eodnnaenaj1's picture

Anyone know why a crowd was gathered and several police cars blocking the drive at Target yesterday evening? Those who speak of the projects being one step closer - I too believe the projects are already here. It is a shame when we cannot go shopping in broad daylight.

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Submitted by Lawdawga on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 12:45pm.

Sorry, I don't know about all the ruckus at Target...but you are right on about one thing...the increase in the crime rate. I'm not naive enough to think that all crimes are created by non-whites, and acknowledge that some pretty heinous crimes have indeed been committed by whites. However, statistics clearly show that when what has been a primarily white neighborhood (or town) starts changing as more non-whites move in, the crime rate goes up. I know it is "politically incorrect" to make that statement, but it doesn't make it any less true. I knew that when the powers that be approved the Pavilion, the citizens living here in Fayette County were on the bottom of their list of concerns. All they could hear was "cha-ching" and think of the money. Greed is terrible corrupter, and it's tentacles seem to be growing. It does make me sad to see the County going so many others before it have done. When I first moved to Fayette County, I was sooooo relieved and felt so safe with no qualms whatsoever about going out at night. Now...I only go out to shop after dark when it is absolutely necessary. Just as Southlake was once a fantastic place to shop and browse around, day or night....I'm afraid it is a look into the future of what is going to happen here. And, with all the affirmative action laws in effect, the government sanctions it. Okay...I'll step down off my soap box now. You did make an excellent point.


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